This page contains information about the project summary - Policing Pledge
Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).
See the MOPC website for further information.
Project summary - Policing Pledge
Project name:
Policing Pledge
MPA Lead officer: Jane Owen
Met Forward work strand: Met Connect
Project summary
The ‘Policing Pledge: our promise to the public’, sets out what basic response standards the public can expect from the MPS. The MPA will monitor performance against these standards, encouraging and driving the Met to achieve, and then exceed, its targets wherever possible.
Work on delivering the Policing Pledge has already started. Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Policing (HMIC) has undertaken an inspection of how the MPS is performing. HMIC will be returning in September 2010 to review the MPS’s performance and ensure that the service improvements identified have been put in place.
Project objectives
The MPA will work with the MPS to:
- develop a performance framework for the Policing Pledge;
- oversee the implementation of the Policing Pledge through the Policing Pledge action plan;
- work with the MPS on areas of service failure; and
- develop an MPA lead ‘mystery shopping’ inspection scheme, in conjunction with MPS to monitor compliance with the Pledge commitments.
Correctly delivered by the MPS this work should contribute to the delivery of the three key outcomes of Met Forward – fight crime and reduce criminality, increase confidence in policing and give us better value for money;
Authority’s role to deliver work strand
The MPA will review the complaints system set up by MPS in March 2009 to monitor fluctuations in figures and ensure action is taken to reduce the numbers and types of complaints made. The MPA will oversee the MPS to ensure it is implementing the recommendations from the HMIC Inspection in September 2009 and ensure they are prepared for when HMIC return in September 2010 to review progress.
The MPA will develop its mystery shopping scheme and will inform the MPS of findings to improve service delivery.
MPA members will be supported to oversee and scrutinise performance through regular performance updates presented by the MPS to the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee.
What will success look like?
There will be a robust performance framework in place to actively monitor the delivery of the Policing Pledge. Where areas of improvements are identified, swift action will be taken to improve service delivery. The MPS will have delivered on each of its Police Pledge commitments, ensuring the Londoners are getting the quality of service they expect.
Responsible MPA committee
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