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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 10 July 2000 at Harvey Goodwin Suite, Church House, Westminster, London.


  • Toby Harris (Chair)
  • Richard Barnes (Deputy Chair)


Anthony Arbour, Reshard Auladin, John Biggs, Cindy Butts, Roger Evans, Lynne Featherstone Elizabeth Howlett, Darren Johnson, Jennifer Jones, Nicholas Long, Cecile Lothian, R David Muir, Sir John Quinton, Angela Slaven, Richard Sumray, Abdal Ullah and Rachel Whittaker

MPA staff:

Peter Edwards (Clerk), Peter Martin (Treasurer), Ian Gaskell (Deputy Clerk), John Stevens (Commissioner of Police), Ian Blair (Deputy Commissioner of Police)

Plus approximately 30 members of the press/media and public.

15. Apologies

Apologies were received from Nicky Gavron, Peter Herbert (Deputy Chair) and Graham Tope.

16. Minutes: 26 June 2000

the minutes of the Full Authority held on 26 June 2000 were approved and signed off as an accurate record of the meeting.

17. MPA support organisation staffing paper

Members considered a report that sought approval from the MPA for a process of appointing senior staff. Agreement was requested to advertise the posts of Clerk, Treasurer and Communications Director. The Human Resources Committee would oversee the recruitment process and it was intended to have the staff in place by October. The Clerk declared an interest in the post of Clerk.


  1. that the job descriptions be revised to reflect in more detail the specific requirements of the roles and the diverse nature of the community served. The proposed salaries would also be subject to further review;
  2. that the range of publications used for the advertisements of the posts be expanded to publications such as 'The Voice' to access a wider section of the community; and
  3. subject to resolutions 1 and 2 above the process for appointing the Clerk, Treasurer and Communications Director was approved.

18. 2000/2001 Budget

Members reviewed a report that provided information on the 2000/2001 budget inherited by the Authority, and on currently identified budgetary pressures. It was noted that the budget did not include the cost of policing the proposed New Year’s Eve celebrations and meeting the £3.5m cost of the recent pay lead award. Members registered their concern at the potential policing costs of up to £3m for the proposed New Year’s Eve celebrations.


  1. that the 2000/2001 budget inherited by the Authority be noted;
  2. that the pressures and off setting savings identified since the 2000/20001 budget was set be noted;
  3. that the potential calls on expenditure for which no budget provision exists be referred for consideration to the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee;
  4. that presentations would be provided to members on the National Grant Allocation Formula and its impact on the MPS and the benefits of DNA in the prevention and detection of crime; and
  5. that a letter would be sent to the Home Secretary on behalf of the Authority requesting that he reconsider his decision not to provide additional funding to cover the full cost of the London pay lead.

The Metropolitan Police Authority were pleased to welcome the Home Secretary, the Rt. Hon. Jack Straw to address the meeting. In the course of his address, the Home Secretary welcomed the creation of the MPA and acknowledged the key role that the Authority would play in representing the interests of a wide range of people in London. The Home Secretary also highlighted the importance of the future relationship between the MPA, the Mayor and Greater London Assembly and the Metropolitan Police Service and highlighted some of the challenges facing the MPA. These included the issues of diversity and, in association with the Police Service, meeting the challenges presented by the report on the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, together with the future requirements of Best Value.

The Home Secretary concluded by wishing the MPA every success and expressing confidence that the MPA would be of great value in helping the Metropolitan Police Service to continue its impressive record in policing and winning the fight against crime.

that the Home Secretary’s address be noted.

19. Preliminary draft budget 2001/2002

The Authority considered a report that informed members of the Preliminary Draft Budget for the financial year 2001/2002 and the outline timetable for further submissions to the GLA. The Treasurer indicated that the draft budget did not include policy except in relation to additional officers. Following the approval by the Home Secretary the estimated cost of the additional London pay lead would be £25m rather than the figure quoted in the submission to the GLA. The Commissioner advised that the MPS was currently undertaking a programme of restructuring and the assistance of the Authority would be sought with this process in August 2000.


  1. that the Preliminary Draft Budget submissions to the GLA for the financial year 2001/2002 and the variation in respect of the London pay lead settlement be noted.
  2. that the outline timetable for further submissions be noted; and
  3. that assistance of the Authority would be sought by the Commissioner with regard to the MPS restructuring programme.

20. Treasury management

Members considered a report that recommended the formal adoption by the MPA of the CIPFA Code of Practice for Treasury Management in Local Authorities. It was further recommended that the Finance Planning and Best Value Committee approve the Treasury Management Policy Statement in line with the Code and a Treasury Management Strategy for 2000/01.


