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Report 10 of the 21 January 2010 meeting of the Finance and Resources committee Committee and seeks agreement to the transfer of the front counter services on Bromley BOCU.

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Transfer of Front Counter Facilities – Bromley borough

Report: 10
Date: 21 January 2010
By: Assistant Commissioner, Territorial Policing on behalf of the Commissioner


This report seeks the agreement of the Finance and Resources Committee to the transfer of the front counter services on Bromley Borough Operational Command Unit from Penge police station to the Safer Neighbourhood base for Penge & Cator ward and Crystal Palace ward. The Finance and Resources Committee is also asked to support the future plans for Penge police station following the transfer of front counter facilities.

A. Recommendations

That members

  1. approve the transfer of the front counter service from Penge police station to new accommodation within the Safer Neighbourhood base for Penge & Cator and Crystal Palace wards, known as Copperfield House.
  2. support the future plans for Penge police station following the front counter transfer, taking into account the written support for the changes provided by the MPA link member.

B. Supporting information

1. The Finance and Resources Committee is considering the process for agreeing changes to the TP estate at the F&R meeting on 21 January. Subject to that process being agreed, this report follows that process and sets out the proposals on Bromley Borough, specifically in relation to front counter services at Penge police station and the future of that police station.

Bromley Borough Asset Management Plan

2. In support of operational policing, modernisation of the estate in Bromley began in 2000 when Bromley BOCU was part of a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) programme in South East London. This provided a new police station in the heart of Bromley with key custody, patrol and senior management facilities, which was opened in November 2003.

3. Modernisation continued through the delivery of Safer Neighbourhood bases and in November 2007 the Bromley Asset Management Plan was published. In addition to Bromley police station, the Asset Management Plan identified the future of the estate as:

  • Orpington police station - provides a custody function and accommodation for Orpington Safer Neighbourhood team
  • West Wickham Safer Neighbourhood base - accommodation for the West Wickham ward Safer Neighbourhood team
  • 6 Coney Hall Parade Safer Neighbourhood base - accommodation for the Coney Hall ward Safer Neighbourhood team
  • 121 - 123 Burnt Ash Lane Safer Neighbourhood base - accommodation for the Plaistow & Sundridge ward Safer Neighbourhood teams
  • 1a High Street, Chislehurst Safer Neighbourhood base - accommodation for the Chislehurst ward and Mottingham & Chislehurst North ward Safer Neighbourhood teams
  • St. Mary Cray Safer Neighbourhoods base - accommodation for the St. Mary Cray East and St. Mary Cray West Safer Neighbourhood teams
  • 198 Petts Wood Safer Neighbourhood base - accommodation for the Petts Wood Safer Neighbourhood team
  • 192 - 194 Main Road Biggin Hill Safer Neighbourhood base - accommodation for the Biggin Hill and Darwin Safer Neighbourhood teams
  • 112 Widmore Road Safer Neighbourhood base - accommodation for the Bickley Safer Neighbourhood team
  • Albermarle House, Beckenham Safer Neighbourhood base - accommodation for the Copers Cope and Shortlands Safer Neighbourhood teams.

with further facilities to be delivered to complete estate modernisation.

4. Since the publication of the Asset Management Plan in November 2007, the MPA has provided new facilities to support operational policing at:

  • Copperfield House Safer Neighbourhood base - accommodation for the Penge & Cator ward and Crystal Palace ward Safer Neighbourhoods teams. This site has also been provided with a front counter facility with the intention that it replace the front counter facility at Penge police station as highlighted earlier in this report
  • Croydon Road, Elmers End Safer Neighbourhood base - accommodation for Clockhouse ward and Kelsey & Eden Park ward Safer Neighbourhood teams
  • Green St. Green Safer Neighbourhood base - accommodation for Chelsfield ward and Farnborough & Crofton ward Safer Neighbourhood teams
  • Closure of Beckenham police station in late 2007 which has now been sold

5. The transfer of front counter facilities to Copperfield House Safer Neighbourhood base and the disposal of Penge police station will complete estate modernisation for Bromley BOCU. This would be the first BOCU in the MPS in which the MPA delivers this.

Penge police station front counter facilities

6. The current Victorian built police station does not offer adequate or appropriate front counter facilities. Due to its age and design, one of the interview areas is not separated from the waiting area so there is no guarantee of privacy when talking to front counter staff. There are inadequate IT facilities available, thus impacting on waiting times.

7. The front counter at Copperfield House will provide an improved front counter environment as a replacement the front counter in Penge police station. The site is compliant with DDA legislation. It is situated at the opposite end of Penge High Street from Penge police station.

8. The appendices at Appendix 1 show the proximity of the new front counter facilities at Copperfield House to Penge police station, provide a map to show all MPS sites on the borough and provide pictures of both the current site at Penge and the new site at Copperfield House.

9. Currently, the community sees these new facilities going unused. However, the transfer of the front counter services would mean that Penge police station would no longer be required for operational policing purposes (see below).

