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Report 8 of the 11 February 2010 meeting of the Finance and Resources committee Committee, discussing how Londoners are informed about estate changes.

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MPA Estate Engagement Strategy

Report: 08
Date: 11 February 2010
By: Chief Executive


The MPA Estate Engagement Strategy provides an engagement framework for the MPA and MPS to use when informing Londoners about the upcoming Estate changes that will occur in their ward or borough. It provides a clear method of how information should be shared with Londoners and whom to engage with to ensure that the rationale for why the changes will occur and why they are beneficial for Londoners is recognised and more importantly understood.

A. Recommendations

1. That Members approve the implementation of the MPA Estate Engagement Strategy

B. Supporting information

1. Last year the MPA Estate Panel agreed an external consultant would be employed to develop a strategy which could be used by the MPA and MPS to inform the public of its plans to modernise the operation and management of its estate.

2. As a result of a competitive tendering process, Westco Trading Limited was contracted by the MPA in July 2009 to undertake this consultancy.

3. Westco worked in partnership with both the MPA and MPS in developing the Engagement Strategy. Regular updates and progress reports were provided at the MPA Estate Panel meetings.

4. The final Engagement Strategy is attached as Appendix 1 of this report. The strategy has been approved by the Estate Panel as a practical mechanism that can be employed by the MPA and MPS when communicating and informing Londoners about changes that may occur to the estate in their ward or borough.

5. There are four key elements to the strategy.

  • Objective: Generating local support for the changes that are likely to occur in the borough. This will ensure that plans are not undermined as they are about to be implemented.
  • Strategy: A comprehensive engagement exercise which would involve face to face meetings and discussions with key stakeholders, such as local councillors and targeted media.
  • Tactics: The ‘engagement challenge’ phase. At this stage of the process the MPA and MPS would need to ensure that all the relevant people in the borough have been consulted and review all information gathered during the strategy phase.
  • Timetable: This will outline the timeframes for the changes that are to be implemented.

6. The strategy highlights the need for every London borough to have its own engagement plan. An example of this engagement plan and what it should entail is included in the strategy. It outlines key activities that would need to be undertaken and provides examples of key messages which can be used.

7. To support the implementation of the strategy, the MPS will recruit a Strategic Communications Advisor with the skills and experience to lead the engagement activity. In addition, the intention is to review existing communications and engagement activity across Territorial Policing and the resources allocated to such activity, to ensure the best use is made of available skills and resources and that the delivery of the activity is corporate and consistent

C. Race and equality impact

In taking forward the MPA Estate Engagement Strategy, the MPA and MPS will need to ensure that the information and communication mechanisms used to engage Londoners provide opportunities for all those Londoners who will be affected by the changes opportunities to participate in the discussions. The borough engagement plans should be guided by the community engagement strand of the MPS Diversity and Equality Strategy 2009 – 2013 and the joint MPA and MPS corporate Community Engagement Strategy 2010 – 2013. This document which will provide an overall framework for MPA and MPS staff/officers undertaking consultation and engagement will be available in May 2010.

D. Financial implications

The cost of implementing the engagement strategy including any additional resources needed will be met from existing budgets

E. Legal implications

None given.

F. Background papers

  • None

G. Contact details

Report author(s): Annabel Adams

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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