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Report 14 of the 26 Jul 01 meeting of the MPA Committee and discusses changes needed to the calendar of MPA meetings.

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See the MOPC website for further information.

Changes to meeting dates

Report: 14
Date: 26 July 2001
By: Clerk


Now that the timetable is known for submission of the MPA's 2002/03 budget to the Mayor, some changes will be needed to the calendar of MPA meetings.

A. Recommendation

That the Authority agrees the changes to meeting dates set out in paragraph 1 below.

B. Supporting information

1.The deadline for the submission of the MPA's final 2002/03 budget to the Mayor is now known. The Authority is required to submit its budget by 10 December. To achieve this, the following timetable and changes to the MPA's schedule of meetings are proposed:

  • 4 October
    Finance, Planning & Best Value Committee (FPBV) consider the draft budget (this meeting is already in the diary)
  • 25 October
    the full Authority agrees the detailed budget submission (this meeting is already in the diary)
  • 8 November
    FPBV meeting to consider ordinary business (currently shown as a provisional date)
  • 27 November at 10am
    additional FPBV to consider final draft budget submission
  • 22 November
    cancel full Authority meeting
  • 6 December
    FPBV meeting already scheduled to consider ordinary business
  • 10 December at 2pm
    new date for the full Authority to approve the final budget submission and ordinary business
  • 20 December
    the scheduled full Authority meeting to be retained for time being but may be cancelled if there is no business

2. The Finance, Planning & Best Value Committee on 19 July is being asked to agree its additional meeting and the Authority is asked to agree the changes to its calendar of meetings.

3. If the Authority agrees these changes, a revised schedule of MPA meetings will be issued and Members required to amend their diaries.

C. Financial implications


D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The author of this report is Simon Vile.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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