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Report 9 of the 11 February 2010 meeting of the Finance and Resources committee Committee, with details of a proposed transfer of the front counter services on Harrow Borough Operational Command Unit.

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Transfer of front counter facilities - Harrow Borough

Report: 09
Date: 11 February 2010
By: Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing, on behalf of the Commissioner


This report is for the consideration of the MPA Finance & Resource Committee (F&R) for the transfer of the front counter services on Harrow Borough Operational Command Unit from

  • Harrow police station to the Safer Neighbourhoods base for Greenhill ward and Harrow on the Hill ward (Kirkland House) and from
  • Wealdstone police station to Harrow Civic Centre.

MPA F&R Committee is also asked to support the future plans for Wealdstone police station following the transfer of front counter facilities.

The proposals are supported by the MPA led Estates Review Panel.

A. Recommendations

That Members

  1. note the outcome of the engagement challenge conducted on behalf of the MPA Estates Review Panel and on that basis
  2. approve the transfer of the front counter service from Harrow police station to new accommodation within the Safer Neighbourhoods base for Greenhill ward and Harrow on the Hill ward at Kirkland House
  3. approve the transfer of the front counter service from Wealdstone police station to new accommodation within Harrow Civic Centre
  4. note the future of Harrow police station
  5. support the future plans for Wealdstone police station following the front counter transfer.

B. Supporting information

1. On 21 January 2010 the MPA Finance and Resource Committee approved the process for agreeing changes to the public facing estate. This report follows that process, and sets out the position on Harrow Borough, specifically in relation to front counter services at Harrow and Wealdstone police stations and the future of Wealdstone police station.

2. Through the engagement challenge, a range of interviews have been undertaken to assess community leader views on the proposals for changes to the estate both in terms of the transfer of front counters and potential disposals.. Although some stakeholders had limited understanding of the specific proposals, there was good support for the modernisation agenda and the focus on ‘policing on the beat’ rather than behind a desk. Views were expressed that the speed of change was not quick enough and that the changes may not actually happen.

3. The MPA link member, Reshard Auladin, was keen to focus on the short term changes to deliver benefits to the community as he was of the view that the longer term changes may not happen if the MPA estate is further rationalised. He expressed support on the basis that there was support for the changes within the community.

4. Overall there is a positive amount of support for the general plans. The plans include the disposal of Wealdstone. The challenge indicated that caution should be taken on further engagement before formally making any decision, as this could raise expectation that the plans will change. Once a decision is taken, there should be appropriate face to face engagement with local MPs and ward members.

Harrow Borough Asset Management Plan

5. Modernisation of the estate in Harrow BOCU began through the delivery of Safer Neighbourhoods bases and in November 2007 the Harrow Asset Management Plan (AMP) was published. At the time of publication operational policing in Harrow was supported from :

  • Edgware police station – facilities currently at this site to be reprovided in more specialised and appropriate facilities, however it should be noted that there are no immediate plans for this site.
  • Harrow police station – on provision of a patrol base and custody centre in the Borough the future of Harrow police station for operational policing will be reviewed.
  • Pinner police station – to be retained and assessed to provide a better use of space following the provision of a new Patrol Base and Custody Centre in the borough
  • Wealdstone police station – facilities currently at this site to be reprovided in more specialised and appropriate facilities, following which disposal of this site will be considered during 2011/12
  • West Street police station - facilities for the Town Centre Team and Dedicated Source Unit currently at this site to be reprovided in more specialised and appropriate facilities, following which disposal of this site will be considered
  • 1 Headstone Drive, Wealdstone accommodates 2 Safer Neighbourhoods teams
  • 3 Churchill Court, Station Road, North Harrow accommodates 4 Safer Neighbourhoods teams
  • Rooks Heath High School, Eastcote Lane accommodates 2 Safer Neighbourhoods teams
  • Centenary Park Pavilion, Culver Grove accommodates 3 Safer Neighbourhoods teams
  • Cannons Park Lodge, Donnefield Avenue accommodates 2 Safer Neighbourhoods teams
  • 155 Uxbridge Road, Hatch End accommodates 2 Safer Neighbourhoods teams

In addition to existing facilities the Asset Management Plan identified that to complete estate modernisation in Harrow the following facilities would be required:

