Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Annual Report of Sub-committee

Report: 4
Date: 21 June 2010
By: on behalf of the Chief Executive


This report provides an overview of the delivery of the sub-committee’s 2009/10 work plan and provides a draft work plan for 2010/11 for discussion and approval.

A. Recommendations


  1. the annual report be noted;
  2. the Community Engagement & Citizen Focus Sub-Committee agree the draft work plan; and
  3. the Communities, Equalities and People Committee be asked to approve the Community Engagement & Citizen Focus Sub-Committee’s work plan for 2010/11.

B. Supporting information

1. The Sub-Committee’s work has focussed on four main areas (i) the operation of the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme (ICVS), (ii) the operation of the Community Police Engagement Groups and wider community engagement matters, (iii) Oversight of the implementation of stop and search policy and (iv) oversight of the MPA's delivery of its statutory partnership duties.

2. The Sub-Committee has received regular reports on the performance of the Scheme against the agreed performance indicators. The last year has seen the implementation of significant changes to the delivery of the ICV scheme amidst considerable community concerns. In addition to receiving regular reports on the implementation of the changes, providing feedback as appropriate, the Sub-Committee also met with a delegation of independent custody visitors to hear directly their concerns about the impending changes to the management of the scheme. As a result of that meeting members were able to provide some reassurance to existing independent custody visitors (ICVs) that the impact of the changes would as far as possible be minimised. Despite those concerns there has been no adverse impact on the delivery of the scheme as a result of the changes. As part of a regular update report in February 2010, members were advised of proposed changes to the vetting requirements for ICVs visiting detainees held under anti-terrorism legislation. Members were concerned that this would have an adverse impact on the recruitment and retention of ICVs and undertook to write the Home Office expressing their concerns. Members continue to have an interest in the scheme and will retain this in the 2010/11 work plan.

3. The Sub-Committee has given over much of its time to the development and delivery of borough-based community engagement. In this role, the Sub-Committee has overseen the annual funding allocation and review process for Community and Police Engagement Groups (CPEG) funding. As a result CPEGs have been further challenged to deliver against the Authority's objectives and to deliver greater value for money. By the end of the 2009/2010 financial year £200 000 of savings were made against the original allocations and in 2010/2011 the Authority has taken a closer look at CPEG spending plans and savings are already being identified on things such as, accommodation expenditure and printing.

4. As well as providing appropriate challenge to CPEGs the Sub-Committee has also sought to provide support. In this respect a London Communities and Policing Partnership (LCP2) representative was co-opted onto the Sub-Committee membership to represent the views of CPEGs and to provide specialist advice from the perspective of those directly delivering community and police engagement. In addition, as well as participating in the formal business of the committee, both the Chair and the lead officer have attended LCP2 Chairs' meetings to provide an opportunity to further develop the MPA/CPEG relationship. The Sub-Committee has also agreed to oversee a review of the CEPG funding model and to explore the potential to enter into a Compact agreement with CPEGs with effect from the 2011/12 financial year.

5. The Sub-Committee's oversight of stop and search has taken the form of a quarterly report, which included borough by borough data on the use of powers of stop and search/stop and account, the levels of disproportionately and of engagement with communities on the use of these powers. This process has helped to ensure the Authority has been appraised of the MPS' performance within the legislative framework, as well as providing an opportunity for members to challenge the MPS on issues of disproportionately and to ensure the MPS is working to maintain community support for the use of the powers, particularly in relation to Operation Blunt II.

6. The Sub-Committee's work in respect of the delivery of the MPA's statutory partnership duties has included reviewing the Authority's work against the APA's good practice framework and supporting the development of a borough information pack to inform link members' work in boroughs. In addition, the Sub-Committee has overseen the review of the MPA Partnership Fund Framework, which has ensured the use of the Fund is aligned with MPA priorities and has made BCU's more accountable for the way in which funds are disbursed.

7. One area in which progress has been slow is development of the Sub-Committee's oversight of the MPS' citizen focus work. The broader performance issues have been monitored by the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee, but significant changes in both the MPA's and the MPS' delivery structures during 09/10 have made it more practical to take a lighter touch approach to this area of the business. These issues have now progressed to a greater extent the Sub-Committee will be considering this area of the MPS' work in greater depth and this will be reflected in the Sub-Committee's 2010/2011 work plan.

