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Report 14 of the 18 June 2009 meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee, provides the comments made by the resources sub-committee members.

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Procurement/contract items considered by the Resources Sub-committee

Report: 14
Date: 18 June 2009
By: Chief Executive


At its meeting on 19 March 2009 the Finance and Resources Committee instructed that all contract matters be reported to the Resources Sub Committee for initial consideration. This report advises members of the comments made by the Sub-committee on relevant items which appear on the agenda for today’s meeting for decision.

A. Recommendation

That members consider the comments of the Resources Sub-committee as detailed below before making any decision in relation to the relevant reports on the agenda for this meeting.

B. Supporting information

1. At meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee on 19 March 2009 it was agreed that all contract matters be submitted to the Resources Sub-committee. Following initial consideration by the Sub-committee they are then submitted to the Finance and Resources Committee for determination.

2. The table below lists the relevant items which were considered by the Sub-committee at its meeting on 4 June and the comments which were made. The Committee is asked to consider the comments in conjunction with the relevant report.

Item on today’s FRC agenda Comment by Resources Sub-committee
Agenda item 15 Procurement Strategy
 The Sub-committee would ask the Committee to note that a variety of procurement methods will be used and some of these will be innovative. The Sub-committee suggested that when one of the more innovative procurement methods mentioned in the strategy was proposed to be used it was included in the information presented to the F&R Committee in the quarterly regular contracts programme report. the Sub-committee supported the recommendations.
Agenda item 16 MPS Network Hardware Standardisation  The Sub-committee supported the recommendations.
Agenda item 17 MPS Language Programme The Sub-committee noted that the total capital investment is estimated at £5.6M, which is made up of a number of procurement exercises over a period of several years and it is anticipated that all of these will be within the delegated limits. There are therefore no procurement aspects for the Committee to consider. Members were advised that there had been preliminary discussions with providers of the service so that any concerns could be addressed during the planning stage. Advice had been received that the video recordings could be used for evidential purposes. Members supported the recommendations and asked for monitoring reports to be submitted to the Sub-committee for a period of up to 9 months after the new arrangements are in place (it is anticipated that it will be a gradual roll out starting in September 2009) so that members could scrutinise how the new arrangements are working in practice.

3. The Committee is asked to consider the reports in conjunction with the above comments.

C. Race and equality impact

None derived directly from this report.

D. Financial implications

None directly from this report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: John Crompton, MPA

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