  1. that the CIPFA’s Code of Practice for Treasury Management in Local Authorities be formally adopted by the MPA;
  2. the material included at Appendix (A.ii.) of the report be approved for incorporation in the MPA’s Financial Regulations; and
  3. that the Finance and Best Value Committee would be asked to approve the Treasury Management Policy Statement and the Treasury Management Strategy for 2000/01.

21. External audit appointment

Members considered a report that consulted the Authority on the Audit Commission proposal to appoint external auditors to the MPA. The Treasurer stated that the cost of the audit would be agreed by the Audit Committee in the light of the audit programme which was still to be determined. The Chairman declared an interest as a part time consultant for KPMG, although he was not involved in the audit side of the company.

that the Authority accepted the proposal of the Audit Commission to appoint District Audit as the external auditor, with assistance from KPMG, for the period to 31 October 2003 be endorsed.

22. Policing and Performance Plan

The Authority noted the report on the current Policing and Performance Plan. The Clerk advised members that it was not necessary to adopt the current plan. Agreement would be sought separately on the Mission, Vision and Values being used to inform this year’s and next year’s plan.


  1. the Performance and Best Value Plan was noted; and
  2. the Mission, Vision and Values would be discussed at the next Full Authority meeting on 28 July 2000.

23. Membership of the Association of London Government

Members considered a report which highlighted the benefits of the Authority’s taking up membership of the Association of London Government (ALG). This would enhance the capability of the MPA to influence and undertake its work with local councils as well as BOCUs in developing a more strategic approach to policing for London. The Chair declared an expression of interest as a previous chair of the ALG.


  1. that the MPA would seek membership of the ALG, subject to more detailed discussions with the Chief Executive and Members, in order to establish terms of reference for membership, number of seats available to the MPA and fees;
  2. that, because of the central role that ALG played with the boroughs, the MPA would continue to work with, and support, the ALG in all aspects of its work as appropriate;
  3. that a further paper would be brought to members with proposals as to terms of reference for membership and fees; and
  4. that further information on the ALG would be circulated to members.

24. Membership of the Association of the Police Authorities

Members reviewed a report which outlined the benefits of membership of the Association of Police Authorities (APA). The MPA’s role in ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of policing in the Metropolitan District of London would be enhanced through its membership of the MPA. Additionally, this would give the MPA a platform to influence policing beyond the region of London, thus contributing to improvements in the policies that impact on policing at a national level.

that full membership of the APA be approved.

25. Resolution to exclude the press and public

that the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of agenda item 11 as it was likely to disclose exempt information as described in schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

26. Proposed sensitive and confidential issues delegations

This item was accepted as urgent, under the provisions of Section 100B 4b) of the Local Government Act 1972, as an issue of a sensitive nature that required urgent attention had arisen.

The Authority therefore considered a report that invited them to agree proposals for authorising approvals in the event of extremely sensitive or confidential matters.

Concern was expressed by members that the proposal for an agreed delegation prevented the Authority acting with one voice. However, it was recognised that the need for certain information to remain confidential and the requirement for impartiality in the appeals process prevented the circulation of all information to members.

The Chair and members raised concern at the Delroy Lindo case. The Deputy Commissioner stated that the various strands of this case were being brought together to be addressed jointly through an inquiry headed by DAC Tariq Ghaffur. The terms of reference of this inquiry were currently being considered by the MPS Lay Advisory Group and once agreed they would be brought back to this forum.

Ms Featherstone declared an interest in this case as she had championed the Lindo cause.

Members requested that they be kept informed of the rationale for any decisions made in this case and noted that the proposed information bulletin would assist in keeping members up to date.

A member drew attention to an article in the Independent in respect of the views expressed by DI David Michaels of the MPS. A response to this article had been made by the Commissioner.


  1. that the process of negotiation for the compensation award for Mr & Mrs Lawrence commence and that the issue be discussed at the Chair’s Co-ordination and Urgency Committee meeting on 14 July 2000 and referred to the next Full Authority meeting on 28 July 2000;
  2. that a list of sensitive cases be forwarded to all members and a decision made at the next meeting on the Authority’s approach to dealing with these cases;
  3. that the MPS and MPA press releases on the inquiry into the Lindo case would be forwarded to members;
  4. that members be kept informed of the rationale for any decisions made in this case; and
  5. that a regular information bulletin providing information for members on relevant MPS/MPA matters be produced.

27. Concluding remarks

At the conclusion of the meeting members touched informally on other items. One members referred to an article in the 'Job' newspaper relating to a register of Freemasonry. It was proposed that a similar scheme be adopted by members of the MPA. The Clerk undertook to bring a paper on the matter to the September meeting.

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