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Update of Morris Inquiry Recommendations

Report: 8
Date: 10 September 2009
By: Chief Executive


The MPA commissioned the Morris inquiry, chaired by Sir Bill Morris, to conduct an independent and impartial investigation into professional standards and employment practice in the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) examining the way complaints, grievances, allegations against individuals and conflict within the workplace is handled by the organisation. The inquiry was formally launched on 21 January 2004 and the report was published on Tuesday 14 December 2004. The MPA as well as commissioning this work maintained an oversight role in terms of ensuring the that the recommendations were adequately addressed.

The Morris Inquiry made 37 recommendations for the MPS and MPA. Since this time the MPA and MPS have been working hard to deliver and embed the outcome of those recommendations. The MPS and MPA have achieved a great deal since 2004, in particular the work on eliminating discriminatory management practice has encouraged a fall in age discrimination claims. However more work needs to be done in regards to lowering employment tribunal claims on the grounds of race, sex and disability.

The MPA and MPS have also made significant strides in developing a framework that encompasses all aspects of equality and diversity. Both organisations set about developing a Generic Equality Scheme (GNES) that not only encompasses the legislative equality duties we face with regard to disability, gender and race but also challenges us as an organisation to champion and drive equality and diversity issues internally and within the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). The MPA’s GNES is established to actively working to incorporate other diversity strands that we do not, as yet, have a legislative duty to include. By doing this we place equal emphasis on establishing parity in terms of age, religion &/or belief and sexual orientation, creating a more holistic approach to equality and diversity.

The challenge in the future for both the MPS and the MPA will be to ensure that our respective Equalities Schemes remain a living document and are used as a framework and driver for the Equalities work we carry out in our organisations.

On 6 October 2008, Boris Johnson, Chairman of the MPA, invited Cindy Butts to chair an inquiry into race and faith issues in the MPS. This Inquiry has examined the current position of the MPS in order to establish what has changed as a result of lessons learnt from the past, identifying success and good practice and further opportunities to build upon this. The Race and Faith Inquiry has provided an opportunity for the MPA to review its own oversight role and make recommendations for improvement. It is therefore sensible at this time to take stock of what the MPA has achieved in terms of implementing the Morris Inquiry recommendations in order to formally sign off this work.

The Race and Faith Inquiry went beyond the remit of the Morris inquiry as it covered the impact on race and faith on recruitment, retention and progression within the MPS. It also focussed on the corporate leadership provided to ensure equality and diversity is mainstreamed effectively throughout the organisation and the extent to which the MPS communicates and effectively builds relationships with all staff and officers through representative groups. The retention and progression of under-represented groups, particularly BME officers and staff will be considered within the findings of the inquiry.

This paper highlights progress on the Morris Inquiry recommendations.

A. Recommendation

  1. Members formally sign off all Morris Inquiry recommendations that are cited as implemented.
  2. Members consider the remaining Morris Inquiry recommendations in light of the Race and Faith Inquiry, and agree that future updates are combined with the final recommendations of the MPA Race and Faith Inquiry.


B. Supporting information

In 2004, when the Morris Inquiry was commissioned the chair of Inquiry (Sir William Morris) wrote in the Chair’s forward:

‘As the frontier of crime expands with the rise of global terrorism and the changing social and demographic profile of London, it is inevitable that the social cohesion between police and citizens will be subject to some stress and much tension. But despite that, let us pause to remember that scores of police officers daily put themselves in harm’s way in the defence of the nation’s security’ AND
‘There was a common misapprehension that our Inquiry was about race. We have considered discrimination issues as part of our work, and some of our Recommendations focus on the way in which black and ethnic minority officers and staff are treated and managed. We hope that our recommendations will help the MPS manage difference in its widest sense. Whilst we can see much which is good about the MPS, we are nonetheless extremely concerned by the lack of direct accountability at senior levels within the organisation’

These are examples of areas that the MPS and MPA have worked hard at making a difference, however these areas still present some challenges. Since the publication of the Morris Inquiry, we have experienced the London Bombings and the aftermath of this tragedy. The MPS continues to work on the improvement of its intelligence gathering and counter terrorism measures.

The recommendations that cover discrimination in all its guises continue to be a concern, and whilst great strides have been made to address how the MPS manage difference, it seems that the early findings from the Race and Faith Inquiry suggests there is a lot more work to be done.

TThe following text lists the progress on the Morris Inquiry recommendations in a numerical order.

1. That the office of constable should be retained for all police officers. (Para. 3.18)

Recommendation implemented.

2. That employment law should be extended to police officers within the framework of the office of constable.
a) That appropriate structures and systems are devised for negotiating national terms and conditions and for deciding which terms and conditions should be national and which left to local determination.

The Police Negotiating Board was established by Act of Parliament in 1980 to negotiate the hours of duty; leave; pay and allowances; the issue, use and return of police clothing, personal equipment and accoutrements; and pensions of United Kingdom police officers. The PNB makes recommendations on these matters to the Home Secretary, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Scottish Ministers.

The parties to negotiation are the Official Side, comprising representatives of the Secretaries of State, police authorities and chief police officers, and the Staff Side comprising representatives of the police staff associations.

b) That the terms and conditions should include disciplinary, capability and grievance procedures in line with the ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures. The current regulatory framework for complaints and discipline for police officers would no longer apply.

Recommendation implemented.

The CoP has been amended by ACAS.

From 1 December 2008 a number of revised arrangements were introduced:

  • The Police (Performance) Regulations 2008
  • The Police (Conduct) Regulations 2008
  • The Police (Complaints and Misconduct) (Amendment) Regulations 2008
  • The Police Appeals Tribunals Rules 2008
  • The Police Amendment Regulations 2008

These were based on the Taylor Review of the police officer disciplinary arrangements was published in 2005 and recommended a new disciplinary procedure and a review of the unsatisfactory performance procedures for police officers.

c) That the office of constable is enhanced by the addition of a Code of Conduct, similar to the Civil Service Code and the Code of Ethics for the Police Service in Northern Ireland, which would form part of the terms and conditions of all police officers and police staff. This would replace the current Code of Conduct for police officers.
d) That a provision dealing with unlawful discrimination should be included in the new Code of Conduct. Additional provisions may also be appropriate.

Recommendation implemented.

The Conduct Regulations contain the new Standards of Professional Behaviour which set out the standards of behaviour that police officers are expected to maintain. These standards should be actively promoted to all staff. Appendix A lists these standards.

e) That disciplinary cases involving serious criminal allegations should continue to be dealt with under the special procedure, which requires cases to be referred to the Crown Prosecution Service out of region, but that more routine matters should be dealt with in the same way as similar allegations against members of the public, that is, by referral to the local Crown Prosecution Service lawyer

Recommendation implemented.

Any circumstance involving a senior officer disciplinary with potential serious criminal allegations already go to the IPCC and this is the same for the MPS Directorate of Professional Standards.

f) That a procedure, involving conciliation and / or arbitration, is devised to resolve industrial disputes in the police service.

There is a process for pursuing ‘failures to agree’ at PNB to a Police Arbitration Tribunal (PAT). Police Officers in the United Kingdom are prohibited by statute from the right to strike. Under the Constitution of the Police Negotiating Board, therefore, matters on which no agreement can be reached, and which cannot be resolved by conciliation, may be referred by either Side to arbitration. Pension matters are, however, not arbitrable. Arbitration is carried out by a standing PAT, which operates under the auspices of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS). The PAT consists of three arbitrators appointed by the Prime Minister.

g) That attestation is delayed until the officer has satisfactorily completed his or her initial training.

No change as this is still laid down in legislation.

The training programme has changed for probationers since the Morris Inquiry. Instead of 18 weeks at Hendon there is now 5-6 weeks at Hendon followed by 12 weeks training on Borough. For this reason there would be very little value in delaying attestation as the officers will be on the streets in uniform in a matter of weeks.

3. That the post with overall responsibility for Human Resources should be held by a suitably qualified and experienced individual, and that the post-holder should be by designation a member of the strategic management board.

Recommendation implemented.

a) That, in addition to relocating the Employment Tribunals Unit from the Directorate of Professional Standards to the Human Resources directorate, the people management aspects of the work of the Diversity Directorate are also moved to the Human Resources directorate.

Recommendation implemented.

The responsibility for all learning and development (including equality training) rests with the Commissioner and his Management Board. Management Board is supported in this through the Training Management Board (TMB). The strategic direction and prioritorisation of MPS training is agreed and maintained by TMB. A senior ACPO officer (Deputy Assistant Commissioner) serves as the Director of Training and Development with overall responsibility for all training delivered across the MPS. This post now has responsibility for equality training.

b) That the policy review process be given new momentum with a view to simplifying and reducing the number of human resources’ policies even further.

Recommendation implemented.

A three year programme to replace the current HR model is nearing completion. Transforming HR (THR) is a key MPS modernisation programme that will introduce a more efficient and modern delivery model for the HR function and a more strategic HR capability The THR Programme will deliver a new HR organisation, new service delivery processes, a new technology solution, and is underpinned by a wide-ranging and innovative business change initiative.

UUnder Transforming HR Day to day HR services will be delivered by a Service Centre based at Empress State Building. A 24/7 capability will provide improved access for operational staff, and field-based teams will offer face to face customer support. Line managers and staff will be able to get policy advice either interactively from an Aware terminal or by telephoning the Service Centre.

c) That the Human Resources directorate reviews the management information it currently collects with a view to ensuring that it has the data needed for the MPS to fulfil its objectives.

