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Report 6 of the 15 December 2006 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee and details information on cases Accident Claims Branch are dealing with relating to accidents to staff or visitors on MPA premises.

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Information on cases Accident Claims Branch are dealing with relating to accidents to staff or visitors on MPA premises

Report: 6
Date: 15 December 2006
By: T/AC Standards and Intelligence Command on behalf of the Commissioner


To date 558 claims in this category have been registered by Accident Claims since January 2001. The number of claims per year has declined since 2004 with a low of 51 claims to date being registered in 2006. The amounts paid during the period 2001-2006 totals £3,816,000, with compensation payments declining markedly in the years 2004 – 2006.

A. Recommendation

That members note the contents of the report.

B. Supporting information

1. The Accident Claims Branch (part of the Directorate of Professional Standards’ Prevention and Organisational Learning Command) is responsible for processing all civil claims made against the MPS in respect of accidents to staff or visitors on MPA premises. These claims include accidents resulting in personal injury arising from accidents that may be classified as 'slips and trips', together with injuries arising from furniture defects, falling objects or work practices and faulty equipment (including training injuries).

2. Since 2001, 558 claims have been registered by the Accident Claims Branch with 185 claims being categorised as 'slips and trips'. Of the remainder 64 claims have been registered as training injuries with the balance of claims registered being attributed to furniture defects, falling objects, work practices or faulty equipment.

3. £3,816,000 has been paid out in compensation on these claims since 2001 with the value of claims being paid each year reducing since 2003. It is apparent that since 2004 the volume of claims registered has also reduced significantly, with claims recorded for the current year standing at less than 50% of the total for 2004 (albeit that one month remains of the current year).

4. The reductions in volume and value of claims can be attributed to the increased emphasis on Health & Safety training/ awareness, the use of risk assessments in the workplace, improvements in the working environment, the introduction of mandatory officer safety training and a continued robust approach to the handling of claims made against the MPS.

5. It should be noted that this type of claim often takes some time to conclude due to the need for injuries to be fully assessed and quantified, so further payments on cases registered since 2004 may be required over the next few years. Table 1 below illustrates the figures and trend in declining claim volumes and values:

Table 1

Year Total claims Amount paid (£) Slips and trips claims Training claims Other claims
2001 131 1,155,459 29 18 84
2002 93 983,247 38 8 47
2003 100 1,130,340 45 11 44
2004 108 374,253 32 13 63
2005 75 146,283 23 7 45
2006 51 26,180 18 7 26
Totals 558 3,815,762 185 64 309

C. Race and equality impact

There are no implications arising from this report.

D. Financial implications

The reduction in claims volumes and values in recent years indicates that budget allocations for compensation expenditure in this area may be adjusted to reflect the trend indicated. Corporate Finance has reduced the budget allocation for this compensation head in recent years and, with the agreement of the MPA Treasurer, any payments in excess of annual budget allocation are to be met from provision within the MPS Financial Accounts.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Mike Birth, Head of Accident Claims

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