  • New Custody Centre – will accommodate all custody cells and related facilities in the borough
  • New Patrol Base – will accommodate all of the operational officers and related facilities in the borough
  • New Safer Neighbourhoods bases – will provide accommodation for each Safer Neighbourhoods team currently housed in temporary accommodation in permanent bases, easily accessible to their wards
  • New front counters - to be available in a wide mix of police accommodation in the borough and provide enhanced accessibility and a sense of reassurance for every member of the local community. The provision of improved front counter facilities is set out in this report
  • Improved office accommodation –The office accommodation at Harrow and Wealdstone is currently overcrowded and the Information Technology infrastructure is over capacity. With the delivery of the Patrol Base and Custody Centre, this will give us the opportunity to review and improve upon the space and facilities available

6. Since the publication of the Asset Management Plan in November 2007 the MPA has provided new facilities to support operational policing at :

  • Kirkland House Safer Neighbourhoods base - accommodation for 2 Safer Neighbourhoods teams, the Partnership and Safer Schools Teams. This site also has a new front counter which is the subject of this report.
  • New front counter facilities at Harrow Civic Centre - which are the subject of this report.

7. The transfer of front counter facilities to Kirkland House and Harrow Civic Centre will move facilities towards the overall estate modernisation for Harrow BOCU.

Harrow police station/Kirkland House front counter facilities

8. Harrow police station front counter area is small and cramped. There is no facility to separate victims of crime and people returning on bail. Disabled access is severely limited. It is proposed that the front counter facility transfers from Harrow police station to Kirkland House, which is within approx 0.7 of a mile of the police station. Appendix A - the facilities provided at Harrow police station.

9. The front counter at Kirkland House will provide an improved front counter environment. There is a purpose built modern front counter facility, which is compliant with DDA legislation. The site provides improved facilities for staff and members of the public. The community currently sees the new facilities going unused. Appendix B - the front counter facilities provided at the Safer Neighbourhoods base in Kirkland House.

10. There are good transport links to Kirkland House which is close to Harrow bus station in Harrow town centre. There is a bus stop immediately outside Kirkland House. Harrow town centre also offers multi storey car parking, with some pay and display parking close to Kirkland House. Harrow on the Hill British Rail station is within easy access and is served by Chiltern railways and London Underground provides easy access via the Metropolitan line.

11. The map attached at Appendix C - Proximity Map - shows the proximity of the new front counter facilities at Harrow police station in relation to Kirkland House.

12. The transfer of front counter facilities would mean that Harrow police station would remain as accommodation for operational policing without a front counter service. Upon provision of a patrol base and custody centre for the Borough the future of Harrow police station for operational policing will be reviewed.

Wealdstone police station/Harrow Civic Centre front counter facilities

13. Wealdstone police station front counter is part of a Edwardian building and, like Harrow, no longer suits front counter services. Disabled access is limited. It is proposed that the front counter facility transfers from Wealdstone police station to Harrow Civic Centre. Appendix D - Wealdstone police station front counter shows the facilities provided at Wealdstone police station.

14. Wealdstone Town Centre is served by a Safer Neighbourhoods base which accommodates two teams. This will not change and the policing presence in the Town Centre will remain undiminished by the transfer of the front counter facilities.

15. Motorists are prevented from entering Wealdstone Town Centre from the North and must bypass the Town Centre and approach from the South. There is no parking close to the police station. The main high street is a no stopping and parking zone and visitors to the police station cannot alight outside the building.

16. The front counter at Harrow Civic Centre is a new facility provided in Harrow Civic Centre and is part of the One Stop Shop. The One Stop shop is seen immediately on entry to the Civic Centre and the area has recently been refurbished and provides modern accommodation. Directions for visitors are clear and the area boasts a professional queuing system, seating for those waiting attention, computers and toilet facilities. The area is busy with in excess of 350 visitors a day to the services provided by the Civic Centre. Visitors are able to access multi-agency services and address officers. It forms part of the Partnership agreement with the Local Authority and fits with plans for accessibility to services, co-location and joint working. The front counter facility is compliant with DDA legislation. The site provides improved facilities for staff and members of the public. Currently the community sees the new facilities going unused. Appendix E - Harrow Civic Centre front counter shows the facilities provided within the One Stop Shop.

17. Harrow Civic Centre is situated on a busy arterial route which bisects the Borough. The site enjoys good public transport links with a number of bus routes passing directly outside the building. Bus routes 182, 186, 140, 258 and 340 provide access from all corners of the Borough. The site is within 100 metres of Harrow and Wealdstone British Rail station which is served by London Midland, London Overground and Southern rail links. London Underground provides easy access via the Bakerloo line. In addition to the public transport links the public have access to a number of car parks directly outside the Civic Centre.

