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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 26 June 2000 at Westminster Central Hall, Westminster, London.



  • Toby Harris (Chair)
  • Richard Barnes (Deputy Chair)
  • Peter Herbert (Deputy Chair)
  • Anthony Arbour
  • Reshard Auladin
  • John Biggs
  • Cindy Butts
  • Roger Evans
  • Nicky Gavron
  • Elizabeth Howlett
  • Darren Johnson
  • Jennifer Jones
  • Nicholas Long
  • Cecile Lothian
  • R David Muir
  • Sir John Quinton
  • Angela Slaven
  • Richard Sumray
  • Graham Tope
  • Abdal Ullah
  • Rachel Whittaker

MPA staff:

  • Peter Edwards (Clerk)
  • Peter Martin (Transition Treasurer)
  • Ian Gaskell (Transition Team Leader)
  • Mike Robinson (Transition Head of Secretariat)

MPS staff:

  • John Stevens (Commissioner of Police)
  • Ian Blair (Deputy Commissioner of Police)

Also present: Ken Livingstone (Mayor of London)

Plus approximately 120 members of the press/media and public

1. Welcome by the Clerk

The Clerk welcomed members, officers, invited guests and members of the press and public to the inaugural meeting of the new Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) and explained how the new Authority had been established and outlined the procedure for the meeting.

2. Apologies

Apologies were received from Lynne Featherstone.

3. Election of Chair

The Clerk reported that written nominations had been sought for the position of Chair in advance of the meeting. As of noon on Thursday 22 June 2000, nomination forms proposing Toby Harris as Chair had been received from John Biggs and Richard Barnes (seconded respectively by Reshard Auladin and Roger Evans).

that Toby Harris be elected Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority until the annual meeting of the Authority 2001.

4. Address by the Chair

The Chair thanked colleagues on the new Metropolitan Police Authority for electing him. In the course of his address, the Chair drew attention; the need to address the increase in street crime; the efforts being made by the Police Service to enhance their perception by the public in the light of the Stephen Lawrence case; issues relating to the recruitment and retention of officers, including the recently announced additional payment of a housing allowance to new recruits; and the important role that the police and public, in partnership, had in combating crime.

The Chair concluded by stating that this was a new start for policing London and that the Metropolitan Police Authority was looking forward to working with the Metropolitan Police to secure continuing improvements in the service that they provided.

that the address by the Chair be noted.

5. Address by the Home Secretary

The Metropolitan Police Authority were pleased to welcome the Home Secretary, the Rt. Hon. Jack Straw to address the meeting. In the course of his address, the Home Secretary welcomed the creation of the MPA and acknowledged the key role that the Authority would play in representing the interests of a wide range of people in London. The Home Secretary also highlighted the importance of the future relationship between the MPA, the Mayor and Greater London Assembly and the Metropolitan Police Service and highlighted some of the challenges facing the MPA. These included the issues of diversity and, in association with the Police Service, meeting the challenges presented by the report on the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, together with the future requirements of Best Value.

The Home Secretary concluded by wishing the MPA every success and expressing confidence that the MPA would be of great value in helping the Metropolitan Police Service to continue its impressive record in policing and winning the fight against crime.

that the Home Secretary’s address be noted.

6. Adjournment for media interviews

The meeting stood adjourned for 45 minutes for media interviews.

7. Election of Deputy Chairs

The Chair requested confirmation from the Authority that two Deputy Chairs were required. He then reported that nominations had been sought for the position of deputy chair in advance of the meeting. The Clerk further reported that as of noon on Thursday 22 June 2000, four members had been nominated. Nomination forms had been received in respect of the position of deputy chair from Peter Herbert (nominated by Richard Sumray, seconded by Angela Slaven), Richard Barnes (nominated by Anthony Arbour and Elizabeth Howlett, seconded by Roger Evans), Cecile Lothian (nominated by Cecile Lothian and Cindy Butts, seconded by Angela Slaven and Nicholas Long) and Rachel Whittaker (nominated by Reshard Auladin, seconded by Jennifer Jones).

The Authority agreed to vote by ballot and the results of the first ballot were: Richard Barnes 11 votes, Peter Herbert 10 votes, Rachel Whittaker 7 votes and Cecile Lothian 6 votes.

A second vote by secret ballot was undertaken and the results were: Peter Herbert 15 votes, Richard Barnes 11 votes and Rachel Whittaker 8 votes.


  1. that the Metropolitan Police Authority have two Deputy Chairs; and
  2. that Peter Herbert and Richard Barnes be elected Deputy Chairs of the Metropolitan Police Authority, until the annual meeting of the Authority in 2001.

8. Status of first meeting and preliminary standing orders

Members received a report that outlined the preliminary arrangement that had been made for first meeting of the Authority, and the powers that were available for it to use. The report also outlined the powers that would be exercisable by officers in the event that no decisions were made on financial regulations and delegations.

that the report be noted.

