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Report 7 of the 27 Jun 02 annual general meeting of the MPA Committee and discusses formal confirmation of those positions which will attract Special Responsibility Allowances under the Authority's members' allowances scheme.

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Members' allowances scheme

Report: 07 AGM
Date: 27 June 2002
By: Clerk


With the introduction of a new committee structure, this report asks for formal confirmation of those positions which will attract Special Responsibility Allowances under the Authority's members' allowances scheme.

A. Recommendations

That special responsibility allowances be paid in respect of the positions detailed in paras 3 and 4 of this report.

B. Supporting information

1. In January the Authority agreed a new members' allowances scheme based on a basic allowance of £13,000 for all magistrate and independent members and additional special responsibility allowances when the following positions are occupied by an independent or magistrate member (as GLA members do not receive any payment under the scheme): Chair of the Authority - £12,000 Deputy Chairs of the Authority, Chairs of main committees and members with responsibilities for the following portfolios: audit, best value and estates - £2,000 This scheme came into effect on 1 April.

2. With the introduction of a new committee structure, the Authority is asked to confirm that the following main committee chairships should attract a special responsibility allowance (where filled by an independent or magistrate member): Co-ordination & Policing Committee Consultation Committee Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board Finance Committee Human Resources Committee Performance, Planning and Review Committee Professional Standards and Complaints Committee Standards Committee

3. With regard to the three portfolios, audit was specifically linked to the chairship of the Audit Panel, estates to that of the Estates Sub-Committee and best value to one of the deputy chairships of the former Finance, Planning & Best Value Committee. The Audit Panel and the Estates Sub-Committee continue in existence in the new committee structure. Best value issues now come under the core business of the Performance, Planning and Review Committee and it is proposed, therefore, that the best value lead should no longer attract a special responsibility allowance.

4. The Co-ordination and Policing Committee has responsibility for specifying and agreeing member lead responsibilities and the position on these and other lead responsibilities is due to be considered by that committee in the near future.

C. Financial implications

5. The new committee structure contains two more main committees than previously and therefore there is the potential for the payment of two additional special responsibility allowances at an additional cost of £4,000 (reduced by £2,000 if the portfolio responsibility for best value is withdrawn from the scheme). However, as with all the positions, the actual cost is dependent on whether they are occupied by independent/magistrate members. An additional cost of £2,000 could be contained within the existing budget.

D. Background papers

  • Report to January 2002 full Authority on the members' allowances scheme
  • Report to May 2002 full Authority on the new committee structure

E. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, MPA.

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MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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