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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Terms of reference of the Metropolitan Police Authority, its committees and sub-committees

Part B of Standing Orders

General note

1. This document sets out the role of the Metropolitan Police Authority, the powers and duties it has delegated to committees and those further delegated by committees to sub-committees. The functions and duties that follow are supplementary to and do not override any duties imposed by the MPA’s Standing Orders. In carrying out their responsibilities, all committees shall have due regard to equal opportunities generally, the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and the requirements of any other equalities legislation.

2. A committee can take decisions on matters contained in its terms of reference unless the matter is reserved for decision by the full Authority on the recommendation of that committee.

3. A sub-committee can take decisions on matters contained in its terms of reference unless the matter is reserved for decision by the parent committee on the recommendation of that sub-committee.

4. Because a sub-committee’s powers are delegated to it by the parent committee, they are by implication included in the parent committee’s terms of reference even when they are not specifically mentioned there.

5. All the formal bodies referred to in these terms of reference are open to the press and public unless “exempt” or confidential information is being discussed (as defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended). The other provisions of the Access to Information legislation also apply. Those bodies, which are informal sub-groups with no executive powers, are not open to the public.

6. The Access to Information legislation sets out the statutory deadlines by which public committee reports must be made available. However, as also provided for by that legislation, the Authority, committees and sub-committees are able to consider urgent matters relevant to their terms of reference within those deadlines where the relevant Chairman agrees that this is necessary. The reason for urgency will be recorded in the minutes of that meeting.

7. Membership of committees is decided each year at the Authority’s Annual General Meeting usually in June. The Authority’s Chairman and Deputy Chairmen are ex-officio members of every committee and sub-committee. This means that (unless they are members of the committee in their own right) they can attend and speak but cannot vote or count towards a quorum..

These terms of reference were agreed by the full Authority on: 24 September 2009 and 29 October 2009

The full Authority

The full Authority has overall responsibility for the discharge of the Metropolitan Police Authority’s powers and duties and has a statutory duty to ‘maintain an efficient and effective police force’.

Many of the Authority’s responsibilities are delegated to committees, which report to the Authority on a regular basis on their work, either for information or where an Authority decision is required.

The full Authority reserves to itself major policy and financial decisions and other decisions which cannot be delegated. These include:

  • approving the annual Policing Plan, on recommendation from the Strategic & Operational Policing Committee
  • approval of the Authority’s budget for submission to the Mayor
  • consideration of the external auditor’s annual management letter and any recommendations made by the Corporate Governance Committee.
  • receiving the Authority’s annual accounts.
  • in accordance with the MPA/MPS protocol (see Appendix 1of Scheme of Delegation) on high profile and sensitive cases, to consider those cases which require an Authority decision to settle a claim for compensation. Where this is not possible, because of time constraints, the decision is delegated to the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee or will be taken under the urgency procedure as appropriate
  • the appointment of committees and their membership, including co-opted members (although a committee can delegate some of its responsibilities to a sub-committee and is also responsible for appointing to that sub-committee)
  • approving any changes to Standing Orders
  • In accordance with Standing Order Part A – 6.1 Urgency Powers to deal with any urgent matters that cannot be dealt with by other committees
  • Contribute to the MPA’s statutory duty to monitor MPS compliance with the Human Rights Act 1998.

There is also provision in Standing Orders (3.1.2) for the Authority Chairman or for any three members to ‘call in’ a committee decision. This has the effect of suspending that decision until the full Authority has had the opportunity to decide whether it wishes to call in the decision and, if it does, whether to confirm or change the committee decision. Standing Orders set out this process in full.

The terms of reference of the committees etc set up by the Authority to discharge appropriate functions are set out below.

Strategic and Operational Policing Committee

The Committee is responsible for:

  • the MPA’s oversight and approval of strategic operational policing policy / priorities and the business change that supports this
  • at the strategic level ensuring that this policy and planning results in improved operational performance and productivity
  • ensuring that the MPA is effective and outcome-focused in discharging its responsibilities, for example through its business plan and scrutiny programme
  • The MPA’s statutory responsibilities for professional standards, including dealing with complaints against ACPO rank officers
  • dealing with urgent business or matters that do not come within the terms of reference of other committees.

1. To oversee and approve MPS operational policing policy and business change at the strategic level, including working with the Commissioner to develop and consult on the Policing Plan.

2. In liaison with the Finance and Resources Committee, to develop an approach that achieves better integration between the MPA /MPS policing and financial plans.

3. To liaise with the Communities, Equalities and People Committee so that issues and priorities identified through that committee’s community engagement / consultation activities can be taken account of in the development of strategic policies and plans.

4. To ensure that MPS policy, planning and business change results in improved operational performance and productivity in respect of key priorities and targets and that risks that might adversely affect this are actively managed, working with the Corporate Governance Committee as appropriate.

