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Terms of reference for the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-Committee

Report: 5
Date: 21 June 2010
By: on behalf of the Chief Executive


This report proposes amended terms of reference in light the work conducted by the sub-committee over the past year.

A. Recommendations


  1. the Community Engagement & Citizen Focus Sub-Committee approve the amended terms of reference; and
  2. the Communities, Equalities and People Committee be asked to endorse the Community Engagement & Citizen Focus Sub-Committee’s recommendation to amend its terms of reference.

B. Supporting information

1. The proposed amendments to the Sub-Committee’s terms of reference have been suggested in the light of the work conducted during 2009/10 and to ensure adequate synergy between the work of the sub-committee and its parent committee, Communities, Equalities and People.

2. The proposed Sub-Committee terms of reference are included at Appendix 1. The main amendments relate to (i) specific reference to the responsibility to monitor the MPA/MPS community engagement strategy action plans and (ii) specific reference to the responsibility to monitor and review the community engagement and citizen focus aspects of both the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme and the implementation of stop and search policy.

C. Other organisational and community implications

1. Equalities Impact

There are no direct equalities implications specifically arising from this report. However, equality and diversity considerations are central to the delivery of community engagement and citizen focussed services. As such, equality and diversity considerations will be a central theme running through the sub-Committee’s work and particular attention will be paid to ensuring that reports to the Sub-Committee give due consideration to equality and diversity matters.

2. Met Forward

Met Forward is the MPA’s three year strategic mission outlining how the Authority wants the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) to develop and perform. It is recommended that the Community Engagement & Citizen Focus Sub-Committees terms of reference reflect its role in overseeing the delivery of Met Forward projects.

3. Financial Implications

There are no specific financial implications arising from this report.

4. Legal Implications

There are no specific legal implications arising from this report.

5. Environmental Implications

There are no specific environmental implications arising from this report.

6. Risk Implications

There are no specific risks arising from this report.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author(s): Natasha Plummer, MPA Engagement & Partnerships Manager

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Terms of reference of the Community Engagement and Citizen Focus Sub-committee

  1. To lead on issues related to the MPA’s statutory community engagement and partnership duties and the MPS’s citizen focus policies and strategies:
    1. To contribute to national policy development, national events or Association of Police Authority networks or initiatives in relation to community engagement, partnerships and citizen focus
    2. To monitor and review the implementation of the MPA/MPS community engagement strategy action plans
    3. To monitor and review the development and delivery of borough-based community engagement (including MPA funded community engagement work and Safer Neighbourhood Panels)
    4. To monitor and review the MPA undertaking of its duties as a responsible authority of the Community Safety Partnerships of London
    5. To monitor and review the funding processes for MPA community engagement and partnership work
    6. To monitor and review the development and delivery of Met Forward projects, with specific focus on risks and challenges to delivery
    7. To monitor and review the implementation of the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme in respect of the community engagement and citizen focus aspects (in conjunction with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee)
    8. To monitor and review the implementation of stop and search policy in respect of the community engagement and citizen focus aspects (in conjunction with the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee)
    9. To inform and assist other MPA committees on community engagement issues of relevance to their responsibilities and identify best practice for wider dissemination
    10. Provide advice to the Authority and MPS staff in developing and managing the community engagement work stream
    11. To develop an annual work plan for approval by the Communities, Equalities and People Committee.

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