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Report 7 of the 14 Jun 01 meeting of the MPA Committee and discusses work undertaken by members in providing input to a corporate strategy for the MPS.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Development of a corporate strategy

Report: 7
Date: 14 June 2001
By: Clerk


This paper is a progress report on work undertaken by members in providing input to a corporate strategy for the Metropolitan Police Service.

A. Recommendation

Members are asked to note this report and endorse the proposed way forward.

B. Supporting information

1. On 22 February 2001 members were briefed on initial MPS views on issues that could be included in a corporate strategy for the service. Members supported the need for a corporate strategy on the basis that it would help:

  • focus and co-ordinate activity within the MPS;
  • align performance management with strategic goals;
  • guide the allocation of resources according to strategic priorities;
  • provide a framework for setting statutory objectives and targets annually.

2. Members also decided that they needed to consider the issues to be addressed by a strategy in some detail and subsequently met on 3 May 2001. The aim of the meeting was to obtain initial views on what ought to be included in any strategy. The resulting views were then developed into a possible set of strategic goals (ie: outcomes desired over the life of the strategy) and strategic priorities (ie: specific issues to be addressed to deliver each goal).

3. The goals and priorities were considered at a meeting on 31 May 2001 and have been circulated to all members. Members attending the meeting agreed that:

(a) a strategy needed to be agreed by October 2001 so that planning and budgeting decisions for 2002/03 could reflect longer-term goals and priorities;

(b) more work was needed to explain the goals and priorities and the rationale for inclusion (by way of an explanatory document);

(c) subject to (b) the goals and priorities ought to be used as a starting point for detailed discussion with MPS management board;

(d) there would be benefit in members discussing the goals and priorities with a small group of external partners (eg representatives from Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Association of Police Authorities);

(e) it was too early to initiate wider consultation until the actions at (b) to (d) had been completed (on the basis that a draft strategy remains to be confirmed).

4. Consequently, a document is being prepared that describes the emerging goals and priorities in more detail. Further, meetings are being arranged with external partners and with MPS management board. It is considered that the purpose of the latter meeting should be to agree a draft strategy which can be used for consultation purposes. It is emphasised that these meetings will help to develop views on a draft strategy. Any draft strategy will, in due course, need to be presented to the Authority for approval with the support of the Commissioner. Ideally, the strategy presented for agreement would have considered views obtained via consultation internal and external to the police service. It is considered that any draft strategy should be subject to consultation but, given the October deadline and impending holiday season, members will appreciate that the extent and period of consultation is likely to be constrained. This is unfortunate but preferable to preparing detailed plans and budgets for 2002/03 in the absence of a longer-term strategy.

C. Financial implications

There are no immediate implications. The implications arising from any consultation will be assessed once the type and extent of consultation is known.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The author of this report is Derrick Norton, MPA Best Value Manager.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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