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Report 9 of the 23 March 2009 meeting of the Corporate Governance Committee, provides a progress report for each of the 23 Audit Commission recommendations set out in the 2008/09 Police Use of Resources (‘PURE’) report.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Update on Audit Commission police use of resources evaluation 2008/09 and 2009/10

Report: 9
Date: 22 March 2010
By: Treasurer and the Director of Resources on behalf of the Commissioner


This report provides members with a progress report for each of the 23 Audit Commission recommendations set out in the 2008/09 Police Use of Resources (‘PURE’) report. These are set out in the form of an Action Plan and can be found at Appendix 1. The 2008/09 PURE process assessed how the Metropolitan Police Authority (‘MPA’) and Metropolitan Police Service (‘MPS’) are managing and using resources to deliver value for money and better and sustainable outcomes for local people.

As the final PURE 2008/09 assessment was reported to Members in December 2009 there is relatively little development to report at this early stage in the calendar year, however, updates confirm that action owners are on track to deliver by agreed deadlines. It is important to note also that much of the activity necessary to address the recommendations is part of MPA/MPS business as usual.

A. Recommendation

That members:

  1. note the progress reports on implementation of the 23 recommendations accepted in response to the Police Use of Resources Evaluation 2008/09; and
  2. note the progress report below on the Police Use of Resources Evaluation 2009/10.

B. Supporting information

1. Appendix 1 sets out the 23 recommendations accepted by Members in December 2009 and provides a progress report on how the MPA/MPS is addressing these. Action owners have not reported any issues or delays to progress.

2. The Audit Commission has started the 2009/10 PURE assessment. The assessment started in January 2010 and will close in early April 2010.

3. The approach being taken is 'lighter touch'. This does not require full self assessments to be made but rather for the MPA/MPS to respond to wish lists of evidence issued by the Audit Commission. The auditors will then meet with key contacts to explore issues identified.

4. As set out in the schedule for the PURE assessment over 2008/09 - 2010/11, police authorities are to be assessed on the ‘Use of Natural Resources’ in the ‘Managing Resources’ theme in 2009/10. This replaces the assessment of ‘Workforce’ that was undertaken under ‘Managing Resources’ in 2008/09.

5. The ‘Use of Natural Resources’ key line of enquiry (‘KLOE’) is a ‘dominant’ sub-theme. This means that the MPA/MPS must achieve a level three score in this area of the assessment to retain the overall level three score for the ‘Managing Resources’ theme in 2008/09, awarded in recognition of the MPA/MPS ‘performing well’ in the assessment of ‘Workforce’.

6. In addition it is worth noting that the Audit Commission is currently conducting an external audit of MPA/MPS Asset Management, which is closely following the Assets PURE KLOE content. This is another sub- theme from the 'Managing Resources' category and is due to be formally assessed in the PURE 2010/11 process.

7. As mentioned above, the 2009/2010 PURE process is considered ‘lighter touch’ and the formal assessment began in January 2010. Wish lists of evidence have been received for all KLOEs. These were copied also to the then Acting Treasurer of the MPA and set out the areas of activity that the Audit Commission requires the MPA/MPS to provide evidence for.

8. In response to this the MPS Resources Programme Office (RPO) has set up workshops with relevant stakeholders to discuss requests, collate responses and gather evidence.

9. The first submission has been completed and delivered with supporting evidence to the Audit Commission. This was for the Use of Natural Resources theme.

10. All remaining themes; ‘Procurement and Commissioning’, ‘Data Quality’, ‘Managing Finances’, ‘Risk Management and Internal Control’ and ‘Governance’ are all underway in terms of meetings with key stakeholders and evidence gathering. It has been agreed with the Audit Commission that these will be delivered on a staggered basis over February and mid March 2010.

11. The MPA (Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer) and MPS (Resources Programme Office) are working to prepare the joint response required for each theme according to agreed timescales.

Environmental and sustainable development implication

12. Use of Natural Resources’ was not assessed in 2008/09. This has been assessed in the 2009/10 PURE process. As mentioned above, as the ‘dominant’ sub theme within the ‘Managing Resources’ theme, the MPA/MPS must achieve a level three score for its ‘Use of Natural Resources’ in order to maintain its overall level three score in this area of the assessment in 2009/10.

C. Race and equality impact

1. None of the recommendations made in the 2008/09 PURE Action Plan relate to race or diversity issues. The MPA and MPS have been recognised as performing well in promoting diversity.

D. Financial implications

1. The costs associated with the review activities set out above and any work streams identified in the Action Plan will be delivered within MPS wide approved budgets as contained within the 2010/13 Business Plan.

E. Legal implications

1. The MPA has a duty to appoint external auditors and to consider the recommendations of those auditors under the Audit Commission Act 1998.

2. The duties and powers of the external auditors are set out in the Audit Commission Act 1998, the Local Government Act 1999 and the Commissioner's Statutory Code of Practice.

3. The Corporate Governance Committee is in receipt of the necessary delegated authority to review the external auditor's Annual Governance Report and to report to the MPA as appropriate.

G. Contact details

Report author: Georgina Paul, MPS

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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