This page contains information about the project summary - London Crime Reduction Board
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See the MOPC website for further information.
Project summary - London Crime Reduction Board
Project name:
London Crime Reduction Board
MPA lead officer: Jude Sequeira
Met Forward work strand: Met Partners
Project summary
A plethora of boards and programmes currently exist to deal with crime reduction issues and programmes in London. Met Forward set out a commitment to establish a board that would assist in the identification and development of shared priorities between partners working on crime reduction and to drive forward performance on crime reduction across London.
No single democratically-led board has oversight, nor a co-ordinating role over strategic, London-wide partnership activity in crime reduction currently. The proposal for a London Crime Reduction Board (LCRB) is to fill this gap but it will be careful not duplicate the work of other bodies.
Project objectives
- To set up the London Crime Reduction Board.
- To achieve partnership agreement to the terms of reference and development of the board.
- To communicate the development of the board to stakeholders.
- To ensure the delivery of key priorities as identified by the Board.
- To contribute to the delivery of the three key outcomes of Met Forward – fight crime and reduce criminality, increase confidence in policing and give us better value for money.
Authority’s role to deliver work strand
The MPA will work with partners to consult and scope the function of the board (March/April 2010). The MPA project lead will prepare for the inaugural meeting of the board in September and negotiate with members of the board an annual programme of meetings and its work plan.
The LCRB has a non-statutory basis and as such it has no formal powers to direct the work of any agency nor to hold partners to account. The board’s work will be delivered through engendering shared ownership for the agenda and through a continual process of negotiation and support. The MPA’s policing priorities as well as national performance indicators and local area priorities need to be taken into account when determining the board’s strategic priorities. There are a number of areas within the MPA affected by the creation of the board but which will also benefit from its creation. We will seek to ensure we capitalise on those opportunities.
What will success look like?
The MPA will have established a pan London Crime Reduction Board with the support and buy-in from a number of influential stakeholders including, London Councils, ministerial departments, the GLA and MPS. The board will agree and endorse a terms of reference to guide its work and develop a work plan that reflects the key and pressing pan London community safety issues.
Responsible MPA committee
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