Recommendation implemented. An internal MPS report (Dialogue to Delivery (March 2009)) states ‘Met HR data is the MPS’s management information system and is used at corporate and business group level to support strategic decision-making, performance management and the evaluation of relevant policy impacts. There is a constant programme of upgrades to provide key reporting data for all statutory and corporate HR reports and returns. There is now a compliance strategy in place that means that BOCUs and business groups must take ownership for MetHR, ensuring resources and protocols are in place for the timely and accurate maintenance of an individual’s MetHR record to inform management, operational and Strategic decisions/deployments. This is centrally monitored’.

d) That the MPS should ensure that the Human Resources directorate plays a full part in the management of discipline cases, with responsibility for maintaining contact with officers under investigation and overseeing welfare support and re-entry into the workplace for suspended officers.

Recommendation implemented.

4. That the MPS replaces its Fairness at Work policy with a new grievance procedure based on the ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures. The procedure should cover all workplace conflicts involving officers and staff.

The MPS reviewed the Fairness at Work policy in response to the Morris recommendations and the MPA HR Committee endorsed the conclusion that Fairness at work should be retained but revised to put an emphasis on early resolution and mediation as a means to resolve disputes.

It is important to note that in 2004, the then Home Secretary commissioned a review of the current arrangements for dealing with police misconduct and unsatisfactory performance. The ‘Taylor Review of Police Disciplinary Arrangements’ was the review conducted by William Taylor (a former Commissioner of the City of London Police and former HM Inspector of Constabulary for Scotland) into the effectiveness of disciplinary arrangements for police officers.

The Taylor Review advocated that the Police Service must manage disciplinary arrangements dynamically and demonstrate this by actively engaging with all groups internally to drive through the change to the internal culture of the organisation and promote the acceptance of responsibility at all levels of management.

A new misconduct procedure for police officers has been drawn up by a working party of the Police Advisory Board to replace the current police disciplinary process. The procedure applies to all police officers and special constables and underpins the Standards of Professional Behaviour, which sets out the high standards of behaviour that the Police Service expects. Any failure to meet these standards may undermine the important work of the police service and public confidence in it.

The misconduct procedures provide a fair, open and proportionate method of dealing with alleged misconduct. The procedures are intended to encourage a culture of learning and development for individuals and / or the organisation.

Since the publication of the Morris Inquiry, the reforms to the Police performance and disciplinary regulations have come into effect as of December 2008.

IIn light of the new misconduct regulations, it is too early to evaluate their impact on the MPS Fairness at Work policy given the intention of the new regulations to encourage a culture of learning and development. The MPA Race and Faith Inquiry will ensure continued monitoring of the Fairness at Work process.

a) That any pilot projects on mediation follow best practice, particularly the Northamptonshire model, and take account of the wealth of learning and experience which exists within established organisations such as ACAS.
b) That the MPS carefully monitors the development of the Thames Valley pilot on mediation.

Recommendations implemented.

Under the FaW procedure first line managers have an obligation to take early action to resolve concerns of staff informally. In certain cases managers may feel that the concerns raised could be addressed through the use of mediation, which will be available as a prelude to stage one of the FaW procedures. Local managers will be responsible for ensuring that any selected option for informal resolution has been exhausted before commencement of the formal procedure.

As with FaW, the process is confidential and will not be discussed outside of those involved. A confidentiality agreement has been drafted and should be agreed by both parties before the process commences.

Ideally the mediation process should consist of just those concerned, however it is recognised that in some situations, one or both parties may wish to have a ‘friend’ present. They are there merely to support the parties involved and will not act as representatives– there will be no need for mediators to negotiate with them as part of the process.

Should mediation be unsuccessful, or be stopped for any reason the case can proceed to FaW or another process. The FAW advisor will not be told that the case has already been to mediation to preserve the objectivity and impartiality of the FAW process.

c) That mediators should be brought together on a regular basis to share experience and refresh their knowledge of common developments in mediation techniques.

Recommendation Implemented.

An internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states ‘Refresher training is provided by the external organisation (Conflict Management) who delivered the week long training course to all staff selected as mediators’.

d) That the MPS reviews its use of mediation to provide appropriate training to its officers and staff and to encourage its use throughout the grievance process in appropriate cases.

Recommendations implemented.

The central Practice Support Team, which co-ordinates the FaW procedure provides a range of training, awareness and information events/newsletters. An internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states‘ following the recommendation from the Morris Inquiry, the Suspension Support Policy and associated SOPs were developed to ensure the MPS provides an appropriate and consistent level of support to officers and staff who are suspended pending the outcome of an investigation.

The suspension support unit exists to maintain an overview of MPS suspension policy and to ensure that relevant managers are aware and undertake their responsibilities in this.

5. That the Director of Legal Services (DLS) invests time and resources in explaining the Directorate’s work, and how it operates, to a wider section of the organisation and to the Metropolitan Police Authority. (Para. 4.134)

Recommendation Implemented. The DSL reports at the MPA Full Authority meetings twice a year.

6. That the Department of Trade and Industry gives consideration to a specific provision extending the protection afforded to discussions involving ACAS to discussions that take place between the parties at a mediation so that the discussions become privileged. (Para. 4.108)

Recommendation has not been implemented.

There is no specific provision in force, and the MPA is unaware of any future legal changes. However, in April 2008 the European Parliament and Council adopted a Directive on mediation and Article 7 of the Directive enables member states to enact measures to protect the confidentiality of mediation. UK law and procedures must be compliant by May 2011. It may be that any such general measures will assist in this context but that remains to be seen.

7. That the MPS takes urgent steps to eliminate the discriminatory management practice which has led to a disproportionate number of investigations of black and minority ethnic officers.

The very nature of this recommendation means that this work is ongoing.

The rationale for the race and faith inquiry came from disproportionate number of high profile race discrimination cases and the MPS response to recommendations arising from the race and faith inquiry will collectively contribute to the MPS addressing this issue.

Since the Morris inquiry, employment tribunal claims can now be brought for age, religion or belief or sexual orientation. 3. The number of new ET cases lodged against the Commissioner in the financial year 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 was 120. The total for the financial year 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008 was 117.

An analysis of new claims received during the financial year 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 compared to 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008 indicates a decrease in age discrimination claims but shows a slight increase in the numbers of sex and disability discrimination claims. There was an increase in the numbers of claims including allegations of race discrimination. In the financial year 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 there were 11 claims brought under the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006. This compares to 22 claims including allegations of age discrimination in the financial year 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008. 12 claimants lodged 13 of these claims, which all related to one multiple case (i.e. where a number of claimants have lodged claims relating to the same issue on one particular borough). The claimants alleged discrimination on the grounds of age, in respect of the decision to disband a specific role on the borough. (These claims were all subsequently withdrawn).

In the financial year 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 there were 35 claims which included allegations of disability discrimination. This was a small increase on the 33 claims lodged in the financial year 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008. Many of the claims also include allegations of less favourable treatment on the grounds of race and/or sex discrimination and claims for unfair/constructive dismissal. In a proportion of cases MPS Claimants fail to meet the definition of disability to bring a claim under the DDA and that part of their claim is withdrawn or struck out.

The Performance and Learning Manager has been identifying the types of issues raised in these claims. The majority of claims allege that there was a failure to consider/make reasonable adjustments. Additionally, the allegations include the decision to transfer claimants, career development issues, failure to obtain or follow medical advice, failure to pay special priority payments and failure to communicate and seek views from the claimant regarding reasonable adjustments.

In the financial year 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008 seven claims were lodged under the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003. The number of claims increased slightly in the financial year 2008/09 to 11. Nearly all the claims also involved allegations of race discrimination. There were three claims under the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 lodged in the financial year 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008 and one claim lodged in the period 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009.

In terms of race, in the financial year 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009 60 claims (50%) were lodged by white police officers/staff, 27 claims (22%) by black police officers/staff, 20 claims (17%) by Asian police officers/staff, eight (7%) by other groups and 5 (4%) were unknown. The ethnicity profile of claimants in the financial year 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008 is 68 claims (58%) by white police officers/staff, 14 (12%) by black police officers/staff, 15 (13%) by Asian police officers/staff, four (3%) by other groups and 16 (14%) unknown.

TThe proportion of BME claimants is higher than would be expected based on their proportion within the workplace. To investigate this further the Performance, Development and Monitoring Unit in the Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate was asked to conduct an analysis of the quantitative data collected by the HR ET Unit in order to investigate any issues of disproportionality. This report has now been drafted though its recommendations (to undertake further analysis) have been suspended pending the report of the MPA Race and Faith Inquiry.

a) That the MPS takes immediate action to engage black, minority ethnic and white officers and staff at all levels in the important practical steps required to ensure that black and minority ethnic officers and staff are not discriminated against on grounds of race.

Work on this recommendation is ongoing.

The MPS maintains good working relationships with all the staff support associations both through individual meetings with these associations and through regular consultation on a wide range of policies, activities and initiatives. The Diversity Board and Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate (DCFD) work closely with the staff support associations to set the policy and procedures in respect of equalities and diversity and for leading, monitoring and driving diversity through the MPS.