9. Financial and contract regulations and financial delegation

Members considered a report that sought approval to Financial and Contract Regulations, including delegation of financial responsibility to the Commissioner on an interim basis. The Treasurer advised adoption of these in the light of the fact that there was an agreed action plan to improve financial management controls. It was also noted that the regulations would be reviewed in 2-3 months. As part of the review, members requested that the reviewing of accounts and issues relating to sponsorship and gifts be considered.


  1. that the delegation of financial responsibility as reflected in the Financial and Contract Regulations be approved, subject to review in 2-3 months time and to the addition given in (2) below, and that the review include further consideration of reviewing accounts and issues relating to sponsorship and gifts;
  2. that the following addition to the draft Financial Regulations be approved: '9a. In the case of expenditure proposals of an exceptional nature because of particular difficulty, potential public interest, or sensitivity, the Commissioner shall consult the Clerk and/or Treasurer who will determine whether the Authority’s approval should be sought;'
  3. that the action plan to enhance financial management be endorsed; and
  4. that detailed consideration and review of the action plan be referred to the appropriate committee.

10. Procedural standing orders and scheme of delegation

The Authority received a report that outlined the draft procedural standing orders and scheme of delegation for the Authority. In considering the draft procedural Standing Orders, members agreed an amendment to SO11 Urgent Business. The amendment involved the removal of the square brackets round the second paragraph (b) of SO11 and the deletion of the wording 'consult and'. The amended paragraph should stand part of SO11.


  1. that the draft procedural standing orders, subject to the minor amendment, be adopted as the basis for the conduct of its business;
  2. that a further report on options for holding public questions and/or petitions at full Authority meetings be presented to a future meeting of the Authority;
  3. that the draft scheme of delegation be approved; and
  4. that procedural standing orders and scheme of delegation be reviewed in three month’s time.

11. Proposed committee structure

Members considered a report on the options for conducting formal Authority business through the establishment of a committee structure and agreed to adopt the proposed structure on an interim basis. The Authority was keen to progress work thorough this structure as a matter of urgency.


  1. that the committee structure in Appendix 1 to the report be adopted on an interim basis;
  2. that the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of committees and membership of committees be as set out in Appendix 1 to these minutes, and to note that there would be two deputy chairs for the Consultation, Diversity, and Outreach and Finance, Panning and Best Value Committees;
  3. that the structure be reviewed in December 2000; and
  4. that a report considering mechanisms and nomination for geographical 'link' members be considered at a future meeting.

12. Members’ allowance scheme

The Authority considered a report that reminded members that they were entitled to claim allowances and reimbursement for their duties. It was noted that Magistrate and Independent members could claim attendance allowance, but under the Greater London Authority Act 1999, Assembly members were disbarred from claiming attendance allowances. However, it was noted that they could claim travel and subsistence expenses. With this in mind, the report asked members to agree a members’ allowance scheme for approved duties.

that the members’ allowance scheme as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report be approved.

13. Dates and times of future meetings

The Authority received a report that discussed the arrangements for the full Authority meetings in July 2000 and future meetings.


  1. that the dates, times and venues for the full Authority meetings in July, as outlined in the report, be agreed.
  2. that no meeting of the Authority be held in August and that thereafter full meetings of the Authority and committees be held monthly, subject to review.
  3. that all full Authority meetings be held on the second Thursday of every month and start times alternate between 10.00 am and 6.00 pm.
  4. that full Authority meetings be held at appropriate external venues and that committee meetings, where practicable, be held at Romney House; and
  5. that a comprehensive calendar of dates of all meetings of the Authority, up to the end of June 2001 be presented to a future meeting.

14. Request from member

Peter Herbert, deputy Chair of the Authority, requested that the issue of compensation to the parents of Stephen Lawrence be settled as a matter of urgency. The Commissioner informed members that discussions with Stephen Lawrence’s parents were continuing and acknowledged the need for this matter to be concluded as soon as possible.

Appendix 1

 Committee Membership Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee (7)

  • R David Muir (Chair)
  • Cindy Butts (Deputy Chair)
  • Angela Slaven (Deputy Chair)
  • Jennifer Jones
  • Nicholas Long
  • Cecile Lothian
  • Abdal Ullah

Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee (10)

  • Graham Tope (Chair)
  • Reshard Auladin (Deputy Chair)
  • Nicholas Long (Deputy Chair)
  • John Biggs
  • Cindy Butts
  • Roger Evans
  • Cecile Lothian
  • Sir John Quinton
  • Richard Sumray
  • Rachel Whittaker

Human Resources (7)

  • Rachel Whittaker (Chair)
  • John Biggs (Deputy Chair)
  • Anthony Arbour
  • Elizabeth Howlett
  • Nicholas Long
  • Angela Slaven
  • Abdal Ullah

Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee (7)

  • Richard Sumray (Chair)
  • Elizabeth Howlett (Deputy Chair)
  • Anthony Arbour
  • Reshard Auladin
  • Roger Evans
  • Lynne Featherstone
  • R David Muir

Audit Panel (4)

  • Sir John Quinton (Chair)
  • Roger Evans (Deputy Chair)
  • John Biggs
  • Elizabeth Howlett

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