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Report 7 of the 14 April 2011 meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee, asks for consideration of the transfer of the front counter service on Sutton Borough Operational Command Unit from Wallington police station to the Safer Neighbourhoods base at Crosspoint House, Wallington.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Transfer of front counter facilities - Sutton Borough Operational Command Unit, Wallington Police Station

Report: 7
Date: 14 April 2011
By: Director of TP Development, Territorial Policing on behalf of the Commissioner
Estates Panel 24 March 2011


This report is for the consideration of the Finance & Resources Committee for the transfer of the front counter service on Sutton Borough Operational Command Unit from Wallington police station to the Safer Neighbourhoods base at Crosspoint House, Wallington.

This report takes into account the TP Development Programme public access review which is taking place and explains the rationale for the transfer to take place prior to the conclusion of that review.

A. Recommendations

That Members

  1. Agree the transfer of front counter from Wallington Police Station to new front counter at Crosspoint House Safer Neighbourhoods (SN) base, Wallington.
  2. Note the Front Counter footfall survey results and the outcome of public engagement.
  3. Note the future plans for Wallington police station.

B. Supporting information

1. On 21 January 2010 the Finance and Resource Committee approved the process for agreeing changes to the public facing estate. This report follows that process and sets out the position on Sutton Borough, specifically in relation to front counter services at Wallington police station and the future plans for that site.

2. During April and May 2011 TP Development Programme will undertake a public access review that includes an engagement process with key stakeholders and local communities across the 32 boroughs. The outcome of this process will determine how communities wish to access policing services in their area.

3. The proposal to transfer the front counter before the conclusion of the public access review supports the MPS Corporate Real Estate plan and will enable the MPS to realise revenue savings and capital income. The front counter at Crosspoint House has already been constructed but remains unused. There is therefore, no cost to the MPS incurred as a result of the transfer of this service.

Sutton Borough Asset Management Plan

4. Modernisation of the estate in Sutton BOCU took place as part of the PFI contract and continued with the delivery of Safer Neighbourhoods bases. In November 2007 the Sutton Asset Management Plan (AMP) was published. At the time of the publication operational policing in Sutton was supported from:

  • Sutton police station
  • Wallington police station
  • Sutton Arena Safer Neighbourhoods Base
  • Worcester Park Safer Neighbourhoods base

5. Wallington Police Station - Wallington police station was built in 1915, the interior consists of a series of narrow corridors, stairways and small rooms which is not conducive to modern policing requirements. Wallington Police Station is not operationally effective as the infrastructure of the building can no longer support the latest IT and communications technologies vital to effective operational policing in the 21st Century.

6. Since publication of the AMP the BOCU estate in Sutton has been further modernised as follows:

Crosspoint House - This site is subject of this report. Six Safer Neighbourhoods teams are now located at Crosspoint House, 28 Stafford Road, Wallington. The building is situated on a main road and near a shopping area that is surrounded by residential property. Transport links to Crosspoint House are adequate with buses stopping nearby.

Wallington police station front counter service

7. Wallington police station currently offers adequate front counter facilities. However due to the age and design of the front counter it is not considered to meet standards of accessibility in terms of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995 as there is no low level counter facility. It does not have a separate interview area away from the waiting area so there is no guarantee of privacy when talking to front counter staff. This facility is open 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday. Appendices A-1 Wallington Police Station, A-2 Front Counter, and A-3 Waiting Area, show the facility at Wallington police station.

Crosspoint House Safer Neighbourhoods base

8. The transfer of front counter facilities to Crosspoint House Safer Neighbourhoods base will move the borough towards the overall modernisation of the estate in Sutton. The front counter for Wallington police station will be replaced with a front counter service facility in the immediate locality at Crosspoint House which is approximately 250 metres away from Wallington police station. Transport links to Crosspoint House are adequate with buses stopping nearby. Some parking is available in the local vicinity. The front counter facility at Crosspoint House is DDA compliant with a low level counter and hearing loop. Appendices B-1 Crosspoint House and B-2 Front Counter show the facility at Crosspoint House. Appendix C - Proximity Map shows the proximity of the new front counter facilities at Crosspoint House in relation to Wallington police station. Appendix D - Operational Policing Bases identifies locations across Sutton borough where operational policing is delivered.

Opening hours

9. The current opening hours for Wallington police station are 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday. The opening hours for Crosspoint House Safer Neighbourhoods base will be 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 6pm Saturday and Sunday.