8. That the MPS gives adequate priority to all aspects of diversity, particularly in light of the Framework Equal Treatment Directive 2000.
a) That the MPS refreshes and revitalises its work in managing difference and devises a way of truly engaging all officers and staff on this important issue; and
b) That consideration is given to extending the Diversity Excellence Model to other Operational Command Units and directorates. However, we would recommend that its implementation be kept under review to guard against it becoming another ‘tick box’ exercise.

Work on this recommendation is ongoing.

The MPS Equalities Scheme with its common and disability specific sections was published on 4 December 2006. In compliance with the Equality Act 2006, the Gender specific section was published on 30 April 2007. Therefore there is now a proportional focus on six equality strands. The MPS are also in the process of piloting a National Policing standard. The MPA are concerned that the implementation of this new standard by the MPS is overly bureaucratic. The approach being taken to date is questionable because of the MPS size it may not be achievable.

In terms of the Leadership Academy, this has developed significantly since 2006. The Leadership Academy designs, develops and delivers high-quality values based open leadership programmes and bespoke products and services to meet the needs of policing locally, nationally and internationally. They aim to help improve operational performance and service delivery through effective leadership capability in all ranks and grades.

IIn addition, Leadership Academy local aims:

  • To provide MPS officers and staff in leadership roles with the skills and tools of effective leadership
  • To engage officers and staff at the local level in helping make the MPS a more Values consistent workplace
  • To ensure that the connection between operational activity and the Values is clear to all staff.
9. That the Metropolitan Police Authority enters into greater dialogue with other police authorities to establish best practice in discharging the oversight role. (Para. 6.40)

Work on this recommendation is ongoing.

The MPA is actively involved with the ‘People’ and ‘Diversity’ networks within the Association of Police Authorities (APA) at both officer and Member level . In this way the Authority has ensured that equality and diversity is a cross cutting theme in all areas of police authority activity (including oversight) and the development of the national Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Strategy for the Police Service and the revision of the APA’s “People Matters” guidance on police authority oversight of human resources and professional standards activities

10. That the Metropolitan Police Authority keeps under review the protocol with the MPS on the provision of information to the Authority on complaints and conduct cases, in order to ensure that it meets its responsibility for scrutiny.
(Para. 6.43)

Work on this recommendation is ongoing.

The MPA regularly monitors complaints, police misconduct, employment tribunals and fairness at work through six monthly reports to the MPA’s Strategic Operational Policing Committee and Communities Equalities and People committee. As a result of these reports the approach to these activities, both within the MPS and the MPA, has been refined and continues to be refined through experience. This is to ensure that where trends and issues are identified, they enable the MPS to take remedial action.

11. That the Metropolitan Police Authority reviews the resources it is able to devote to supporting its role in overseeing complaints and conduct cases,with a view to increasing activity further, particularly in relation to dip-sampling of files. (Para. 6.43)

Work on this recommendation is ongoing.

The MPA has reinvigorated its oversight of MPS complaints and is currently reviewing existing procedures and protocols for dip sampling of files to strengthen those procedures and ensure adequate resources are available. This review will be considered alongside the MPA’s proposals for restructuring in order to ensure that the MPA utilises its expertise and resources beyond the Professional Standards Unit

12. That the Metropolitan Police Authority puts in place comprehensive oversight systems and processes to scrutinise grievances and Employment Tribunal cases as soon as possible, taking account of the Association of Police Authorities’ guidance in this area.

Recommendation implemented.

The MPA has a responsibility to secure the maintenance of an efficient and effective police service. As part of its fulfilment of that duty, the MPA has a responsibility for monitoring the way in which the MPS deals with Employment Tribunals and Fairness at Work (FaW) cases. The Association of Police Authorities (APA) guidance entitled “Tackling Discrimination: Police Authority Oversight and Scrutiny of Grievance Procedures and Employment Tribunals” mainly dealt with establishing a protocol for the oversight role.

Following extensive discussions with colleagues in the MPS agreement was reached in principle about how this might operate for closed Employment Tribunal and FAW cases. There are naturally concerns expressed by the MPS about issues of confidentiality. Whilst the Authority has a statutory responsibility in respect of closed police discipline cases, there is not a similar responsibility in respect of closed Employment Tribunal or FAW cases.

Reports are now made to the Human Resources and Remuneration Sub Committee every six months. From the most recent Employment Tribunal cases that have been dip sampled (roughly 8-10 every month) there are two ‘themes’ emerging. The first of these, not surprisingly, is the relationship between the line manager and a member of staff which accounted for the majority of Tribunal cases that were sampled. There are any number of reasons for the problems which arise but for line managers these can be summarised as:

  • The importance of good oral communication rather than email
  • The importance of understanding HR policies, particularly performance development reviews (PDRs), sickness and special leave, and timekeeping
  • The importance of being consistent and fair in dealings with staff.
  • Keeping written records of any concerns raised by staff and the actions taken

The second theme is for the individual to understand that Employment Tribunals are not about someone being found ‘guilty’ for their behaviour or the action they have taken. This refers back to the third bullet point that staff need to understand why certain actions may or may not be taken.

It is evident from the work of the Employment Tribunal Unit that these messages – and others – are continually being reinforced, but the MPS is a very large organisation and there is no ‘quick fix’. It is also the case that when the Commissioner lodges his detailed grounds of resistance challenging a claimant’s version of events or it becomes clear that the claim will be contested, many of the claims are withdrawn or settled.

In terms of FaWs, the Authority does not have the resources available to be able to review all closed cases, between 8-10 cases have been identified by the HR Policy Officer for inspection each month. The first point to make is that FAW issues raised by staff are treated with a very high level of consideration and care. If a member of staff has sought to raise a FAW, there is clearly a perception that there is something going wrong within the Operational Command Unit (OCU) or Borough Operational Command Unit (BOCU).

There are genuine attempts to take these issues seriously, to try to discover what is going wrong and what the individual is seeking by way of resolution. It is this latter point that is frequently elusive. From the FAW cases that have been dip sampled there are two ‘themes’ emerging which can be defined as ‘context’ or ‘content’. In both cases it is invariably the relationship between the line manager and a member of staff which accounted for the majority of FAW cases that were sampled. In terms of ‘context’ the main issues were:

  • Interpersonal skills - poor relations or communication between a manager and a member of staff
  • Decision making - lack of control over work or little participation in decisions
  • Role - lack of clarity around role / fit within OCU or BOCU
  • Work-life balance - conflicting demands and perceived lack of support at work
  • Career / development - perceived lack of either a ‘career’ or development (e.g. training)

In terms of ‘content’ the main issues raised were:

  • Task design - ill defined and subject to change in nature or priority
  • Workload - inflexible or unpredictable workloads

In the majority of the FAWs which were dip sampled there was some ‘learning’ from the issues raised, although the majority (around 75%) were not substantiated. In the majority of the remaining cases that were dip sampled, the aggrieved does not agree with the findings and the matter remains unresolved. The FAWAs in particular work consciously to try to find a resolution, invariably talking to all parties and trying to repair damaged working relationships. This means looking as much at the underlying reasons why the grievance was brought in addition to what the grievance was about. At all stages it is equally evident that those trying to resolve the grievance are listening to the individual and trying to work with them to find a solution that tackles the issue or issues that have been raised. Insofar as the FAWs where no resolution has been reached, this appears most frequently where the aggrieved has not been clear about the resolution he or she was seeking or what is being sought is someone being found ‘guilty’ for their behaviour or the action they have taken. (This is an identical issue with Employment Tribunals).

13. That the Metropolitan Police Authority should convene and chair a case conference involving the Commissioner and all relevant stakeholders (including, in particular, those individuals and organisations who have given evidence to this Inquiry on this point) to establish what progress has been made in implementing the recommendations of the Virdi Inquiry Report and to determine what, if any, further action should be taken. (Para. 6.54)

Recommendation Implemented.

On 7th December 2006 the MPA’s Co-ordination and Polcing Committee received a progress update on the Virdi Inquiry as part of the programme of implementation of the Morris Inquiry recommendations. It provided an update on progress on the recommendations of the Report and Supplementary Report of the Virdi Inquiry. The Committee approved the state of compliance by the MPS with the recommendations of the Virdi reports and agreed that the requirement for further update reports is now discharged.

14. That the ‘Nolan Principles’ for public appointments should apply to the appointment of members of the Independent Advisory Group and that:
i. their appointment should be by the Metropolitan Police Authority;
ii. they should be appointed in a transparent way following open competition by public advertisement;
iii. the terms of their appointment, including tenure of office and any remuneration, should be made public; and
iv. candidates should be assessed for their suitability against a formal specification which should also be made public by the Metropolitan Police Authority.
(Para. 6.72)

Recommendation in the process of implementation.

A review of the Independent Advisory Groups has now been completed. The review recommendations are now being implemented. The MPA through the Communities, Equalities and People committee are monitoring this process and a paper has been requested for the meeting of 10 September 2009.

15. That the Independent Advisory Group is properly resourced and that this should include a budget for expenditure on items such as independent professional advice (this includes legal advice), where the Independent Advisory Group believes this is necessary. (Para. 6.72)

Recommendation Implemented

The MPS has conducted a lengthy and comprehensive review of Independent Advisory Groups, looking at how they deliver their service and the terms and conditions under which they operate. 39 recommendations came out of that review and, following further consultation, Standard Operating Procedures have been produced. The MPA input into this process was guided by the previous Chair of the Authority personally and members, generally, have not had the opportunity to express a view on the review and its results. A paper is expected to come to committee soon and members will be able to judge the extent to which Morris Recommendations 15 and 16 have been implemented. The review also took into account Morris Recommendation 14, concerning the Nolan Principles for public appointments.