8. The draft work plan is included at appendix 1, but it should be noted that agreement to this proposed plan will not preclude changes later in the year to accommodate emerging issues as they arise. Once agreed by this Sub-Committee will need to be approved by the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.

C. Other organisational and community implications

1. Equalities Impact

There are significant equality and diversity implications arising from the work of this Sub-Committee and these are addressed in each report that is submitted to it. The Sub-Committee has received training and takes a keen interest in the delivery of equality impact assessments (EIA) for the matters on which it receives reports and ensures these are completed to an acceptable standard. This has delivered real benefits to the community, for example the EIA conducted on the CPEG funding framework identified some potential barriers to the involvement of those with disabilities and caring responsibilities. As a result, the Sub-Committee agreed to budget for the provision of additional support to such members if the community to facilitate their participation.

2. Met Forward

There are no direct implications for the delivery of Met Forward arising from this report. However, the standardisation of community engagement is a work stream within the Met Forward project portfolio and this includes the continued development of the delivery model for community engagement through CPEGs. As such, Met Forward reports may be received by this Sub-Committee as and when necessary.

3. Financial Implications

There are no specific financial implications arising from this report. The proposed work plan will be delivered within existing budgets.

4. Legal Implications

There are no specific legal implications arising from this report.

5. Environmental Implications

There are no specific environmental implications arising from this report.

6. Risk Implications

There are no specific risks arising from this report.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author(s): Natasha Plummer, MPA Engagement & Partnerships Manager

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-Committee Draft Work Plan 2010/11

4 October 2010

  • MPA Reports
    • Community Engagement Strategy
      A report discussing progress against the MPA and MPS community engagement strategy action plans
    • Review of MPA/CPEG relationship
      Report considering the future directions with regard to delivery of community engagement through the CPEGs
    • Stop and Search Community Monitoring
      A report discussing the community monitoring framework for stop and search
    • Citizen Focus Oversight Role
      Report considering the Authority’s citizen focus oversight role and the sub-committee’s role in that work, including an update from the Association of Police Authority’s Citizen Focus and Partnerships Policy Network
  • MPS Reports
    • Citizen Focus Report
      A report discussing MPS arrangements for delivery of citizen focus and impact of changed structure
    • Stop and Search Monitoring
      A report discussing the MPS’ use of stop and search powers and how it relates to community engagement/citizen focus matters

13 December 2010

  • MPA Reports
    • Community & Police Engagement Groups
      A report detailing the proposed arrangements and allocations for 2011/12
    • ICV Scheme Update
      A report discussing the Scheme’s performance as related to community engagement and citizen focus issues
    • London Communities Policing Partnership (LCP2) Report
      A report providing an update on LCP2’s work and on providing feedback to the Sub-Committee on the London-wide community engagement issues as identified through the LC3 database
    • MPA Partnerships Fund
      A report discussing the future management arrangements for the 2010/11 Partnerships Fund
    • Citizen Focus Report
      A report discussing an aspect of MPS delivery of citizen focussed policing

14 February 2011

  • MPA Reports
    • Community & Police Engagement Group Delivery and Funding 2011/12
      A report detailing the proposed arrangements and allocations for 2011/12
    • Update on the Association of Police Authority’s (APA) Citizen Focus and Partnerships Policy Network
      An update from the APA Citizen Focus and Partnerships Policy Network discussing relevant issues for the Sub-Committee
    • Update on the Review of MPA Role on Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs)
      A report providing an updated assessment of the Authority’s delivery of its statutory functions with respect to CSPs
  • MPS Reports
    • Citizen Focus Report
      A report discussing an aspect of MPS delivery of citizen focussed policing

11 April 2011

  • MPA Reports
    • Community & Police Engagement Groups
      A report detailing the proposed arrangements and allocations for 2011/12
    • ICV Scheme Update
      A report discussing the Scheme’s performance as related to community engagement and citizen focus issues
    • Community Engagement Strategy
      A report discussing progress against the MPA and MPS community engagement strategy action plans
  • MPS Reports
    • Citizen Focus Report
      A report discussing an aspect of MPS delivery of citizen focussed policing
    • Stop and Search Monitoring
      A report discussing the MPS’ use of stop and search powers and how it relates to community engagement/citizen focus matters

13 June 2011

  • MPA Reports
    • Annual Report and Review of Terms of Reference
      A report reviewing the past year and proposing any necessary amendments to the terms of reference
  • MPS Reports
    • Citizen Focus Report
      A report discussing an aspect of MPS delivery of citizen focussed policing

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