5. To identify and be responsible for the Authority’s response in respect of crosscutting issues, such as the 2012 London Olympics and counter-terrorism. The committee will liaise with the Finance and Resources Committee in relation to the financial planning for the 2012 Olympics.

6. In consultation with other committees as appropriate, to develop the Authority’s corporate strategy and business plan (for approval by the full Authority) and to monitor implementation and the effectiveness of outcomes.

7. To satisfy the Authority’s statutory duty to monitor MPS complaints procedures.

8. To exercise the Authority’s responsibilities in respect of reports, allegations or complaints against ACPO rank police officers, in accordance with the appropriate regulations.

9. To consider high profile and sensitive cases in line with the MPA/MPS protocol. Where a claim for compensation has been made, the Committee will:

  1. receive a quarterly information report on compensation cases settled by the Commissioner; and
  2. consider, for recommendation to the Authority, those cases, which require a decision by the Authority to settle a claim for compensation. (However, where a decision cannot wait for the next meeting of the Authority, the Committee is authorised to agree terms for a settlement).

10. To agree financial settlements in relation to Employment Tribunals and grievances.

11. To consider any matters relating to Police Appeal Tribunals and to arrange for the appointment of Authority Members to serve on Tribunals as and when required.

12. To consider and recommend to the Authority a rolling scrutiny / service review programme. This will include agreeing:

  • project scope
  • budget
  • membership
  • timescale

13. The committee may make decisions where:

  • an issue is of relevance to more than one committee
  • is not included in the terms of reference of any other committee and does not require a decision by the full Authority
  • a decision is required urgently before the next meeting of the appropriate body.

14. Contribute to the MPA’s statutory duty to monitor MPS compliance with the Human Rights Act 1998

Policing Performance


  1. To consider and monitor performance against the Policing Plan targets and any performance indicators set locally or by external organisations. In doing so, the committee will consider performance at both a corporate and borough level in order to identify best practice;
  2. To consider and monitor MPS performance in relation to priority business areas
  3. To advise on the setting of relevant performance indicators and targets in annual plans and corporate strategies

15. Working with the Commissioner and the Strategic & Operational Policing Committee, to prepare and recommend to the Authority an annual policing and performance plan.

16. To lead on the production of the Authority’s annual report and any joint annual report prepared in conjunction with the MPS.

17. To consider issues relating to criminal justice performance

18. To be responsible for the Authority’s press and public relations strategy and activities.

19. To ensure that the MPA engages in and influences national police reform issues.

20. To have due regard in exercising the committee’s responsibilities to equal opportunities generally, the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and the requirements of other equalities legislation.

Counter-Terrorism and Protective Services Sub-committee

1. To ensure effective MPA oversight of MPS CT activity including the co-ordination of CT activity across MPS business groups

2. To consider progress against national/international counter terrorism responsibilities and also the related responsibilities and duties under specialist crime Directorate

3. To consider areas of protective service policing that require Members to be higher vetted.

4. To work with the MPS to ensure improved transparency to the delivery of CT activity (as far as is practicable), and to improve the mechanisms in place to engage effectively with London’s diverse communities

5. To ensure effective governance arrangements are established between ACPO(TAM) and the MPS

6. To ensure the MPS is making the most effective, efficient and cost conscious use of resources (staff, money, IT etc.)

7. To monitor progress against the four CONTEST strands

8. To consider the work of the APA joint CTU oversight group, the implications for the MPA/MPS and how this might be taken forward.

Olympics and Paralympics Sub-committee

1. Oversee the planning, development and implementation of the policing arrangements for the Olympic and Paralympic Games with a view to ensuring that the Games take place safely and securely and that Londoners and those visiting London for the Games are appropriately protected during and in the run up to the Games.

2. Take steps to ensure that preparations for the 2012 Olympics do not have an adverse impact on delivering the MPA/MPS key strategic objectives in the run up to the 2012 Olympics, and that other public order events taking place in 2012 are not compromised.

3. Scrutinise the financial arrangements supporting the programme ensuring that at all times agreed MPA budgets are strictly adhered to. Advise finance and resources committee and full authority as appropriate. Where an urgent decision is required the Chief Executive in consultation with the Chair of Finance and Resources Committee and the Chair of the Olympics Sub Committee have delegated authority to approve the business case for submission to the Home Office. Their decision and associated papers will be reported retrospectively to the next Olympics Sub Committee and Finance and Resources Committee Ensure compliance with relevant MPS policy and process (e.g. procurement) on those elements of the budget directly within the control of the MPA

4. Scrutinise the financial arrangements supporting the programme ensuring that at all times agreed MPA budgets are strictly adhered to. Advise finance and resources committee and full authority as appropriate. Ensure compliance with relevant MPS policy and process (e.g. procurement) on those elements of the budget directly within the control of the MPA

5. Ensure the MPS is developing comprehensive plans to address the Olympics legacy, including estates, personnel and skills, and that these plans are being monitored.