16. That the Independent Advisory Group and the MPS agree a protocol in relation to disclosure of documentation and the rationale for decisions to Independent Advisory Group members. This must be based on the presumption that Independent Advisory Group members see everything that is available to the investigating officers. Where possible, this should be before decisions are taken.

Work is ongoing on this recommendation. See update on recommendation 15.

17. That the Commissioner orders a fundamental review of the Directorate of Professional Standards, to be personally assured that the policies governing the practices and procedures of the directorate hold senior managers fully to account for the conduct and management of discipline investigations. (Para. 7.45)

Recommendation implemented. A review was carried out and inspected by HMIC.

a) That the MPS creates a policy database and reference source that is cogent and succinct, by reducing the number of policies which impact on the process of discipline and conduct. (Para. 7.7)

Recommendation implemented.

b) That the Commissioner takes steps to ensure that the Directorate of Professional Standards appreciates the importance of scrutiny to public confidence. (Para. 6.40)

Recommendation implemented.

c) That the MPS puts in place recruitment processes which are transparent and provide for equality of opportunity. These processes must ensure that people of the right calibre are recruited to posts within the Directorate of Professional Standards and must be extended to all ranks including the most senior positions. (Para. 7.56)

Recommendation implemented.

An internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states ‘DPS recruitment processes follow the MPS SOPs in relation to recruitment / selection which ensure transparency and equality of opportunity’

&‘all MPS selection processes will be administered by Hendon, DPS specific selection processes are due to migrate to Hendon’.

d) That the MPS puts in place processes to ensure that those recruited receive the appropriate training to undertake the roles to which they are assigned. (Para. 7.56)

Work on this recommendation is ongoing.

An internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states ‘A performance needs analysis of all staff requirements will be conducted as part of the implementation of New Way Model. The MPA requested that the HR Training Standards Unit evaluate the training being delivered by DPS to its staff. This is not yet completed’

e) That the MPS takes steps to ensure that the future profile of the Directorate of Professional Standards reflects the diversity of the MPS as a whole. (Para. 7.56)

Recommendation implemented

An internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states ‘that the DPS has undertaken a specific recruitment process for under represented groups, e.g. in order to update the profile of the surveillance team, a specific process took place directed at BME groups, offering full training to successful applicants. This is a role usually advertised for 'trained' staff. DPS has also held several 'information days' to promote the DPS work and opportunities, to all groups of staff’.

f) That a system of time-limited tenure of posts is considered. (Para. 7.56)

No update available.

18. That the MPS and the Metropolitan Police Authority adopt our recommended model of case management. (Para. 7.81

Recommendation Implemented.

The former MPA Professional Standards and complaints Committee approved the introduction of a Case Management Model closely based on the Morris recommendation.

19. That the Home Office, the Independent Police Complaints Commission, the Association of Police Authorities and the Association of Chief Police Officers’ Professional Standards Committee consider the introduction of a national model. (Para. 7.81)

Recommendation implemented.

Commander Moir Stuart has informed the Authority that DPS investigative processes have been encapsulated in the Manual of Investigation (MIG) and the Policies Procedure and Practice, relevant there to, in the Manual of Guidance (MOG). The investigations reflect MPS crime policies, especially relating to victim and witness care. Both these manuals are systemically and regularly reviewed. The total documents, being fully reviewed over a 12-month period. MOG is done monthly and MIG quarterly. Proportionally issues feature prominently, with the requirements of the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) implementation and the implementation of the Statutory Guidance have provided an additional impetus and rigor to the review process.

The Review of Investigations is dealt with in quantitative and a qualitative ways. Statistical relationships, stemming from CDS, IOWA and IOTA, are reviewed monthly against target and peer comparisons are made. Qualitatively - investigations are examined every 14 days at Branch level with a quarterly review being conducted with the OCU Commander. When an investigation is 60 days old it is automatically assessed and subject to additional scrutiny thereafter. All investigations are risk assessed upon receipt, and high-risk investigations singled out for ongoing scrutiny. IPPC Supervised and Managed investigations are subject to their ongoing oversight and direction. All investigations are risk assessed upon receipt and high-risk investigations singled out for ongoing scrutiny. IPCC Supervised and Managed investigations are subject to their ongoing oversight and direction. DPS has provided training based on PCA Guidance on Investigation of Racial Incident - expended to include all diversity issues has been provided to MPS SIOs, Staff Associations, IPCC staff and the MPA.

A protocol has been developed with Operation Sapphire to ensure that appropriate expertise and skills are made available to DPS Investigating Officers when undertaking sensitive cases. MPA case management procedures have been accepted and implementation commenced.

20. That the MPS works with appropriate stakeholders to implement the recommendations in the Review of Operation Lancet. (Para. 7.60)
a) That investigations by the Directorate of Professional Standards should be run along the lines of the normal investigative process for criminal cases and arrangements should be made to put the necessary systems in place as a matter of urgency. (Para. 7.115)
b) That the MPS gives clear guidance to Directorate of Professional Standards’ officers on the use of powers of arrest where the real objective is to search the premises of an officer under investigation. (Para. 10.133)

Recommendation – work ongoing, see update for 19.

c) That, except in the most serious cases (such as allegations of criminal behaviour) where doing so is clearly inappropriate, the MPS should always explore options for early informal resolution. (Para. 10.119)

Recommendation Implemented.

Commander Moir Stuart has informed the Authority that the MPS have created of an innovative new Prevention Command to drive the DPS commitment to move away from a blame culture and towards a more productive de-briefing and learning culture. This will be coupled with the empowerment of local managers and supervisors for early intervention and resolution of misconduct issues.

d) That the Independent Police Complaints Commission should consider issuing detailed guidance as to the proper parameters for disclosure in disciplinary proceedings, including an appropriate timescale for responses to disclosure requests. (Para. 7.120)

No update available.

e) That, when more than one officer is involved in a case, regular and frequent assessments are made of the facts with a view to determining who, if anyone, is actually culpable and which officers are peripheral to the central facts. (Para. 7.124)

Recommendation – work ongoing, see update for 19.

f) That the MPS reviews the existing criteria for suspension to provide greater clarity on when suspension should be used. (Para. 7.135)

Recommendation completed.

Commander Moir Stuart informed the Authority that a new Standard Operating Procedure SOP was published in May 2006. In addition a Suspension Support Unit has been established within HR. The MPA also maintains a regular overview of the suspensions and suspension policy.

g) That the MPS takes steps to ensure that, in each case when suspension is considered, it accords with the recommendation of the Review of Operation Lancet that the use of suspension always needs to be proportionate to both the allegation and the risk. (Para. 7.136)

Recommendation completed. See update for 19.

h) That the MPS examines the adequacy of welfare support to officers under investigation. (Para. 10.85)

Recommendation Implemented.

An internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states ‘the revised Suspensions and Restrictions policy has now been agreed by the MPA. A central HR Suspensions Support Unit has also been established to provide support to officers and staff. DPS IIC investigative processes have been encapsulated in the Manual of Investigation and the associated policies, procedures and practices are contained in the Manual of Guidance. Proportionality issues feature prominently with the requirements of IPCC implementation and the implementation of statutory guidance (yet to be published). Other activities, such as the establishment of a new Prevention and Organisational Learning Command, are also operating to support progress/developments in this outcome’.

i. That, when an officer is under investigation, the MPS should:
1. give the officer a copy of any media release before it is issued;
2. tell the officer when information is likely to be released to the media; and
3. provide the officer with advice for dealing with media intrusion, doorstepping, etc.
(Para. 7.153)

The MPA note that this recommendation has been implemented and that in circumstances where the person bringing the ET publicly criticises the MPS, then the service may need to respond. In addition an internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states ‘It is a requirement of the Police (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2004 Police (Conduct) Regulations 2008 that contact is maintained with officers subject to investigations. This instruction is contained within the DPS Misconduct Investigation Guide. A Record of such contact is maintained in the investigators progress log on the Tribune system. With the implementation of the new procedures from December 2008 time scales for such contact from will be stipulated- (every four weeks). Officers are served with written notice both of any allegations that they are being investigated for and when those matters are submitted to misconduct proceedings (i.e. charges). In both cases the allegations are stated on the notices’.

j) That no comment is made about an officer’s guilt or innocence by the MPS until it has been established by the appropriate decision-making body, and no embargoed interviews should be given. (Para. 10.76)

An internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states that this recommendation is ‘not supported’.

k) That the MPS reviews its policy in relation to correcting errors in media reporting about its officers and staff. (Para. 10.85)

An internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states that this recommendation has been Implemented. Addressed in section 4.10 of the Media Relations SOP’.

l) That the MPS take steps to ensure that discipline matters relating to individuals are kept confidential and not discussed with third parties in a public forum. (Para. 10.119)

Recommendation implemented.

An internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states ‘It is a requirement of the Police (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2004 Police (Conduct) Regulations 2008 that contact is maintained with officers subject to investigations. This instruction is contained within the DPS Misconduct Investigation Guide. A Record of such contact is maintained in the investigators progress log on the Tribune system. With the implementation of the new procedures from December 2008 time scales for such contact from will be stipulated- (every four weeks).>

OffOfficers are served with written notice both of any allegations that they are being investigated for and when those matters are submitted to misconduct proceedings (i.e. charges). In both cases the allegations are stated on the notices’.

m) That measures are put in place to ensure that officers under investigation (other than covert investigations) are kept informed of developments and that officers are told of the detail of any charges at the time they are told of a decision to discipline them. (Para. 7.161)

Recommendation implemented. See update for 20l.

n) That officers under investigation be provided with a written record of the outcome of such an investigation and a summary of the reasons for that outcome. (Para. 10.119)

An internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states ‘This is both present practice and will also occur with the implementation of the new procedures in December 2008. The content of such a record is subject to consideration of potential harm/risk to witnesses, other investigations etc’.

o) That the conduct of disciplinary hearings should be reviewed to make them less akin to a criminal court. (Para. 7.164)

No update available.

p) That, in sensitive cases, or where there are vulnerable witnesses, thought should be given to the layout of the room and other practical considerations, such as allowing those involved to be accompanied by a friend or partner, so that the process is less daunting for all those involved. (Para. 7.164)

No update available.

q) That the MPS strengthens its guidance on Assistant Commissioner Reviews by including provisions:
1. making it clear that the reviewing officer should have access to all available documentation as of right; and
2. for the reviewing officer to be satisfied that he or she has all the necessary information required to make a proper decision.
(Para. 7.170)

Recommendation completed.

Commander Moir Stuart has informed the Authority that a half-day training package was delivered in February 2006. In addition set meetings are held 8 weeks after a misconduct hearing is authorised to provide disclosure opportunity and discussion between Misconduct case managers and the Officer and representative over issues agreed, contested and enable bespoke revelation.

r) That the relevant Committee of the Association of Chief Police Officers should consider issuing guidance on Chief Constable (Assistant Commissioner) Reviews. (Para. 7.170)

No update available.

21. That the MPS and the Metropolitan Police Authority create a police staff post, which would undertake the functions of a Chief Operating Officer, to bring all the support services in the MPS (Finance, Human Resources, Communications, Legal Services, Property, Information Systems and Technology, Procurement, Logistical Services, etc.) together under one individual who would be equal in status to the Deputy Commissioner with a remit which spans the whole of the organisation.
a) That the MPS reviews, with relevant stakeholders, the extent to which existing central processes inhibit devolution of real authority to managers in the Operational Command Units, with a view to streamlining the process to give local managers real responsibility for their budgets and people.

Recommendation implemented. The THR and Finance and Resource reorganisations will continue to push decision making down the management hierarchy.

b) That the MPS takes urgent steps to compile a comprehensive Scheme of Delegation setting out the levels of authority for different decisions throughout the organisation. This should be available to all officers and staff.

Recommendation implemented.

The MPS Scheme of Delegation sets out all significant functions and decisions which are delegated to officers (incorporating police officers and police staff) and which are of a statutory, financial or managerial nature, other than those of a purely operational nature. The Scheme does not define how those decisions should be taken nor does it attempt to list all the matters which are incidental to the exercise of those responsibilities and which are part of the everyday management functions of authorised officers.

TheThe MPS, in carrying out its functions, operates within a statutory framework. The MPS Scheme of Delegation reflects that statutory framework and provides officers with the legal power to exercise delegated functions from either the MPA or the Commissioner. The MPS scheme, therefore, operates within the framework of the MPA Standing Orders and Scheme of Delegation. The MPS Scheme of Delegation is an integral element of the MPS Corporate Governance Framework and supports the MPA’s Standing Orders which include:

  • Financial Regulations;
  • Contract Regulations;
  • Scheme of Delegation;
  • Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy.

The Scheme sets out the framework for the delegation of authority within the MPS to support the general management of the MPS. It has been emphasised to all Business Groups that everyone taking decisions within the MPS must ensure they comply with the terms of the Scheme and that failure to do so should result in appropriate management action. It is therefore essential that Business Groups understand the need to ensure that officers are made aware of their responsibilities under the Scheme and the authority limits within which they must operate.

c) That the MPS reviews its internal communication in the light of best practice in other large public and private sector organisations.

Recommendation implemented.

Internal communication has a vital role to play in the leadership, management and development of the MPS. Good internal communication involves regular and effective two-way communication with staff at all levels. It not only leads to increased morale and engagement of staff, it also has a knock-on effect on performance and in turn the reputation of the organisation. Effective upward communication ensures that senior managers have an understanding of the issues affecting staff working at all levels of the organisation and allows staff to actively take part in the decision-making processes that will shape strategies, policies and the direction of the organisation. See appendix B.

21 ua. That the MPS commits itself to a Code of Practice setting out the basis on which it will consult its workforce. This should be based on the following principles:
i. consulting with an open mind whilst proposals are at a formative stage;
ii. giving consultees full information about proposals;
iii. ensuring that consultation information reaches those who are being consulted;
iv. giving consultees sufficient time to respond;
v. considering carefully the results of consultation exercises; and
vi. providing consultees with full information about decisions taken at the end of the consultation period and, if relevant, the reasons for taking a different view from those who were consulted.

Recommendation implemented.

Your Views Count (YVC) is the MPS staff survey, which gives staff the opportunity to tell us what you think about working for the MPS. Results from the survey, are presented to senior management, and help to build a picture of what the organisation is doing well and where improvements are needed. Action plans are then developed to improve in those where required.

TheThe survey was designed in consultation with stakeholders across the MPS to cover the following themes:

  • Working for the MPS
  • Our Values
  • Where I work
  • My line manager
  • My job

Responses are collected via an online questionnaire link, with paper copies available for employees who do not have access to Aware. Unlike previous lengthy staff surveys, 'Your Views Count' is a focused survey designed to get high-level feedback that can be acted upon. All responses are anonymous and confidential, and managed by an external contractor Ipsos MORI.

The MPS Staff Survey ‘Your Views Count’ (YVC) comprising five groups of statements and 23 questions in all. Data is continuously collected and published quarterly and used to track progress. See Appendix C.

22. That the issue of duty time and other resources for all representative groups, including staff support associations, is reviewed.

Recommendation implemented, although the arrangements are being reviewed to produce a memorandum of understanding.

23. That the issue of duty time and other resources for all representative groups, including staff support associations, is reviewed.

AAn internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states ‘the duty time allowed for the association reps had actually already been looked into in 2004 and this had led to a significant increase. A further increase would not have been appropriate as the current level was getting close to comparison with the recognised Trade Unions (who get facility time). The current position is as published in notices periodically - the latest was 20.08)’.

24. That, in addition to consulting through representative bodies, the MPS takes steps to involve its workforce in decisions on issues that concern them.

Recommendation implemented.

The MPS recognise that these bodies have an important role to play in the development of equality within the Service particularly toward effecting cultural change. The MPS has 17 groups collectively known as the Staff Associations Meeting Up Regularly and Interacting (SAMURAI). Executive members of each group meet with the MPS Director of HR and he takes questions from the floor and invites subject matter experts from HR Directorate to also attend, responding directly to any issues of either concern or interest.

The HR Director also regularly hosts a ‘live-time’ HR forum on the MPS internal intranet where any MPS staff member can ask him a direct question relating to HR policy. The HR Director holds regular one-to-one informal chats with many members and the Commissioner frequently holds ‘get-togethers’ with large numbers of staff where together with management board he takes direct questions from the audience.

The MPS recognises the value of all associations and supports their involvement in activities that add value to policing, i.e. involvement in recruitment campaigns targeted at under represented groups, to represent minority interests & to act as a sounding board for new policies or ideas.

As pAs part of a wider strategy the Home Office intend to conduct a review of the national groups in order to establish what arrangements should be put in place to support them and what benefits this will bring to their members, the police service and partners. This review is intended to include consideration of the funding arrangements of staff associations and staff support associations.

25. That the MPS considers the views expressed in our survey and how the issues revealed can be addressed. We would recommend a follow-up survey in one to two years’ time.

Recommendation implemented. See above.

26. That the MPS takes active steps to remain vigilant and to monitor the culture at Hendon, and to ensure that all staff and recruits are aware of what constitutes inappropriate behaviour (such as that which is bullying and / or discriminatory) and that any incidents which do occur are treated with the seriousness they deserve.

The MPA notes that this recommendation has been implemented. An internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states‘Issues of integrity and corruption are addressed in a highly interactive and informative session at Hendon for new recruits by a senior police officer from DPS. This session weaves in key themes such as equality, diversity and its content has recently been further strengthened by contributions made by the Diversity Officer, DPS, officers from the MPA’s Professional Standards and Race & Diversity Units and representatives from MPS Staff Associations. The Code of Expectations is now included in the Student Officer handbook issued to all successful candidates prior to joining the MPS. The Code has been suitably amended to cater for members of the extended police family’.

27. That the MPS ensures that there are effective, formal support mechanisms in place for all recruits. These should cover the period after acceptance and before they arrive at Hendon, as well as their time spent there.

The Students Options and Solutions Team (SOST), based at Hendon, was launched as the Morris Inquiry sat. The First Contact Scheme has been launched and all available support is being extended to include all satellite sites, IPLDP sites, and training delivered within the Extended Police Family. SOST allow students to discuss any issues which are troubling them, whether work related nor not. The idea is to help students identify options they may wish to take. The final decision rests with the student. The SOST can only support and assist with that process, not make the decision for them. The team work 7am – 5pm Monday to Friday. Appointments are not necessary.

First Contacts

There is a list of people you can approach within the MPS who you can talk to on a one-to-one basis if staff have a problem with a manager or other members of staff. The SOST team carry out exit interviews for anyone resigning.

