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Report 7 of the 12 November 2009 meeting of the Communities, Equalities and People Committee, with violence against women and girls performance management arrangements and accountability process.

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Accountability for borough performance on violence against women and girls targets

Report: 7
Date: 12 November 2009
By: Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing on behalf of the Commissioner


The report sets out the violence against women and girls performance management arrangements and accountability process.

In addition the report highlights MPS performance exceeding bespoke targets for Domestic Violence, serious sexual offences, and a static position for that of rape.

A. Recommendation

That the arrangements for performance accountability are noted.

B. Supporting information

VAWAG (Violence against women and girls) Targets

1. At present the MPS, along with other forces, awaits a defined suite of VAWAG targets following the various national, regional, governmental and police debates on the subject.

2. Whilst no separate targets or measurements exist for VAWAG at present it is known that last year female victims of Most Serious Violence (MSV) were under represented with the percentage of female victims being 20% of all victims. However in recorded instances of rape, serious sexual assault & domestic violence the percentage of female victims were significantly higher (94%, 90%, 85% respectively) making these offences a truer reflection of VAWAG.

3. The MPS performance for these offences is set out below showing year on year percentage increases for detections of domestic violence and serious sexual offences and a static position for that of rape.

  • Domestic Violence
    • FY 06/07 = 39%
    • FY 07/08 = 44%
    • FY 08/09 = 46%
  • Rape
    • FY 06/07 = 33%
    • FY 07/08 = 33%
    • FY 08/09 = 33%
  • Serious Sexual Offences
    • FY 06/07 - Not assessed
    • FY 07/08 = 24%
    • FY 08/09 = 30%

4. All the above offences until recently have been owned and investigated exclusively on borough, however following a review into the investigation of rape offences a new unit within the Specialist Crime Directorate (SCD) SCD2 has been established to investigate all rape and serious sexual assaults.

5. The investigation of domestic violence remains with the boroughs.

Objective setting for MPS

6. Annually the MPS sets corporate targets in agreement with the MPA. Once agreed the sum of each of these targets is disaggregated amongst the thirty- two boroughs in agreement with local partners. The borough commander is then responsible for the delivery of his/her borough targets. These along with other targets and responsibilities also become personal objectives for borough commanders and are reported and assessed through the personal development review.

7. Borough commander objectives are bespoke to the individual and their borough and negotiated with their Area Commander and agreed by TP Deputy Assistant Commissioner Operations countersigning. In this financial year these include Most Serious Violence (Subset of VAWAG) and other objectives including the principle target measure of public confidence.

8. Borough performance is closely monitored against extensive performance information including the weekly TP balanced scorecard with numerous performance categories including domestic violence, rape and serious sexual offences.

9. Assistant Commissioner TP, Deputy Assistant Commissioner TP and Area Commanders meet monthly with all borough commanders to review and promulgate best practice and share any other organisational learning. In addition Deputy Assistant Commissioner TP Operations also holds regular key performance meetings on a rotation basis with her Area Commanders and their reporting borough commanders. At this meeting the borough commanders are challenged over performance and are assisted by peer support when faced with challenges. This provides further opportunity to ensure organisational learning is disseminated.

10. Where a borough commander’s individual performance is not meeting the required standard it will be subject to management review through their Area Commander. If the individual performance continues to be unsatisfactory then, as with any officer, they will be the subject of unsatisfactory performance process and/or disciplinary procedure.

C. Race and equality impact

1. By its very nature this paper has been requested to focus on outcomes for women and girls. The MPS recognises that its performance against this subset of targets is essential in retaining the confidence of this section of our communities. As such reducing, detecting and preventing offences in conjunction with our partners is key MPS activity.

2. Community Safety Unit activity and the development of Violence against Women and Girls Strategy is the subject of continuous impact assessment.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications arising from this report.

E. Legal implications

None arising directly from this report

F. Background papers

  • None

G. Contact details

Report author(s): Julian Worker, Detective Chief Superintendent

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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