18. The map attached at Appendix C - Proximity Map - shows the proximity of the new front counter facilities at Harrow Civic Centre in relation to Wealdstone police station.

Opening hours

19. The opening hours for Harrow police station are currently 24 hours a day, 365 days of the week. The new facility at Kirkland House will exactly reflect the current front counter service at Harrow police station and will be open 24 hours a day, 365 days of the week.

20. The opening hours for Wealdstone police station are 09:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday, closed between 13:00 to 1400, Saturday 09:00 to 13:00. Opening hours for Harrow Civic Centre will be Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00 with cover for lunch being provided. Harrow Civic Centre One Stop Shop does not open on Saturdays which will affect the opening hours for this front counter service. This equates in total to three hours less per week than currently provided at Wealdstone police station. Whilst this does not adhere fully to the principle of the opening hours being the same or more, it does seem that there will be an enhanced service available following the transfer of front counter facilities, through the opportunity for an increase in visitors talking to the police afforded by the number of people who visit the centre, and the high quality of service provided at the Civic Centre.

Principles to govern the transfer of front counter facilities

21. The MPA Member Led Estate Panel has directed that a number of principles should be met prior to Finance & Resources Committee approving transfer of front counter facilities and these are outlined below for Harrow BOCU.

Harrow police station/Kirkland House

  • The new front counter facility at Kirkland House Safer Neighbourhoods base is Disability Discrimination Act compliant. It is easily accessible and has a hearing loop fitted.
  • Kirkland House is located is located within approximately 0.7 of a mile of Harrow police station.
  • The front counter facility will be open for the same opening hours as Harrow police station front counter.

Wealdstone police station/Harrow Civic Centre

  • The new front counter facility at Harrow Civic Centre is Disability Discrimination Act compliant. It is easily accessible and has a hearing loop fitted.
  • Harrow Civic Centre is located within approximately one mile of Wealdstone police station
  • The front counter will be open for an additional two hours a day Monday to Friday. There will not be a Saturday service at this site.

Engagement activity

  • Engagement activity has been undertaken and overall there is a general awareness and support among key community leaders for the current modernisation plans for Harrow.
  • Current plans include an opening ceremony at Harrow Civic Centre. This will be backed up by leaflets and posters. Harrow BOCU will work with Harrow Council communications team on ‘better access to public services in Harrow’.
  • The MPA link member expressed support for the plans on the basis that there was support for the changes within the community.
  • The Deputy Leader of Harrow Council and Head of Community Safety Services at Harrow Council also expressed support for the plans.

22. If approval for the transfer of front counter facilities is given the opening of the new facilities will be published through local media and Safer Neighbourhoods teams. Current plans include an opening ceremony at Harrow Civic Centre. This will be supported by leaflets and posters. Territorial Policing will work with Harrow Council on communicating ‘better access to public service in Harrow’.

Future of Harrow police station

23. With the transfer of the front counter service from Harrow police station to Kirkland House the police station will be retained for office accommodation for operational policing. The site will be assessed for operational policing needs on delivery of a patrol base and custody centre. The timeframe for this is anticipated to be medium to long term as there are currently no active plans for the provision of a patrol base and custody centre for the borough.

Future of Wealdstone police station

24. With the transfer of the front counter service from Wealdstone police station the building will be surplus to the operational policing needs of Harrow police. There are Metropolitan special constabulary (MSC) officers currently accommodated in Wealdstone but the intention is to move those officers to another location. The building is not therefore in current plans for disposal for 2010/11. However the move of the front counter will prompt consideration of future disposal and therefore the principles to be met for disposals have been applied to Wealdstone as follows:

Principles governing the disposal of surplus buildings

  • Wealdstone police station will no longer be required for operational use once the front counter services are transferred (although currently housing MSC officers who will require new accommodation)
  • The transfer of services and the disposal of Wealdstone police station forms part of the overall asset management plans for Harrow Borough
  • On the transfer of front counter services external markings that identify the site as a police station will be removed wherever possible. Those markings that cannot be removed will be covered
  • The BOCU Commander has an engagement plan and media strategy for the local community and stakeholders in respect of the future of the property
  • The future of the police station has been discussed with the MPA link member, Reshard Auladin who is aware of the recommended changes and is in favour on the basis that there is support from the local community.