Principles to govern the transfer of front counter facilities

10. The MPA Estate Panel has directed a number of principles should be met prior to Finance and Resource Committee agreeing to the transfer of front counter facilities and these are outlined below for Sutton BOCU.

Engagement Activity

11. Engagement activity has been undertaken by the Borough Commander, with the provision of a Safer Neighbourhoods base within their local community and the transfer of the front counter facility from Wallington police station to Crosspoint House.

12. Wider consultation has taken place between Sutton Borough Commander and the Senior Management Team with local MPs, Lead Councillor for Community Safety, local councillors, Head of the Community Safety Team and Leader of Sutton Council.

13. A meeting took place between the BOCU Chief Inspector Safer Neighbourhoods & Partnership and the ward panel chairs on the 22nd March 2011. No issues were raised.

14. There was general consensus amongst the above named stakeholders that provided a service remains the same or is improved, and a front office facility is available, the only concern from the public is likely to be the future use of the building or site.

15. The SN base was officially opened in January 2010. If approval is given and the front counter is relocated this will be advertised locally through the Safer Neighbourhoods teams with leaflets and posters explaining the changes to local residents.

Future of Wallington Police Station

16. Wallington police station currently accommodates the South West Area Commander, however plans are in hand to transfer the Area Commander to Sutton police station. Once this move has taken place, Wallington police station will be surplus to operational requirements. All the remaining Safer Neighbourhoods teams have been transferred to Crosspoint House. Following relocation of all staff in the building, Wallington police station will be released for sale. This will be the subject of a separate report to the MPA.

Other information

17. The key performance indicators for 2010/2011 for Sutton borough show that:

  • 86% of Sutton residents feel local police are doing an excellent/good job
  • 84% are satisfied with overall service
  • 92% feel that police treat them with respect

Footfall surveys were carried out at Wallington police station over one separate two week period in October 2010. The following data was obtained:

  • Total Footfall - October 4th - 17th 2010 - 217 visitors

C. Other organisational & community implications

Equality and Diversity

1. A ramp has been installed at the front of Wallington Police Station, however it does not comply with the current Disability Discrimination Legislation (DDA). There are 3 external metal staircases within the footprint of the building, these are the only means of access for staff to the rear of the station, the front office and the canteen.

2. Wallington Police Station has limited disabled access within its front counter. The new facility at Crosspoint House has hearing loops, is easily accessible for disabled persons and also complies with DDA legislation.

Consideration MET Forward

3. The transfer of the front counter service supports MET forward through the MET Support strand and ensuring we have an estate of buildings that are efficient, well located and properly equipped.

Financial Implications

4. The provision of the new facilities at Crosspoint House was funded under phase 2 of the Safer Neighbourhood programme.

Legal Implications

5. Section 21 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended) requires a public authority to take reasonable steps in all circumstances to allow disabled persons to make use of the public service.

6. The new premises identified within the body of this report would allow disabled persons full access to front counter facilities, and therefore be compliant with the duties set out in the DDA 95. Providing an enhanced policing service to the community this will lead to an increase in public confidence.

Environmental Implications

7. The new front counter facilities at Crosspoint House would have required the input of Property Services, including design and fit out using design standards based on the applicable design guides. As a result of technological enhancements (e.g. lighting controls) the facilities would be expected to be more resource efficient with regard to energy and water consumption etc. Further to this, day to day operational activities involve the use of resources including energy, water and paper and generate emissions (e.g. carbon dioxide) and waste. The MPS Environmental objectives, outlined in the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategy 2010-13 (currently in development), and delivered through the annual Environmental Management Plan (EMP) seek to create awareness of these issues and to mitigate impact through behavioural change among police officers and staff.

Risk Implications including Health and Safety

8. There are no risks or Health and Safety implications associated with this report.

D. Background papers

  • Sutton Asset Management Plans
  • MPA report 21 January 2010 - Process for agreeing changed to public facing estate.
  • Appendix A-1 Wallington police station
  • Appendix A-2 Front Counter, Wallington police station
  • Appendix A-3 Waiting Area, Wallington police station
  • Appendix B-1 Crosspoint House
  • Appendix B-2 Front Counter, Crosspoint House
  • Appendix C Proximity Map
  • Appendix D Operational Policing Bases

E. Contact details

Report authors: Dr Nina Cope - Director TP Development Programme, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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