28. That the MPS gives consideration to early implementation of any proposed scheme of multi-point entry for officers.

This is being considered as part of the MetForward programme. It is not currently possible without a legislative change. The MPA Race and Faith Inquiry is also considering this.

29. That the MPS evolves effective induction processes to cover entry into the organisation, and all changes of role within it, and that the Human Resources directorate institutes formal mechanisms for monitoring compliance.

Recommendation implemented.

The MPA notes that induction is a critical process that ensures all new staff are integrated into the workplace and feel valued. Induction enables the new appointee to hit the ground running and to bed into the organisation more quickly. At a local level it is primarily the line manager’s responsibility to include as a comprehensive induction checklist and attendance at a corporate induction day within three months. This will allow enable an individual to obtain and better understand the objectives and key functions of the organisation in a timely fashion and should also help the individual to more easily settle into your new role / environment etc.

An internal MPS report (Dialogue to delivery March 2009) states ‘Induction is carried out at a number of levels. For police officers it is carried out at the training centres. For police staff there are corporate induction days that staff normally attend within their first three months. These include presentations from a wide range of speakers and numerous “stands” with, e.g. trade unions, staff associations, specialist units etc. There is also an online Multi Media Induction programme to complete. In addition, each Borough and business group is also expected to run its own induction programme, with specific information relating to the area/business group’.

In order hand to develop corporate induction process for senior officers and staff joining/ to ensure compliance, every HR unit in the MPS is evaluated on an annual basis with respect to its performance in a number of key HR activity areas, including the quality, standard and comprehensive implementation of the induction process.

CorpCorporate induction is in 4 stages: A corporate induction day, an induction pack, and intranet site and checklist for the use of local HR managers. Research and planning is now in transferring into the MPS.

30. That the Human Resources directorate takes steps to ensure that the Performance Development Review process is fully implemented across the MPS as a meaningful management tool. This should be centrally monitored and the Human Resources directorate should carry out periodic reviews across the organisation to monitor quality and consistency.

Recommendation implemented.

Every HR Unit in the MPS is evaluated once a year. The HR Evaluation Unit gathers qualitative and quantitative evidence on a number of key HR transactional activity areas. The list of transactional activities is reviewed periodically and is subject to change, but at present it includes:

  • Attendance Management
  • MetHR (personnel computer system)
  • PDRs (Performance Development Reviews - annual appraisals on staff)
  • Readiness for Transition to THR (Transforming HR – a major IT programme to provide a shared service centre)
  • Training

The aims and objectives of the HR evaluation process:

  • To assess the performance of OCUs against corporate standards where appropriate.
  • To monitor compliance with MPS policy.
  • To benchmark performance against other OCUs and for individual OCUs, to provide comparative year on year performance data.
  • To identify good practice for dissemination.
  • The evaluation also includes a check on quality assurance and training.
a) That the Human Resources directorate should keep data on the training undertaken by officers and staff both in terms of the time spent on training and the training undertaken.

Recommendation implemented. As part of the THR programme, there is also an expectation that line managers will be able to update training records of their staff and individual members of staff will be able to check their own training records.

b) That Operational Command Unit commanders and departmental managers should use this data to ensure that the officers and staff for whom they are responsible receive the training they need to do their jobs and that there is fair and equal access to appropriate training opportunities. A pre-requisite of this is full devolution of training budgets.

Recommendation implemented insofar as it is possible. Some training remains a corporate responsibility. The primary purpose of learning and development is to maintain and improve the performance of the MPS. To achieve this, training is delivered both through corporate programmes and on the basis of local needs. Major training units include the Directorate of Training and Development’s training schools, the Crime Academy, Leadership Academy, Firearms and Public Order training at Gravesend and the IT training establishment. However, the eighty-two training units across the MPS deliver both corporately agreed programmes and training to meet local needs.

Although classroom based training continues to be the most frequent method of delivery, the MPS has a long tradition of delivering practical training through role–play, simulation and work based experiential learning. It has also pioneered immersive learning through its Hydra training facilities. An underlying principle is that training will be designed and delivered in such a way as to minimise abstractions from the workplace. Wherever practicable, training is conducted at or near the workplace, using, if available, corporately produced training and learning materials.

The MPS continues to develop its use and application of e-learning and to exploit the benefits this mode of training delivery offers. Every permanent member of the MPS now has a learning account on the National Centre for Applied Learning Technologies (NCALT), Managed Learning Environment (MLE) which enables access to national and MPS specific e-learning modules. An interface between the MLE and the MetHR system now exists whereby individual learning records and new accounts are semi-automatically updated and created.

This means that all permanent staff have the opportunity to undertake corporate training at the workplace, or even away from the workplace, which has allowed the MPS to reach an audience that were often unable to attend training. These groups include part time workers, those with mobility concerns or issues, those on secondment, those on maternity or paternity leave, those with caring responsibilities and those on a career break. In addition, the design standards for e-learning make specific provision for disability. E-learning provides greater flexibility for learners to progress at their own speed, thus enabling learning for those with different levels of ability.

HoweHowever the MPA Race and Faith Inquiry have indicated that there is a lack of confidence in the process. The inquiry recommendations will pick up on any training issues.

c) That the MPS implements a more effective management development programme.

Recommendation implemented. See response on Leadership Academy.

In addition, police officers of any rank may undertake relevant studies designed to encourage registration with a university in order to conduct research into current police problems. The research must lead to a higher degree awarded by a university. For substantive officers up to the rank of Chief Inspector, the MPS can help fund all or some of the costs of relevant studies outside of the MPS. The programme is open initially to black, Asian and minority ethnic police officers at constable, sergeant, inspector and chief inspector rank who aspire to join the HPDS or the MPS talent pool. As part of their talent management scrutiny the MPA made a number of recommendations. See Appendix E for the details.

d) That the MPS introduces development programmes which will increase the opportunities available for cross-fertilisation with those managing other public and private sector organisations.

Recommendation implemented.

The MPA talent management scrutiny recommended that the MPS should encourage all ACPO and Superintending ranks to provide internal coaching and mentoring or work shadowing opportunities as part of the talent management and succession planning strategy. This should be in addition to the external coaching and mentoring opportunities for senior police officers and senior police staff with London First. In the absence of personal coaching, mentoring or work shadowing opportunities, coaching and mentoring opportunities should be provided with or by external organisations.

The MPS stated that work is already in progress to encourage ACPO and superintending ranks to provide coaching, mentoring and career development support as part of a Talent Cascade. This Talent Cascade uses the skills and experiences of more senior staff and officers, who show a clear focus on their own development, to coach more junior staff and officers. It creates a talent network and provides further opportunities for staff to coach and mentor and evidence how they are maximising potential in others.

In addition, the partnership with London First continues with the Leadership Exchange programme having been re-launched to increase the number of partnerships across Superintending ranks. For members of the talent programmes, access to external mentoring and/or coaching is facilitated based on identified development needs within personal development plans.

The MPA talent management scrutiny recommended the opportunity to expand existing senior secondment initiatives with organisations such as London First should be explored, together with secondment opportunities to and from other parts of government, local government and the criminal justice sector for lower and middle ranking officers.

The MPS stated that an evaluation of existing arrangements with London First is currently taking place, with a view to expanding the business partnerships currently available and offering secondments. These secondments would be sourced for individuals within the talent groups and would be based on identified development needs

The MPA talent management scrutiny recommended that the opportunity to incorporate existing police development programmes into the talent management and succession planning strategy should be explored as part of a “development centre” programme, e.g. using programmes run by the NPIA. The MPS stated this is the approach taken within the talent management framework, which builds on existing national programmes, such as the HPDS and NSCAS.

LookLooking internally within the MPS, the Senior Careers Advisor is developing an integrated approach to development activity across leadership, talent management and diversity areas in collaboration with the Director of the Leadership Academy, the Deputy Director of Human Resources and the DAC for Diversity and Citizen Focus.

e) That the MPS takes immediate action to implement the HMIC recommendation on a High Potential Development Scheme for police staff.

See response to 30 c). This scheme has still not been launched by NPIA.

f) That the MPS’ management development programme should be available to police staff as well as police officers.

Recommendation implemented. See previous answers.

g) That the MPS ensures that it has systems in place to develop all its officers and staff.

Recommendation implemented. See previous answers. It should be noted that the MPA Race and Faith Inquiry has indicated that many MPS officers have little faith in the performance development process. The Inquiry recommendations will highlight these issues.

31. That the MPS develops procedures for promotion and appointments to specialist posts which are fair and transparent and that the Human Resources directorate monitors their application.

There are no specialist police officer promotion processes other than for specific ACPO posts. There are promotion opportunities for police staff and these are competency based. The MPA talent management scrutiny made a number of recommendations around specialist officers. See Appendix D.

32. That the MPS takes steps to ensure that its policy on flexible working is fully understood and implemented, and that the Human Resources directorate rigorously monitors that implementation.

Recommendation implemented.

As part of the THR programme, the information made available to staff is now more user friendly.