6. Ensure that the MPS and its partners are developing and implementing an effective Olympics community engagement strategy that is properly co-ordinated and consistent with the engagement strategy of the MPA's Community, Equalities and People Committee.

7. Oversee the effective integration of equality and diversity work within the MPS Olympic programme, including ensuring that the MPS meets its statutory responsibilities under anti-discrimination legislation.

Professional Standards Cases Sub-committee

Police Pensions Forfeiture

1. To determine whether forfeiture of a police officer’s pension should be considered because he or she has been convicted of an offence committed in connection with his/her service as a member of the police force which the Home Secretary may certify as either having been gravely injurious to the interests of the State or liable to lead to serious loss of confidence in the public service.

2. In the event of the Home Secretary issuing a certificate of forfeiture, to determine the proportion, if any, of the pension which may be forfeited permanently or temporarily.

Senior Officer Conduct

3. To investigate and deal with any allegations, report and complaints about the conduct of officers of ACPO rank in accordance with appropriate regulations.

4. To consider all matters relating to discipline against ACPO rank officers, within police regulations.

Business Interest

5. To exercise the Authority’s function in relation to business interests, including applications and requests for reconsideration from senior officers, and appeals from officers.

 Dip Sampling

6. To exercise the functions of the Authority in relation to reviewing the quality assurance processes of the MPS complaint and conduct process in relation to officers, including all matters around dip sampling of MPS closed complaint and conduct files.

 Equality and diversity

7. To have due regard in exercising the Sub-Committee’s responsibilities to equal opportunities generally, and the general duty of the Equality Act 2010.

Finance and Resources Committee

The Committee is responsible for:

  • oversight and management of the capital and revenue budgets and other resources such as estates and ISIT
  • monitoring policing performance against policing plan and other targets
  • achieving an integrated approach to the development of policing and financial plans


1. To consider and recommend to the Authority:

  1. a medium term financial strategy
  2. the annual revenue and capital budgets for submission to the Mayor.

2. To receive regular monitoring reports from the Treasurer and Commissioner on revenue and capital budget performance.

3. To consider and review the Authority’s financial reserves.

4. To consider and approve major revenue business cases. However, where the committee considers major policy or significant additional or reduced expenditure is involved the committee may make recommendations to the Authority for decision.

5. To consider and approve, or recommend to the Authority, major capital programme scheme financial appraisals, justifications and briefs.

6. To consider and award, or recommend to the Authority, major procurement contracts as detailed in financial and procurement regulations.

7. To consider, either directly or by reference from other committees, any policy proposals with significant financial implications.

8. To approve the Authority’s annual Treasury Management policy and strategy, and to receive reports on performance.

9. To consider and determine issues in respect of the MPA estate and other resource issues.

10. To consider financial and strategic issues relating to the provision of information systems and information technology.

Performance and Resources

11. In liaison with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee, to develop an approach that achieves better integration between the MPA /MPS policing and financial plans.

Equality and diversity

12. To have due regard, in exercising the committee’s responsibilities, to equal opportunities generally, the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and the requirements of any other equalities legislation.

13. Contribute to the MPA’s statutory duty to monitor MPS compliance with the Human Rights Act 1998

Resources and Productivity Sub-committee

Resources issues

1. In relation to procurement exercises, to consider and make recommendations to the Finance & Resources Committee on business cases and the subsequent award of contract following tendering when the total value is greater than £5M and less than £35M . Any contract considered by either the Treasurer, Chair of Finance and Resources Committee or Resources and Productivity Sub Committee to raise questions of principle of financial policy, possess unusual features, involve particular risks or which might arouse particular public interest or publicity would need to be referred to Finance and Resources Committee for consideration.

2. To consider and make recommendations to the Finance & Resources Committee in respect of proposed land and property transactions (acquisition and disposal) above £1m in value

3. To monitor, scrutinise and review (on a programme board basis if required):

  • The estates strategy and supporting documents
  • Whether the planned disposal programme is generating receipts in line with approved budget
  • Progress of the capital programme, including Property Services and Department of Information, and the development of MPS performance management frameworks
  • The procurement strategy, including the implementation of responsible procurement
  • The IS/IT Strategy and major IS/IT projects
  • The MPS Service Improvement Programme

4. To develop compliance and governance frameworks for procurement activity throughout the MPS

5. To review and scrutinise any annual budget growth and reduction proposals

6. To receive and review the MPS Treasury Management report on a quarterly basis

7. To ensure efficient communication of appropriate resource issues within and across the MPA/MPS

Productivity and Performance issues

1. To consider how to progress the parent committee’s responsibility for integrating policing and financial planning

2. To oversee MPS resource management in order to maximise the efficient and effective use of resources to deliver strategic priorities and to ensure efficient communication of these objectives within the MPA/MPS. In doing so, the sub-committee will:

