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Report 4 of the 16 March 2006 meeting of the Remuneration Sub-committee and outlines a process for performance assessment of Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) Senior Management Team (SMT) members.

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Performance assessment process for Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) Senior Management Team (SMT) members

Report: 4
Date: 16 March 2006
By: Chief Executive and Clerk


This paper follows on from the paper “MPA senior management job descriptions” paper considered by the Committee on 15 September 2005 where it was resolved a paper should be prepared outlining a process for performance assessment.

A. Recommendations


  1. Members agree the proposals for MPA SMT members assessments.

B. Supporting information


1. This paper follows on from the paper “MPA senior management job descriptions” paper considered by the Committee on 15 September 2005 where it was resolved a paper should be prepared outlining a process for performance assessment.

2. For the Chief Executive and Clerk, whose reporting year is 1 July to 30 June, he or she will provide a written self-assessment of contribution, including an assessment of overall performance by the MPA and his or her views on whether or not his or her objectives have been met. The Chair of the Authority will hold an end of year review meeting during July; he or she will wish to seek the views of lead members and Deputy Chairs of the Authority before these meetings and provide feedback to them after these meetings. This should be informed by a mid-year review meeting in December involving the Chair of the Authority, the Chair of the Remuneration Sub-committee and the Chief Executive and Clerk to discuss progress and achievements, and current issues for the MPA/MPS. Once again, the Chair of the Authority may wish to seek the views of lead members and/or Deputy Chairs before these meetings and provide feedback to them after these meetings.

3. For the Deputy Chief Executive and Deputy Clerk, Treasurer and Director of Internal Audit, whose reporting year is 1 July to 30 June, the Chief Executive and Clerk will write the appraisal. The Chair of the Authority will hold an end of year review meeting during July in his or her role as counter-signatory; he or she will wish to seek the views of lead members and Deputy Chairs of the Authority before these meetings and provide feedback to them after these meetings. This should be informed by a mid-year review meeting in December involving the SMT member, the Chair of the Authority and the Chief Executive and Clerk to discuss progress and achievements, and current issues for the MPA/MPS. Once again, the Chair of the Authority may wish to seek the views of lead members and/or Deputy Chairs before these meetings and provide feedback to them after these meetings.

4. The mid year reviews did not take place in 2005/6, but the end of year review is the critical meeting. Ideally the timings of the Remuneration Sub-committee should be predicated on meeting a timetable of review and reporting ACPO police officers and police staff and MPA SMT members to the Authority, including mid year reviews, i.e. December for mid year reviews and July for end of year assessments. To assist clarity, consistency and openness the process for these staff should be encapsulated in one document, including timings.

C. Race and equality impact

Pay and appraisal schemes must be carried out fairly and objectively for all staff, irrespective of race, gender, disability, faith or belief, sexual orientation, age or any other irrelevant factor.

D. Financial implications

The costs will be dependent upon decisions of the Remuneration Sub Committee.

E. Background papers

F. Contact details

Report author: Alan Johnson (Head of Human Resources) MPA.

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MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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