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Report 8 for the 08 Feb 01 meeting of the MPA Committee and discusses the development of the policing and performance plan for 2001/02.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Development of the policing and performance plan 2001/02


The paper summarises the draft Objectives, Performance Indicators and targets developed for each of the 2001/02 priorities and sustained activities. Members are asked to provide feedback on:

  • the list of objectives, performance indicators and targets for the priorities and sustained activities;
  • the timetable for full plan production and intended styles of the various documents;
  • the mechanism by which detailed consideration of the full draft is performed.

A. Recommendations

  1. that the Authority considers the list of Objectives, Performance Indicators and targets for the priorities and sustained activities shown in Appendix A;
  2. that the timetable for plan production and intended styles of the various document types is considered and agreed;
  3. that detailed consideration of the full draft is performed by the Oversight panel in mid February.

B. Supporting information


At their meeting on 14 December, members of the Full Authority agreed the MPS's list of priorities and sustained activities for 2001/02. Since then, work has taken place to develop the priorities into a set of SMART (Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time-based) objectives and performance indicators. Members of the FPBV Committee, PSPM Committee and the Oversight panel have been fully engaged in the process.

MPS has subsequently done some further work on performance indicators, developed targets where appropriate, and confirmed MPS Management Board's approval to the proposed draft. Just prior to this Full Authority meeting, members of the Oversight panel will meet to review the proposed list of objectives, Performance Indicators and targets presented in Appendix A. A verbal update on the conclusions reached will be given to members at the meeting.

Objectives, performance indicators and targets

The various inputs received have been used to shape the list in Appendix A. These are set out in chart form for ease of reference but will be presented in a more accessible format in the draft plan. Members will see that information is still awaited on a limited number of targets.

The Performance Indicators tabulated in Appendix A are those high level ones that will appear in the published plan itself. In developing the plan members have stated their aim to reduce the numbers of objectives to be monitored and, as far as possible, for these to be output/outcome focused. More detailed monitoring of other relevant PIs' is expected to take place at MPA Committee level.

Plan structure and content

All of the statutory contents in conformity with the Home Office statutory guidelines will be included. The contents list highlights the fact that - in order to meet fully the statutory guidelines - the plan will be long.

With this in mind, members of the Oversight panel recommended that a summary ten page plan with annexes and a hierarchy of documents, each with differing target audiences and levels of detail. MPA officers have been working on the proposed GLA summary document. The proposed hierarchy of plan documents and intended readership levels is set out below:

Document type Identity of intended reader Level of detail
Joint summary with GLA Households in GLA Broad overview (unlikely to be sufficient to meet statutory requirements for summary - being checked)
10 page plan (that could be used as summary) Informed reader
Sufficient to meet statutory requirements of summary as "fair and accurate reflection" of full plan
Full plan (10 page plan + appendices) Motivated reader
Full content, as required by statutory guidelines

Plan production timescales

Appendix B highlights the meetings at which further decisions could be taken concerning the plan. It can be seen that the opportunity exists for the Full Authority to remit for resolution any outstanding issues to the PSPM Committee or FPBV Committee, as appropriate.

The timescale for development of the 2001/02 plan means that a final draft is not yet available. Members may wish to consider the mechanism by which detailed consideration of the complete draft could take place, prior to their meeting on 8 March. They may wish this task to be performed by the Oversight panel, by the FPBV Committee, the Urgency Committee or by submission of drafts to individual Authority members.

C. Financial implications

The targets agreed for the objectives will influence the amount of resources needing to be devoted to their achievement.

D. Review arrangements

The views expressed today will inform development of the 2001/02 Policing and Performance plan. The Authority will be asked to agree the final draft at its meeting on 8 March.

E. Background papers

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Sarah Hedgcock from the MPS Corporate Development Group.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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