  • Agree, develop and monitor a programme of scrutiny work to be carried out by the MPS
  • Undertake oversight of resource usage, considering different methodologies to improve the leverage of strategic resources, productivity and efficiencies, including the use of zero based budgeting and benchmarking as necessary
  • Review and develop the mainstreaming of productivity within the MPS including the development of relevant productivity measures
  • Review and encourage the development of an operational policing measure which can identify front line deployable hours and measure changes in this over time
  • Encourage and extend the use of business cases and their increased transparency, particularly the measurement of benefits delivery
  • Identify and oversee value for money exercises in the MPS
  • Review and scrutinise the development of output based costing measures, including activity based costing (ABC) or any replacement to ABC

Communities, Equalities and People Committee

The Committee is responsible for:

  • MPS human resources (HR) policies and strategies.
  • matters relating to equal opportunities and diversity within the MPS and the MPA.
  • the MPA and MPS’s statutory consultation and community engagement duties.
  • the MPA and MPS’s statutory partnership duties.


1. To consider and take any necessary decisions on matters relating to MPS HR policy and strategy, including:

  1. workforce modernisation
  2. the HR Strategy and annual business plan
  3. pay strategy
  4. recruitment and retention issues
  5. training and development (including the Annual Costed Training Plan)
  6. national issues, including implementation of Police Negotiating Board agreements.

2. To arrange for the selection of Association of Chief Police Officer (ACPO) ranks, subject to police regulations and/or Home Office determinations. p>

Equality and diversity

3.3. To lead on all issues relating to equal opportunities and diversity within the MPS and the MPA, including:

  1. ensuring that the MPA meets its statutory responsibilities under equalities legislation
  2. monitoring the MPS’s response to equalities legislation
  3. reviewing and scrutinising MPS performance on equality and diversity issues against agreed targets and policing plan objectives

4. Advising other MPA committees on equality and diversity issues relevant to their responsibilities. /p>

Community Engagement and Citizen Focush3>

5. 5. To ensure the effective discharge of the Authority’s statutory consultative, community engagement and partnership responsibilities, including:

  1. the implementation and review of the MPA/MPS Community Engagement Commitment
  2. oversight of the MPS’s Citizen Focus programme and strategies
  3. monitoring and reviewing how the MPA undertakes its statutory duties as a responsible authority of borough Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs)
  4. the development and delivery of borough based community engagement (including MPA funded community engagement work and Safer Neighbourhood Panels)
  5. pan London community engagement and partnership initiatives, including the Hate Crime Forum and Domestic and Sexual Violence Board
  6. the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme in respect of the community engagement and citizen focus aspects (in conjunction with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee)
  7. the implementation of stop and search in respect of the community engagement and citizen focus aspects (in conjunction with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee).

6. To liaise with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee so that issues and priorities identified through this committee’s community engagement / consultation activities can be taken account of in the development of strategic policies and plans.

7. To monitor and review the development and delivery of the Met Forward work strands allocated to the Communities, Equalities and People Committee, against the three key delivery outcomes of reducing crime and criminality, increasing confidence in policing and delivering better value for money.

88. Contribute to the MPA’s statutory duty to monitor MPS compliance with the Human Rights Act 1998

Citizen Focus and Community Engagement Sub-committee/h2>

1. T1. To lead on issues related to the MPA’s statutory community engagement and partnership duties and the MPS’s citizen focus policies and strategies:

  1. To contribute to national policy development, national events or Association of Police Authority networks or initiatives in relation to community engagement, partnerships and citizen focus
  2. To monitor and review the implementation of the MPA/MPS community engagement commitment
  3. To monitor and review the development and delivery of borough-based community engagement (including MPA funded community engagement work and Safer Neighbourhood Panels)
  4. To monitor and review the MPA undertaking of its duties as a responsible authority of the Community Safety Partnerships of London
  5. To monitor and review the implementation of the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme
  6. To monitor and review the implementation of stop and search policy
  7. To inform and assist other MPA committees on community engagement issues of relevance to their responsibilities and identify best practice for wider dissemination
  8. Provide advice to the Authority and MPS staff in developing and managing the community engagement work stream
  9. To develop an annual work plan for approval by the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.

Human Resources and Remuneration Sub-committee

1. The sub-committee will consider and take any necessary decisions on matters relating to:

  1. Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)
    To be responsible for all ACPO human resources issues, excluding conduct and performance
  2. Senior Police Staff
    To be responsible for all Senior Police Staff human resources issues (unless otherwise covered by protocols with the MPS), excluding conduct and performance.
  3. Senior MPA staff
    In consultation with the Chair or Vice Chair of the Authority, to be responsible for all senior MPA staff human resources issues, including matters related to the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Treasurer and Director of Audit, Risk and Assurance (DARA).
  4. To monitor MPS activity in relation to human resources issues in the MPS and activities referred to it by the parent committee.