25. Engagement activity identified some concern in relation to the views of the local community, however, the engagement activity identified that this can be overcome through face to face meetings led by the Borough Commander, explaining the reasons and the alternative plans.

26. In making a decision to support the future of Wealdstone police station the MPA should be cognisant that this may provide an opportunity for those not in favour of the wider plans to make themselves heard. However if, on balance, the MPA/MPS can demonstrate that the new facilities are an improvement and people subsequently have a better experience, then this dissatisfaction will be minimised.

Other information

27. The MPA should be aware of the future of West Street police station, Harrow BOCU. This site does not have a public facing front counter and is surplus to requirements. The MPA Estates Panel agreed to disposal at the meeting on the 19 November 2009 subject to the outcome of the engagement challenge considering the transfer of front counters and the potential disposals in the borough; and the approval of MPA F&R committee. The disposal of West Street is included in a separate paper to F&R Committee on 11 February 2010 and would occur prior to that of Wealdstone police station. Appendix F - Harrow Borough Operational policing facilities - identifies locations across the borough where operational policing is delivered.

28. A review of other evidence provides further background that is useful context for decision making. The MPS Public Attitude Survey (September 2008 to June 2009) identifies that Harrow residents are generally more satisfied with policing than London as a whole. The following results show Harrow residents compared to the average:

  • 69% are satisfied with the way the area is policed compared to 60% overall
  • 78% agree the police can be trusted to make the right decisions in their neighbourhood (74% overall)
  • 52% say they feel well informed about the levels of crime in their area (42% overall)
  • 63% feel it is important they have a say in how their local area is policed (69% overall)
  • 66% say it is important they are kept informed about crime in their local area (71% overall).

Environmental implications

29. The transfer of front counter services to new facilities at Kirkland House and Harrow Civic Centre would have required the input of Property Services, including design and fitout using design standards based on the applicable design guides. As a result of technological enhancements (e.g. lighting controls) the facilities would be expected to be more resource efficient with regard to energy and water consumption etc. Further to this, day to day operational activities involve the use of resources including energy, water and paper, and generate emissions (e.g. carbon dioxide) and waste. The MPS Environmental Strategy 2005-10 seeks to create awareness of these issues and to mitigate impacts through behavioural change among police officers and staff.

C. Race and equality impact

1. Harrow police station front counter has severely limited disabled access. The new facility at Kirkland House is easily accessible and complies with Disability Discrimination Act legislation.

2. Wealdstone police station front counter has limited disabled access. The new facility at Harrow Civic Centre is easily accessible and complies with Disability Discrimination Act legislation. In addition the front counter is part of Harrow Council One Stop Shop, thereby ensuring policing services are easily accessible to members of the public visiting council offices

D. Financial implications

1. Following transfer of front counter services from Wealdstone police station to Harrow Civic Centre, there is no operational requirement for Wealdstone police station, with the exception of accommodation for the MSC until they can be relocated and disposal would be considered in the future. It may be necessary to retain some staff in the building for security purposes pending disposal.

2. The disposal of the building will provide funding that could be used in support of the delivery of the capital programme. It would also realise annual savings on running costs of £86k which will contribute to the delivery of PSD savings built into the 2010-13 budget and business plan.

E. Legal implications

The Asset Management Plan describes a model for future policing service provision and requires engagement on proposals with stakeholders and members of the public. The body of this report describes the community engagement that has already taken place together with future proposals for further engagement.

Engagement with key stakeholders and members of the public is in keeping with the duty set out in S96 of the Police Act 1996, which requires arrangements to be made for obtaining the views of the community on policing.

The recommendations in this report reflect a move to a more joined up citizen focused approach which will enable the MPS to deliver enhanced policing services to the community it serves, and lead to increased public confidence.

F. Background papers

  • Harrow Asset Management Plan
  • MPA report 21 January 2010 - Process for agreeing changes to the public facing estate.

G. Contact details

Report author(s): Diana Marchant, Territorial Policing

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18


  • Appendix A - Harrow police station front counter
  • Appendix B - Kirkland House front counter
  • Appendix C - Proximity map
  • Appendix D - Wealdstone police station front counter
  • Appendix E - Harrow Civic Centre front counter
  • Appendix F - Harrow BOCU Operational policing bases

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