Any Any member of the MPS may make a request for flexible working. The most common flexible working patterns are:

  • Compressed hours
  • Part-time working
  • Term time working
  • Annualised hours
  • Job-sharing

Having made the request the line manager will meet with the individual within 28 days. If an application for flexible working is declined the applicant can appeal to the OCU Commander / Head of Branch within 14 days of being notified of this decision. The OCU Commander / Head of Branch will aim to deal

The following are examples of where flexible working may not be suitable:

  • A burden of extra costs to the Police Service
  • Inability to meet the demands of the public
  • Inability to organise the work within staff available
  • Inability to recruit additional staff
  • Detrimental impact on quality of work
  • Detrimental impact on performance
  • Inability to find extra staff

For carers, they do not have to give a reason why they wish to work flexibly, although it may be relevant if it relates to child caring responsibilities or maternity arrangements. Under the Employment Act 2002 police staff who are parents of children under 6 or a disabled child under 18 and those who are carers of certain adults ('a carer looks after a relative, partner or a member of the family who cannot manage without that help because they have a long-term medical condition or disability. Carers may or may not live with the person for whom they care and may share the care within the family') will have special rights to request flexible working and employers have specific duties in relation to the timing of dealing with the application.

a) That the MPS establishes a central resource to provide guidance to managers on managing flexible working and to match requests for flexible working with job opportunities.

The police officer postings process begins with the consolidation by the Workforce Planning Unit (WPU), of workforce strength information. This is derived from MetHR as per the last day of the month as well as the changes provided by all HR managers.

The postings panel will identify suitable postings for uniformed and detective officers on level transfer and promotion, in the ranks of constable and sergeant. Information will be circulated in advance, identifying the priorities for filling vacancies, to inform managers and help officers to express realistic posting preferences. Details of vacancies at all ranks can be found on the WPU intranet site under the heading of local strength information. Details of all units' workforce target strengths and forecast vacancies are updated on this page each month.

The postings panel takes into account a number of issues including flexible working arrangements, officers on restricted and recuperative duties and officers with disabilities.

The posting of officers with flexible working arrangements will be processed in the same way as full time officers and the same paperwork will be required for the posting process to take place. Officers will be posted to an OCU, irrespective of whether they are full time or part time and it will be for the OCU and the officer to negotiate flexible working arrangements. If the OCU confirms they are unable to accept the officer, written evidence will be required to state the reasons for this.

ExceExceptional cases may be dealt with outside the posting panel. For example:

  • Sensitive or urgent welfare cases or complex issues (i.e. restricted duties) or transfers under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) (to enable reasonable adjustments)
  • Disciplinary matters/loss of Service confidence
  • Urgent operational needs

In addition, if a unit is unable to provide an appropriate role for an officer who has been placed on restricted duties and/or if covered by the DDA, the officer should submit a police transfer form, form 6276B, and relevant documentation to the WPU.

For officers seeking a transfer under the DDA, HR Managers may wish to consider approaching the Strategic Disability Team for advice.

The The Race and Faith Inquiry is investigating the issues around this recommendation.

b) That consideration is given to a childcare co-coordinator post based on the Greater Manchester Police model

Recommendation implemented.

33. That the MPS sets up a central resource to match officers and staff with disabilities to suitable vacancies and to ensure that any necessary adjustments are made speedily.

See previous answer.

34. That there should be a full case review of Operation Helios which is independent of the MPS. The review should include examining the issue of race discrimination. (Para. 10.74)

On 5 June 2007 the former MPA Chair Len Duvall responded to the announcement that mutually acceptable terms had been agreed, resolving all disputes arising out of Operation Helios, Len Duvall said:

"The MPA welcomes the constructive resolution agreed by the National Black Police Association and the Met Black Police Association with the Metropolitan Police Service in relation to Operation Helios. We are very grateful for the hard work and commitment of all the parties involved."

He continued:

"It is part of the MPA's duty to promote equality and diversity within the MPS. The Authority hopes that everyone can now move on and that all those involved in Operation Helios and subsequent events can learn from the experience.
“Our responsibility is to hold the MPS rigorously to account and oversee continuous improvement. In 2004 the Authority set up the independent Morris Inquiry to examine professional standards and employment matters in the service and make recommendations for change.
"We are committed to working with all our partners to ensure fairness of treatment for our own staff, and to working with the MPS to achieve cultural change throughout the service to maintain confidence in policing."
35. That the MPS avoids entering into agreements in relation to professional standards and conduct matters that are ultra vires. (Para. 10.76)

RRecommendation Implemented.

36. That where Gold Groups are established in relation to disciplinary matters:
ii. their purpose and powers are set out in writing so that all involved are clear about their role and lines of accountability; (Para. 10.76) and
ii. clear guidelines are established about the make-up of a Gold Group as, for example, it is not appropriate for representatives of complainants or other parties involved to be members of such a Gold Group or to be present at any meetings. (Para. 10.119)

Recommendation not implemented.

The MPS is currently carrying out a review of gold groups by specifically examining over sight mechanisms, as well as reviewing corruption prevention within Territorial policing. One strand of this work is organisational learning and gold groups. Recommendation 37 will be picked up during the course of these reviews and as part of the organisational learning strand.

37. That the MPS provides Chief Inspector Pendry with written responses to the questions she has posed in her submission to the Inquiry. (Para. 10.119)

Recommendation implemented.

C. Race and equality impact

The terms of reference of the Morris Inquiry and the associated notes set out by the MPA, requested the inquiry panel:

“To inquire into the conduct by the MPS of the following matters in relation to police officers and police staff – policies, procedures and practices for and resolution of Employment Tribunal claims, in particular those claims involving allegations of race or other discrimination against the MPS.”
To establish whether the policies, practices, procedures and structures of the MPS in relation to those matters represent food effective practice in line with key strategies and the statutory obligations of the MPS and MPS under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and other relevant legislation.
To identify lessons to be learnt from the outcome of recent high profile cases (including recommendations made by the Gurpal Virdi Inquiry, and the outcome of the case involving Supt. Dizaei).
To consider whether there are disparities in the treatment of black and other minority police officers in relation to grievance, complaint and disciplinary proceedings and hearings.”

It is crucial that the MPS and the MPA continue to build on the learning from the areas of improvement highlighted by the Morris Inquiry, and successfully implement the remaining recommendations of the Morris Inquiry and those of the Race and Faith Inquiry.

Race and equality issues are fundamental to the Morris Report. They must, therefore, also be integral to the way that the MPA and the MPS address the remaining recommendations.

D. Financial implications

There are continuing costs in the MPA budget for Professional Standards work within the MPA, in order to implement recommendations of the Inquiry relating to the MPA’s functions for the complaints and discipline process. The MPA is currently funding a temporary resource to aid with this work. Other costs are subsumed into the function the MPS and MPA day to day work.

E. Legal Implications


F. Background papers

  • A Case for Change – Morris Inquiry, 2004
  • MPS Dialogue to Delivery -Internal Diversity Review, March 2009
  • MPS Internal DPS progress report – April 2007

G. Contact details

Report author(s): Julliett Fearon-Knott

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix A – New MPS Standards of Professional Behaviour

  • Honesty and Integrity
    Police officers are honest, act with integrity and do not compromise or abuse their position.
  • Authority, Respect and Courtesy
    Police officers act with self-control and tolerance, treating members of the public and colleagues with respect and courtesy.
    Police officers do not abuse their powers or authority and respect the rights of all individuals.
  • Equality and Diversity
    Police officers act with fairness and impartiality. They do not discriminate unlawfully or unfairly.
  • Use of Force
    Police officers only use force to the extent that it is necessary, proportionate and reasonable in all the circumstances.
  • Orders and Instructions
    Police officers only give and carry out lawful orders and instructions.
    Police officers abide by police regulations, force policies and lawful orders.
  • Duties and Responsibilities
    Police officers are diligent in the exercise of their duties and responsibilities.
  • Confidentiality
    Police officers treat information with respect and access or disclose it only in the proper course of police duties.
  • Fitness for Duty
    Police officers when on duty or presenting themselves for duty are fit to carry out their responsibilities.
  • Discreditable Conduct
    Police officers behave in a manner which does not discredit the police service or undermine public confidence in it, whether on or off duty.
    Police officers report any action taken against them for a criminal offence, any conditions imposed on them by a court or the receipt of any penalty notice.
  • Challenging and Reporting Improper Conduct
    Police officers report, challenge or take action against the conduct of colleagues which has fallen below the Standards of Professional Behaviour.

Appendix B - MPS Corporate internal communication objectives

Corporate internal communication objectives

The overall strategy will deliver the following internal communication objectives:

  • Create greater focus, clarity, and shared understanding about the MPS' overall mission, values, priorities and objectives and how people can contribute to achieving them.
  • Support leaders in their communication role to ensure staff are aware of key decisions and policies, the reasons behind them, and how they affect individuals and their work.
  • Encourage two-way communication in the organisation to ensure that MPS senior managers have an understanding of the issues affecting staff working at all levels so that these are taken into account during the development of strategies and policies, as appropriate.
  • Make better use of technology to target information and reduce information overload.
  • Increase knowledge of the changing external world, its impact on the MPS and, where appropriate, the need for change.