2. To consider any relevant matters in respect of all national Human Resources issues and activities referred to it by the parent committee.

3. Through delegated authority from the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chair of the Authority and the Chair of the HR and Remuneration sub-committee, to agree, in cases of urgency, any HR issues in respect of individual ACPO officers, senior MPS police staff or senior MPA staff.

4. To develop an annual work plan for approval by the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.

Equality and Diversity Sub-committee

1. To lead on all issues relating to equal opportunities and diversity within the MPS and the MPA:

  • To monitor the implementation of the MPA and MPS generic equality schemes
  • To approve the MPA’s annual equal opportunities and diversity work programme
  • To consider and advise on the equalities and diversity implications of major policy proposals and initiatives
  • To keep under review the MPA and MPS equal opportunities statement and the strategies, which translate this into practice

2. To review and scrutinise MPS performance data on diversity issues, including trends and performance against policing plan objectives.

3. To propose the development of performance indicators and target setting in relation to diversity issues.

4. To consider areas of diversity where new or improved performance monitoring is required.

5. To co-ordinate action on issues arising from relevant inquiries and investigations (i.e. Stephen Lawrence Inquiry; Morris Inquiry and MPA Scrutiny reports).

6. To assist other MPA committees on equalities and diversity issues of relevance to their responsibilities.

7. To propose to the Communities, Equalities and People Committee at least one review of the MPS diversity strategy or other relevant issues annually, depending on the staffing resources available. These reviews could range from a formal scrutiny to one or more themed meetings on a particular subject.

8. To monitor and review the MPS and MPA annual diversity budgets to ensure efficiency of spend against performance and to respond to the budget requirements of the Mayor’s Office.

9. To develop an annual work plan for approval by the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.

Corporate Governance Committee

The Committee is responsible for enhancing public trust and confidence in the governance of the MPA and the MPS, which is achieved by:

  • providing independent assurance on the adequacy of the risk management framework and the internal control environment
  • independent scrutiny of the organisation’s financial and non-financial performance to the extent that it affects the MPA and MPS exposure to risks and weakens the control environment
  • overseeing the financial reporting process

Internal Control Environment

1. To satisfy itself as to the effectiveness of the internal control system in operation within the MPA and MPS.

2. To consider and approve an annual governance statement for publication with the Authority’s annual accounts, together with associated action plans for addressing areas of improvement.

Internal Audit

3. To advise the Authority on the appropriate arrangements for internal audit and approve the MPA Internal Audit Strategy

4. To approve the Internal Audit Annual Programme

5. To oversee the provision of an adequate and effective internal audit; to receive progress reports on the internal audit work plan and to ensure appropriate action is taken, particularly in areas of high risk.

6. To consider the Director of Internal Audit’s Annual Report and annual opinion on the internal control environment; ensuring appropriate action is taken to address any areas for improvement.

7. To 7. To review the Authority’s policies on fraud, irregularity and corruption and to monitor the effectiveness of such policies.

External Audit

8. To advise the Authority on the appointment of external auditors.

9. To approve external audit programme and associated fees.

10. To review the external auditor’s Annual Governance Report and any other reports and to report on these to the Authority as appropriate, including the implementation of agreed recommendations.

11. To review the Authority’s annual accounts and to make recommendations as appropriate to the Authority.

12. To consider significant accounting policies and any changes to them.

13. Co13. Contribute to the MPA’s statutory duty to monitor MPS compliance with the Human Rights Act 1998


14. To consider HMIC and any internal inspection report that may highlight MPA or MPS exposure to risks which may lead to weakening the control environment.

Corporate Risk Management

15. To consider the financial risks to which the Authority is exposed and to approve measures to reduce or eliminate them or to insure against them.

16. To approve the corporate risk management strategy and framework; ensuring that appropriate systems are in place for assessing and managing key risks to the Authority and the Service.

17. To consider proposed corporate programmes of risk management activity and receive reports monitoring progress, including business continuity and disaster recovery.

Safety and Health and Occupational Health

18. To agree the MPS priorities for safety and health and its strategy.

19. Oversight of the MPS’s occupational health strategies and their relationship with safety and health issues.

20. To satisfy itself, on behalf of the MPA, that the MPS discharges its legal duties in relation to health and safety matters with particular regard to the safety, health and welfare of police officers and police staff, people in the care and custody of the MPS, and all members of the public on police premises or property.

21. To satisfy itself, on behalf of the MPA, that the MPS and MPA has in place appropriate health and safety, management systems, arrangements and procedures both to meet legal requirements and to assess and control risks and if required to report annually to the full Authority on performance and compliance.

