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Report 9 of the 23 April 2009 meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee and sets out the latest version of the Routine Contracts Programme.

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Routine Contracts Programme

Report: 09
Date: 23 April 2009
By: Director of Resources on behalf of the Commissioner


This report sets out the latest version of the Routine Contracts Programme, which provides members with detail on the contracts above £1m that the MPS wishes to let over the next twelve months on a rolling programme as well as details of those contracts let since the last report. The programme only covers the known routine renewals and not the emergent requirements that will continue to be dealt with under the current arrangements and brought to Committee where required.

A. Recommendations


  1. Members are asked to note the contents of this report:
  2. MPA approval of the latest version of Routine Contracts Programme is sought and authorisation to place OJEU advertisements where appropriate.

B. Supporting information

1. Members of the MPA have previously agreed the presentation of a Routine Contracts Programme on a quarterly basis to afford them the opportunity to have sight of contracting activity at a much earlier stage in the process. The last report was presented to MPA Finance & Resources Committee on 22ND January 2009.

2. The latest version of Routine Contracts Programme is shown at exempt Appendix 1 and is in two parts. Part A shows the current 12-month rolling programme for the period March 2009 to February 2010 for known contracts that need re-tendering or reviewing in order to take up an extension option. Detail is shown on contracts over £1m. Contracts over £5m are shown in bold, papers for these contracts are to be submitted to MPA (ideally) 3 months before award date. An indication of the number of new contract requirements identified under £1m in value is shown in the comments below each month. Contracts of £1m or below are not listed separately. Part B provides a summary of contracts let or extended during the preceding three months covering the period December 2008 – February 09.

3. The Routine Contracts Programme will continue to be presented to MPA members on a quarterly basis. The next update will be issued in July 2009 to the Resources Sub-committee and Finance and Resources Committee.

C. Legal implications

1. Procurement Services can confirm that the contracts set out in the Appendix comply with MPA procurement regulations and all relevant EU and UK Government Directives.

2. Procurement Services can confirm that these contracts are within the powers of the Authority.

3. For those items denoted in Part A, the contract and terms and conditions are still subject to negotiations, but the draft contracts reflect the standard MPA terms and conditions. For those in Part B, terms and conditions have been agreed.

D. Race and equality impact

The suppliers have been assessed prior to being included on the framework agreement and they all comply with relevant EU legislation. It will be the responsibility of user departments to ensure that the MPS Equality and Diversity policies are adhered to whenever engaging staff from any of the providers.

E. Financial implications

There are no additional financial implications arising from the issues in this report, as members will be requested to approve the award of those contracts above the Commissioner’s delegated authority level. All contracts set out in the report are contained within the budget.

F. Background papers


G. Contact details

Report author(s): Anthony Doyle, Director of Procurement Services, MPS

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