Roles and responsibilities

The revised strategy has implications for all parts of the MPS, starting with Management Board

Management Board

  • Provide context and clarity about strategic and organisational priorities
  • Provide communication leadership, be visible – walk the talk
  • Regularly brief team members face to face
  • Consider the communication implications of decisions
  • Make sure that the central / corporate parts of the Met are communicating
  • Support the DPA in its internal communication work
  • Hold other leaders in the organisation accountable for their communication responsibilities
  • Seek feedback and dialogue with staff from across the organisation
  • Build trust by listening and responding

Leaders – BOCU /OCU Commanders and departmental heads

  • Take corporate information and create borough / unit / departmental and operational relevance and local priorities
  • Ensure communication standards are maintained and hold people accountable for their responsibilities in this area
  • Seek and ensure feedback and communicate this back up
  • Appoint communication liaison officers to build the professional communication infrastructure in the Met
  • Communicate directly with these people, brief them effectively, and provide them with the information they need to talk to others
  • Foster a climate where regular face-to-face team briefings are the norm

Directorate of Public Affairs and Internal Communication

  • Guardian of the strategy and the principles on behalf of the organisation
  • Run key activities and communication channels e.g. intranet homepage, The Job and Met-Get-Togethers
  • Support and work with the organisation on issues as internal advisers
  • Help to create better streamlining and co-ordination of communication from the ‘centre’ of the Met
  • Be well-informed and keep in touch with what is happening
  • Ensure that there is a productive communication infrastructure across the organisation and facilitate the flow of communication in all directions
  • Advise Management Board on internal communication issues
  • Measure and evaluate communication effectiveness
  • Ensure messages are available for everybody – easy to find and easy to understand
  • Work to improve understanding of messages across the Met

BOCU / OCU / communication champions

  • Support and advise leaders in their internal communication role
  • Provide a key two-way link with the DPA
  • Help with the implementation of Met-wide communication campaigns, working with the ‘centre’


  • Take responsibility for being well-informed – keep up to date with important information and act upon it
  • Provide productive feedback

The benefits of improved internal communication

Through a process of improved internal communication, the MPS will benefit by:

  • promoting ownership/understanding of key policies and messages by all individuals
  • improving morale
  • improving motivation and engagement
  • engendering pride
  • creating 55k potential ambassadors for the MPS who will help promote accurate information to Londoners in an informed and positive way
  • improving an individual's feeling of value to the organisation
  • capturing contributions from right across the organisation, so that individuals feel listened to
  • Improved performance

Primary channels – face-to-face

  • Meetings and briefings with staff
  • Focus groups
  • Consultation
  • Management visibility
  • Met-Get-Togethers

Support channels

  • Intranet
  • Online forums
  • Video messaging
  • Notices
  • Publications and documents
  • The Job
  • email


  • Posters
  • Videos / DVDs / CDs
  • Noticeboards


Delivering a message is relatively straightforward, but how effective has your communication been? There are three broad approaches to the measurement of communication:

  • Measuring output: DPA will monitor and record what information has been disseminated, the methods used and whether people received it.
  • Measuring impact: DPA will check to see if people understand the messages.
  • Measuring outcome: DPA will monitor the number of people engaging in the consultation processes and assess the impact on motivation and performance.

DPA will measure and evaluate through feedback, focus groups, dip sampling, informal contacts, formal and informal surveys, the consultation processes, and monitoring communication.

Appendix C: Table illustrating some of the key Morris Survey findings compared with the latest YVC survey (December 2008) and the targets set by the Leadership Academy to be achieved by April 2010

Table 1 – Morris Survey compared with latest YVC Survey and Targets

  Morris 2004 Your views count Dec 2008 Target April 2010
April 2010 I am satisfied with my current job 52 60 62
 I am treated with fairness & respect 51 56 57
I am kept informed of developments 44 53 52
 I am consulted on management decisions that affect me 30 36 34
 My line manager values my contribution 70 76 78
 My line manager provides the opportunity for face-to-face discussion 73 76 82
 I am encouraged to share my ideas & suggestions 49 52 54

The YVC survey also has free text retrieval that invites statements as to:

  • The best thing about my job, and
  • The one thing that would improve my job,

tthus allowing for organisational tracking of, say, the need to improve training. It is perhaps worthy of note that ‘Better management’ no longer features overall in the top three suggestions that would improve the job but seems to remain an issue in some (B)OCUs, thereby providing an ‘intelligence lead’ to Leadership Academy Local.

The data collected is of sufficient number to be analysed by Business Group and OCU (one of the few MPS performance measures available and comparable between all business units) and can also be further analysed by gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, race and faith as well as by rank, pay grade and role. While great care must be taken with conclusions drawn from small numbers and percentages, there is significant scope to identify trends and areas of concern and also to track progress following intervention work.

It is also acknowledged that, for the benefit of a short questionnaire that is, therefore, more attractive to the compiler, it is quite broad and high level. These results are also capable of intra- and external- benchmarking. When appropriate, a staff consultation group is formed to examine the results of the survey and make recommendations to the senior team for improvements in the short, medium and long term. This engagement and involvement with staff has been show to significantly improve communication within the (B)OCU concerned. Mainly, though, the survey has helped the senior leadership team in the (B)OCU to work on their own behaviour and team relationships and the impact of their individual and/or collective behaviour on the staff.

Appendix D: Recommendations around specialist officers taken from the MPA talent management scrutiny

Recommendation 15: That as part of the approach to a revised HPDS, the MPS supports the MPS proposals around:

  • graduate recruitment linked to a work based assessment promotion route to Superintending rank; and
  • for existing police officers a work based assessment route to Superintending rank, linked to NSCAS.

Recommendation 16: In the absence of NPIA support for the proposals at Recommendation 15, the MPS develops its own programmes along similar lines.

The MPS welcomed the MPA support for these proposals. The newly revised police HPDS will be open to constables and sergeants who are not members of the current scheme. It is aimed at a smaller number of officers who have the potential to progress to ACPO level, whereas the former scheme selected officers evidencing the potential, desire and commitment to reach Superintendent. Accordingly, the places available each year will be very limited. The NPIA anticipate that Forces will implement their own internal talent programmes to supplement the national HPDS.

As part of the talent framework, the MPS are trialling work-based assessment for HPDS Inspectors to Chief Inspectors, with a full review planned for Summer 2008. The trial of work-based assessment for HPDS Chief Inspectors to Superintendents has begun. Detailed guidance is currently being drawn up to ensure rigour when assessing HPDS Chief Inspectors’ suitability to commence work-based assessment and their performance during the 6-month assessment period.

Under the (IPLDP), student officers will do their initial training on or near the BOCU that they are posted to as opposed to undertaking the 18-week Initial Training Foundation course at Hendon.

For chief officers, and those with the potential to become chief officers, is a major plank in the national strategy to develop leadership ability.

There are two NVQs available for police officers: there are a variety of programmes:

  • Positive Action Leadership Programme
  • Promoting Difference Mentoring Scheme
  • Barriers to Career Development - a workshop for Deaf & Disabled people
  • Springboard Programme
  • Leadership Development for Senior Women

The (PDR) is a key tool to identify areas of development and performance in order to be ready for your next role.

For police staff of any band wishing to undertake relevant studies, the Bramshill Fellowship scheme is designed to encourage registration with a university in order to conduct research into current police problems. The research must lead to a higher degree awarded by a university. For substantive members of police staff up to the Band C, the MPS can help fund all or some of the costs of relevant studies outside of the MPS.

The (IDP) is designed to identify and develop those members of police staff who have what it takes to succeed in leadership roles

For senior staff, and those with the potential to become senior staff, the is a major plank in the national strategy to develop leadership ability. Also for senior staff (Bands A and B) is which enables them to access and apply existing knowledge to encourage a sustainable change throughout the organisation.

The following vocational qualifications are available for police staff: NVQ in management, there are a variety of programmes:

  • Positive Action Leadership Programme
  • Promoting Difference Mentoring Scheme
  • Barriers to Career Development - a workshop for Deaf & Disabled people
  • Springboard Programme
  • Leadership Development for Senior Women

The (PDR) is a key tool to identify areas of development and performance in order to be ready for your next role.

Appendix E: MPA talent management scrutiny recommendations

Recommendation 18: That the MPS, in consultation with HMIC and the appropriate ACPO leads, produces tailored positive action programmes for ‘pulling through‘ under-represented groups into specialist roles, particularly more senior roles, as part of a development programme.

Once the Promoting Difference Programme has been embedded and evaluated, its value and impact to the Service generally will be assessed, with a view to tailoring and expanding aspects as required.

Recommendation 19: That the MPS, in consultation with HMIC and the ACPO lead on Workforce Modernisation, carries out further work on making specialist roles and specialist career pathways more attractive to those seeking development and / or promotion opportunities.

This is agreed and will be taken forward by the Deputy Director of Human Resources through the appropriate Workforce Modernisation mechanisms.

Recommendation 20: For specialist officers seeking promotion or lateral development, consideration should be given to providing advice and support for programmes run by business schools or the Leadership Academy in order to broaden their awareness and enhance their promotability / suitability.

Current Leadership Academy courses are designed to equip officers and staff from across the organisation with generic leadership and management development training, irrespective of their particular area of work. Officers transferring from a specialism or seeking promotion should, therefore, have no requirement for further training over and above that offered by the Leadership Academy.

Recommendation 21: For specialist officers who notify their intention to seek lateral development, consideration should be given to internal coaching and mentoring or work shadowing opportunities in the period leading up to their transfer to another area of work.

Under THR, identifying development needs and finding appropriate mechanisms to meet them will be a line management responsibility. The Expert Centre will be able to provide appropriate advice and support to line managers, as required.

Recommendation 22: That the national Workforce Modernisation programme be asked to look at practical and innovative ways of encouraging officers to seek lateral development opportunities to broaden their careers, i.e. into and out of specialist or non-specialist roles.

The views of the MPA and MPS have been passed onto the Workforce Modernisation Programme for review.

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