Opening hours

10. The current opening hours for Penge police station are 11:00 to 15:00 and 16:00 to 19:00 Monday to Friday. It is staffed by the PFI contractor. Opening hours for the front counter within the Copperfield House Safer Neighbourhood base will be 11:00 to 15:00 and 16:00 to 19:00 Monday to Friday and will continue to be staffed by the PFI contractor.

Principles to govern the transfer of front counter facilities

11. The MPA Member Led Estate Panel has directed that a number of principles should be met prior to Finance & Resources Committee approving transfer of front counter facilities and these are outlined below for Bromley BOCU.

  • The new front counter facility at Copperfield House SN base is Disability Discrimination Act compliant. It is easily accessible and has a hearing loop fitted
  • Copperfield House is located within 200 yards of Penge police station - Appendix A outlines the proximity of the sites to each other
  • The front counter facility will be open for the same opening hours as Penge police station front counter
  • The Borough Commander has engaged with the local community and they are in favour of the transfer of the front counter facilities to Copperfield House Safer Neighbourhood base
  • The MPA link member has been consulted and supports the transfer of facilities.

12. If approval for transfer of front counter facilities is given, the opening of the new facility will be publicised through local media and Safer Neighbourhood teams. A short opening ceremony will be held.

Future of Penge police station

13. With the transfer of the front counter from Penge police station to Copperfield House Safer Neighbourhood base, the police station would be surplus to the operational needs of Bromley police. The MPA Member Led Estate Panel has directed that a number of principles should be met governing the future of police stations and these apply to Penge police station as follows:

  • Penge police station will no longer be required for operational use once the front counter services are transferred.
  • The transfer of the services and the disposal of Penge forms the final part of the overall asset management plans for Bromley Borough that began in 2000
  • The future of Penge police station forms part of the of the BOCU Asset Management Plan published in November 2007 - it was identified as ‘under review once the facilities accommodated there are re-provided’
  • Bromley BOCU will retain a small unit in the police station to ensure its security while the property is being marketed
  • External markings that identify Penge police station as a police building will be removed wherever possible. Those markings that cannot be removed will be covered
  • The BOCU Commander has engaged with the local community and stakeholders in respect of the future of the property; and will continue to do so whilst the property is marketed
  • The MPA link member has provided written confirmation of support for the disposal of the property.
  • The timing of the disposal will take into account the prevailing market conditions

Local support

14. The MPS understands that the transfer of front counter facilities is supported by Bromley key stakeholders, including the MPA link member. The BOCU Commander has communicated the proposed changes extensively to stakeholders and the local community as part of the previous consultation strategy.

15. The MPA link member supports the proposed changes to the Bromley Borough TP estate and has provided written confirmation of that support.

16. In making a decision to transfer the front counter facilities and market the property the MPA should be cognisant that the new facilities, however positively received, may also provide an opportunity for those not in favour of the wider plans to make themselves heard. However if, on balance, the MPA/MPS can demonstrate that the new facilities are an improvement and people subsequently have a better experience, then this dissatisfaction will be minimised.

17. A review of other evidence provides further background that is useful context for decision making. The MPS 2009/10 Quarter 2 key performance areas for Bromley show that:

  • 70% of Bromley residents feel local police are doing a good job
  • 82% are satisfied with overall service received
  • 78% feel that police treat them with respect


18. The Borough has made preparation for a local media campaign, updates for the internet and local intranet sites and for Safer Neighbourhood teams to communicate the proposed changes to local residents, shopkeepers, and communities, when approval is given to transfer of front counter facilities. Posters will be widely distributed within the community, and there will be updates on the internet advertising the new location of front counter facilities. The Borough Commander and SMT members will continue to update at all forums attended. Additionally the BOCU will hold an opening ceremony to further publicise the new front counter facilities involving key partners and members of the community.

19. The focus of communications activity will sell the benefits of the new front counter facility and this should help to counteract any potential negative publicity.

Environmental implications

20. . There are currently no known environmental implications.

C. Race and equality impact

1. Penge front counter is not compliant under the Disability Discrimination Act. The design of the new front counter facility at Copperfield House is fully compliant with legislation covering this Act.

D. Financial implications

1. Once the front counter services are transferred to the new site, there is no operational requirement for Penge police station. However it will be necessary to retain some staff in the building for security purposes, either in the short term if there is agreement to dispose of the building, or in the longer term if the building is to be retained. The costs of running the building will therefore continue to be incurred either in the short or the longer term. These costs in the short term are within existing MPS budgets.

2. The disposal of the building would provide funding that could be used to support the delivery of the capital programme.

3. It should be noted that modernisation of the estate brings cost savings through reduced maintenance costs and more efficient buildings.

E. Legal implications

1. Subject to confirmation from Legal Services, there are currently no known Legal implications related to the proposals in this paper.

F. Background papers


G. Contact details

Report author(s): Diana Marchant, Director of Business Development, Territorial Policing, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1 - Maps and pictures

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