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Report 10 of the 23 March 2009 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee and confirms the Standard Operating Procedure in respect of Gifts and Hospitality in the MPS.

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Gifts and hospitality policy – MPS

Report: 10
Date: 23 March 2009
By: Director of Human Resources on behalf of the Commissioner


This report confirms the Standard Operating Procedure in respect of Gifts and Hospitality.

A. Recommendation

That members note and endorse the Policy and its Standard Operating Procedure.

B. Supporting information

1. In accordance with the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 all organisations have a requirement placed upon them to review their policies at least every three years. In addition to a mandatory review of the MPS Gifts and Hospitality Policy and Standard Operating Procedure, it was felt that the Policy needed to be more explicit in its application and that it should also incorporate the giving of corporate hospitality. The Policy was last reviewed in 2003-2004.

2. As part of the review, the revised document was subject to a period of consultation and the following were consulted:

  • Director of HR
  • Trade Unions
  • Staff Support Associations
  • HR Managers
  • Senior HR Managers
  • Business Managers
  • Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate, strand leads
  • Occupational Health
  • Health and Safety
  • Police Federation
  • Directorate of Legal Services
  • Directorate of Professional Standards
  • Borough Commanders
  • Superintendent’s Association

3. All comments and suggestions received as a result of the consultation process were considered and where appropriate changes were made to the Policy and its associated Standard Operating Procedure.

4. The main changes in the revised Policy and Standard Operating Procedure are as follows:

  • The tightening up of the process for recording offers of gifts and hospitality;
  • The use of a hard backed ledger as a Gifts and Hospitality Register or alternatively an electronic one;
  • The recording of the giving of corporate hospitality during the course of any interaction with external organisations as part of the day-to-day business of the MPS;
  • Limits set on the expenditure per head when giving corporate hospitality when on MPS premises and non-MPS premises; and
  • Reviews of the gifts and hospitality registers as follows:
    • The B/OCU Commander/Heads of Units should ensure that a regular programme of review and challenge is in place throughout the year (e.g. by the local Quality Assurance Unit).
    • Quarterly reports of any new entries in the register will be sent to the relevant ACPO officer/Director for review. A copy of the report, plus a record of the review, will be maintained.
    • Management Board members must review the ACPO officers and Directors' registers on a quarterly basis. The Deputy Commissioner will also review the registers of Management Board members on a quarterly basis. Records must be maintained of all reviews.
    • A quarterly review of the registers of the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner will be undertaken by the Chief Executive to the MPA.

5. The recommendations made as a result of the Internal Audit have been implemented with the exception of that relating to a list of vulnerable posts being maintained. This was originally contained within the Policy and Standard Operating Procedure, however, this was removed at the request of the Director of HR due to the fact that it was considered that the reviews contained at Paragraph 4 (fifth bullet point) above are sufficient to ensure that any individual deemed to be the holder of a vulnerable position, would be adequately catered for.

6. The recommendation contained within the Independent Police Complaints Commission that the MPS reviews its policy on alcohol consumption at corporate events has been incorporated into the Policy and Standard Operating Procedure as follows:

“Alcohol should not typically be supplied. However, where the provision of alcohol is seen to be appropriate, it should be kept to a reasonable amount and authority obtained from an ACPO officer/Director. The provision of alcohol should be documented, explaining why the alcohol has been provided and the cost included within the limits set in respect of the cost of corporate hospitality per head”.

7. The revised Policy and Standard Operating Procedure were published and took effect from 28 January 2009 and as a result the reviews referred to within the Policy and Standard Operating Procedure have only just been brought into effect due. However, data in relation to gifts and hospitality will be contained within the Corporate Health Indicator Report for the MPS Performance Board. In addition Internal Audit will undertake audits of the registers at regular intervals.

8. A copy of the Policy and Standard Operating Procedure is attached at Appendix 1.

C. Race and equality impact

No race or equality implications have been identified.

D. Financial implications

There are no specific financial implications arising from this report other than the funding of any corporate hospitality that is offered to members of organisations with which the MPS is interacting.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Glynn Bailey, HR Policy Development and Co-ordination Manager, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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