22. To review, and exceptionally to request, the carrying out of audits and reviews of health and safety management systems, policies, arrangements and procedures, as necessary, and to review progress with the implementation of recommendations arising from such audits.

23. To provide a conduit for the expression of health and safety concerns.

24. An24. An annual report shall be submitted to the Corporate Governance Committee on the operation of the urgency procedure

Standards Committee

1. To promote and maintain high standards of conduct by members of the Authority.

2. To advise the Authority on the adoption or revision of its code of conduct and to monitor the operation of this code.

3. To assist members in observing the code of conduct, including arrangements for training on matters relating to the code of conduct.

4. To establish sub-committees under regulation 6 of the Standards Committee (England) Regulations 2008/1085 (“the Regulations”) for the discharge of functions under s 57A and 57B of the 2000 Act, and regulations 18-20 of the Regulations; and to determine, or make arrangements for determining, the composition, membership and terms of reference of such sub-committees.

6. To discharge as a full committee the functions contained regulations 18-20 of the Regulations where the full committee decides that such functions should not be discharged by a sub-committee established under (4) above.

7. To discharge as a full committee the functions contained in regulation 17 of the Regulations; and, where considered appropriate by the full committee, to establish a sub-committee (and agree its composition, membership and terms of reference) to discharge such functions.

8. Subject to 5 and 6 above, to discharge or make arrangements for discharging any of the functions conferred upon the Committee under the Regulations and associated, relevant provisions of Part III of the 2000 Act.

8. In accordance with any statutory requirements, to monitor and advise the Authority on compliance with the requirements for registration of member interests and registers of gifts and hospitality.

9. To m9. To monitor the Authority’s performance in meeting its obligations under the Freedom of Information Act.

10. To consider and determine requests to grant a member a dispensation in the following circumstances:

  1. The transaction of business of the Authority would, on each occasion on which the dispensation would apply, otherwise be impeded by, or as a result of, the mandatory provisions because
    1. The number of members of the Authority that are prohibited from participating in the business of the Authority exceeds 50% of those members that are entitled or required to so participate; or
    2. The Authority is not able to comply with any duty which applies to it under section 15 (4) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989;
  2. The member has submitted to the Standards Committee a written request for a dispensation explaining why it is desirable;
  3. Unless the Committee has specified a shorter duration, any dispensation so granted shall lapse after four years.

11. Under Section 3A of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 as amended by section 202 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in health Act 2007, to consider applications from MPA staff (including police staff) for the post held by them to be exempted from the list of politically restricted posts held by the MPA.

12. To have due regard, in exercising the committee’s responsibilities, to equal opportunities generally, the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and the requirements of any other equalities legislation.

The following Panels/Forums are not subject to Access to information legislation.

Civil LCivil Liberties Panel

The Panel will be convened to consider issues on a priority basis as directed by the MPA. It will be a standing panel, and will meet as the need arises.

1. Develop an ongoing understanding of civil liberties and human rights and the consequences this has for policing in relation to all the areas considered by this panel.

2. The Panel may investigate any topics which in their view are relevant to Civil Liberties

3. Within each area of review, develop a clear understanding of the full range of policies and tactics, including training, supervision and communication; the situations within which various tactics are deployed and how decisions about proportionality are made. The Panel will consider the wider impact of these on civil liberties and human rights.

4. Scrutinise the MPS’s work to retain public trust and confidence in balancing civil liberties with the need to maintain public safety and public order through proportionate policing. This should include scrutinising how the MPS communicates with the public, key stakeholders and the MPA.

5. The Panel will consider how lessons learned from previous investigations impact on current MPS practice, training regimes and organisational culture.

6. Understand the potential equalities and diversity issues arising out of all areas of service delivery being addressed by this panel.

7. Engage with the MPS, the public, relevant groups and civil liberty and human rights organisations to ensure that Members gain a comprehensive understanding of the issues involved.

8. The monitoring of the implementation of any recommendations by this Panel and any other relevant reviews (e.g. the HMIC review of G20 and public order) on behalf of the Authority may be undertaken by the Panel or another MPA committee as appropriate.

9. Provide regular reports to Full Authority and other committees where relevant, updating them on the progress being made against the panel’s work programme and make recommendations to the Authority and the MPS.

Appointments Panels

1. The Authority is responsible for the appointment of MPS ACPO officers (but not the final appointment decision in respect of the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner), and MPA senior officers. An Appointment Panel consisting of Members of the Authority is responsible for making these appointments.

2. The Chief Executive has delegated power to determine the size and composition of the panel on each occasion, except that the Full Authority will determine the size and composition of any panel convened to formulate the MPA's recommendations to the Home Secretary in relation to the appointment of the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner.

Authority Business Managements – Business Management Group (BMG)

The expectation is that Committee Chairmen will work closely with the Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Authority to ensure effective co-ordination and planning of the Authority’s business. Although not part of the Authority’s formal committee structure, arrangements will be made for regular meetings to facilitate this.

1. To take a forward look at strategic issues with implications for the MPA or MPS and to give guidance to the officers to ensure that the MPA can be proactive in its response. Where formal decisions are required BMG will identify how the matter is to be progressed.

2. To consider reports from the officers on significant risks facing the Authority.

3. To r3. To receive regular updates from the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team on the MPA’s Corporate Strategy and Work Plan.

4. To consider full Authority and committee work plans at the start of each year and then to review them on a regular basis with the aim of ensuring that:

  • the work plans address corporate priorities
  • duplication between committees is minimised

5. To carry out the “sounding board” function in terms of enabling the Commissioner or his representatives to discuss with members proposals relating to:

  • MPS strategic leadership and governance issues including, for instance, the number and distribution of work portfolios
  • ACPO rank and senior police staff postings
  • Borough commander vacancies and postings

Hate Crime Forum

1. The Responsibilities of the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA)

1.1 The MPA’s overarching duties are to:

i. improve the operational performance of the MPS
ii. transform community engagement to help Londoners secure more responsive policingi. work with the MPS to achieve cultural change throughout the service so that everyone in London can gain and retain confidence in policing
iv. drive the MPS to make the most effective, efficient and cost conscious use of all its resources

1.1. The members of the MPA are supported in achieving these duties by forums and other groups which are established by the MPA from time to time to monitor, review and advise on particular areas of special concern.

1.2. Such1.2. Such a forum is the Hate Crime Forum; which undertakes its work (as detailed below) at the request of the MPA and reports on its work and issues of concern to the Community Equalities and People Committee of the MPA.

2. The Purpose of the Group

2.1 The MPA Hate Crime Forum has been established to:

  1. Monitor and review the work of the Metropolitan Police Service in tackling and reducing hate crime and in supporting the victims of those crimes.
  2. Ensure that all diversity strands are included as part of its on-going scrutiny.
  3. Seek to improve the work through the review of good practice of other police authorities, police services and their partners and advise on the improvement of the effectiveness with which the MPS responds to hate crimes.
  4. Seek to improve the victim/witness experience of reporting hate crimes
  5. Seek to improve the coordination and partnership arrangements between the MPS and key agencies responsible for supporting hate crime victims and dealing with perpetrators.
  6. Ensure consistency of service delivery across all London boroughs
  7. Make recommendations for the improvement of MPS work on all of the above and on all matters related to the effective policing and community safety in the area of hate crime
  8. Identify ways in which effective working on Hate Crime issues improves community confidence and satisfaction with policing and local authority crime and disorder reduction.

3. Membership of the Forum and its Reference Group

3.1 The Forum will consist of the following core members/agencies:

  • 2 members of the MPA (who will act as chair and deputy chair)
  • Age Concern
  • A representative from GALOP
  • A representative from Mind
  • A representative from the London Gypsy and Traveller Unit
  • A representative from Disability Independent Advisory Group
  • A representative from London Councils
  • A representative from Muslim Safety Forum
  • A representative of the Community Safety Trust (CST)
  • A representative from London Criminal Justice Board
  • A representative from Monitoring Group

3.2 The Forum will be advised from time to time by a Reference Group. This group will be called upon for expert advice to assist the Forum in its work. The group will consist of representatives from the following organisations plus others which may be identified in the future:

  • The Equality Commission for Human Rights
  • The Home Office
  • Race on the Agenda (ROTA)
  • The Refugee Council
  • Stonewall

4. Frequency and content of Meetings

4.1 The Forum will meet publicly on a quarterly basis and will be chaired by a member of the MPA. They will be supported by officers of the MPA. Each meeting will have a set agenda of topics drawn from the following:

  1. Review of MPS hate crime statistics for the previous quarter.
  2. Reports commissioned from the MPA and others on matters related to MPS work on hate crime.
  3. A themed issue per meeting
  4. Topical Issues/Concerns
  5. Third Party Reporting of Hate Crime
  6. Development and Implementation of the Hate Crime Forum Workplan

Estates Panel

The Finance and Resources Committee agreed (in October 2008) that a member led panel would (a) undertake further consultation of the citizen/public facing estate (b) carry out a review of the Estates Strategy and supporting documents. he review will be led by a member panel but will be supported by officers from the Authority and Service where appropriate.

There areThere are two parts to the review; one aspect concentrating on consultation and the other concerned with the review of the estate strategy.

Additional consultation of public/citizen facing estate


To draw on the results of the previous consultation process, identifying those boroughs where further consultation of the public/citizen facing estate is required and ascertain how best to consult with these boroughs and engage with the communities.

Establish how best to communicate the policing model to the remaining boroughs to ensure there is a clear understanding of its objectives.

To decide on the timeframe within which the additional consultation will be undertaken and provide clear direction and leadership throughout the consultation exercise. Analyse the consultation results reporting back to Finance and Resources Committee in spring 2009.

Formulate Formulate a consultation strategy for the period 2009 onwards.


The approach will be to use a mix of research, review of relevant documentation, including earlier MPA committee reports, visits to appropriate facilities and evidence gathering from appropriate ‘witnesses’ at panel meetings. In addition further consultation will be undertaken with stakeholders. Other methods may be used if considered appropriate by panel members.

Suggested contributors include:

Borough Commanders (from relevant boroughs)
Key stakeholders (from relevant boroughs)
Front line representatives
Borough and Engagement Team representative
Territorial Policing representative
Property Services Department representative
Consultation specialist
Audit Commission

Review of Estate Strategy


Review and as appropriate, lead on the development of a revised estate strategy and supporting documents, which reflects the outcomes of the consultation undertaken in regard to the public/citizen facing elements of the estate.

To ensure the revised strategy:

  • Supports the Authority and Service in achieving their corporate objectives
  • Reflects best practice
  • Encompasses all aspects of the estate
  • Enables the Service to be properly held to account both by the Authority and other stakeholders
  • Reflects current policy

Consider the opportunities presented by working in partnership with other organisations.

Review the existing disposals policy for both the operational and residential estate.

Review Review the existing strategy & supporting documents to ensure they are in line with MET Forward

Consider whether there are further options for maximising efficiency of the estate. p>

Presentation of a consolidated estates strategy to Finance and Resources Committee in 2009.

MPA Domestic and Sexual Violence Board

The Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) Domestic Violence Board is being expanded to include sexual violence and will be a Domestic and Sexual Violence Board ef="#fn001">[1]. The Board aims to monitor, scrutinise and support the MPS in its performance and response to domestic and sexual violence. The Board will aim to secure continuous improvement in the MPS’ response and disseminate best practice and innovation across the 32 Borough Operational Command Units (BOCUs).


  To lead on the effective monitoring, scrutiny and support of the MPS in its response to domestic and sexual violence on behalf of the Communities Equalities and People (CEP) Committee.

  • To secure continuous improvement in the MPS response to domestic and sexual violence by ensuring a consistent and structured follow-up of actions.
  • To robustly and effectively address the issue of consistency of service with regard to domestic and sexual violence by focusing monitoring and support on the 32 BOCUs, and the MPS as a corporate body, thereby monitoring coordination and implementation of policy and practice across the MPS.
  • To identify gaps highlighted by the 32 BOCUs and corporate MPS units and, where appropriate, ensure these are raised with relevant MPA Committees and/or other fora.
  • To link to other pan-London and/or national domestic and sexual violence and related bodies.
  • To disseminate best practice and innovation not only across the 32 Borough Operational Command Units (BOCUs), but corporately across the MPS.
  • To increase trust and confidence in the community by sharing the successes of the MPS and allowing members of the public to participate in the scrutiny process.


  • The Board is a standalone structure reporting up to CEP and works on its behalf to lead on the effective monitoring, scrutiny and support of the MPS in its response to domestic and sexual violence.
  • The MPS will report to the Board on any aspect of its response to domestic and sexual violence. Any issues which the board cannot resolve will be referred to CEP for decision. The Board will report to CEP and other committees as required through written and verbal updates at committee.

The structure and remit of the Board

  • The Board will hold meetings bi-monthly and aims to cover 10 boroughs per year.
  • Board members, external practitioners from domestic and sexual violence support services and community members will discuss reports from two boroughs at each meeting, with the exception of the one meeting in the annual cycle when reports from MPS corporate units and/ or on specialist subjects will be discussed.
  • Opportunities will also be made available for sub-groups to focus on specialist areas (if required) in addition to the scheduled board meetings.
  • Board meetings will be structured to ensure each meeting will involve discussion with MPS colleagues, community members and external practitioners from domestic and sexual violence support services.
  • The Board will seek to involve community members and external practitioners from domestic and sexual violence support services in order to share best practice and innovation, and to support the process of holding the MPS to account.
  • The Board will work to address inequalities based on race, gender, disability, age, faith or belief, or sexual orientation in service provision and employment practice.
  • The Board will work with existing pan-London and/or national domestic and sexual violence and related bodies to ensure that its efforts are enhanced and duplication is minimised.


1. Domestic violence is defined as any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between adults who are or have been in a relationship together, or between family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. Sexual Violence refers to serious sexual offences which comprise rape, sexual assault by penetration, sexual assault where the assault is particularly violent or features of the offence are aggravated, causing a person to engage in sexual activity, any offence of a sexual nature deemed as serious by the Investigating Officer, and any attempt to commit any of the above. [Back]

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