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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 27 May 2004 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London, SW1H 0NY.



  • Toby Harris (Chair)
  • Richard Barnes (Deputy Chairs)
  • R. David Muir (Deputy Chairs)
  • Jennette Arnold
  • Reshard Auladin
  • Cindy Butts
  • Lynne Featherstone
  • Kirsten Hearn
  • Peter Herbert
  • Elizabeth Howlett
  • Diana Johnson
  • Noel Lynch
  • Sir John Quinton
  • Richard Sumray
  • Rachel Whittaker
  • Cecile Wright.

MPA Officers:

  • Catherine Crawford (Clerk)
  • Peter Martin (Treasurer)
  • David Riddle (Deputy Clerk and Solicitor)
  • Simon Vile (Head of Secretariat).

MPS Officers:

  • Sir John Stevens (Commissioner)
  • Sir Ian Blair (Deputy Commissioner)
  • Tim Godwin (Assistant Godwin)
  • Martin Tiplady (Director of HR)

118. Apologies for absence and Chair’s communication

(Agenda item 1)

Apologies for absence were received from Tony Arbour, Jenny Jones, Eric Ollerenshaw, Graham Tope and Abdal Ullah.

The Chair reported that AC Bernard Hogan-Howe had been appointed as Chief Constable of Merseyside and expressed the Authority’s congratulations.

119. Declarations of interest

(Agenda item 2)

None received.

120. Minutes

(Agenda item 3)

Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the Authority held on 29 April 2004 be confirmed and signed as a correct record.

121. Minutes of committees

(Agenda item 4)

The minutes of the following committees were received:

  • Co-ordination & Policing Committee, 19 April and 7 May
  • Planning, Performance & Review Committee, 22 April
  • Finance Committee, 22 April
  • Professional Standards & Complaints Committee, 6 May
  • Human Resources Committee, 6 May

122. Chair’s, Members’ and Clerk’s updates

(Agenda item 5)

The Authority noted updates from the Chair and other members.

123. Commissioner’s update

(Agenda item 6)

The Commissioner gave an oral update on a number of issues, including:

Performance data

The MPS continued to record improved performance. Also of note was that in the British Crime Survey 80% of respondents considered that the MPS were doing a good job – the highest satisfaction rating in the country.

Jennette Arnold raised the issue of communities, such as Newington Green, which are on the boundary between two BOCUs. This could result in them not being well served by either BOCU. She said she would send AC Godwin a note about this and he undertook to arrange a briefing for her.

Anti-terrorism and security issues

Considerable resources were still being deployed and a high level of alert continued. In relation to the arrest of Abu Hamza, the Commissioner outlined the support/liaison process being carried out with local communities. Richard Barnes asked that this be extended to Southall.

In relation to the incident at Windsor Castle on 17 May, the Commissioner reported that a man was arrested in the public area of the castle for impersonating a police officer. He did not gain access to any private areas. Disciplinary processes were continuing.

In relation to the incident in the Houses of Parliament, the Commissioner commented that the MPS does not have responsibility for security in the Chamber.

Operation Minstead

In response to a question from Lynne Featherstone the Deputy Commissioner reported that, in light of concerns about the process of taking DNA samples, this had been stopped.

124. MPA Annual Report 2003/04

(Agenda item 7)

The Authority considered a report by the Clerk on the draft MPA Annual Report for 2003/04. Members made a number of comments about content and presentation. Subject to these, it was

Resolved – That

  1. the Authority agrees and endorses for publication the proposed content of the MPA 2003/04 annual report; and
  2. the Clerk be authorised, in consultation with the Chair, to agree the final version of the annual report, taking in account any comments made at the Authority meeting or other changes that may subsequently be necessary.

125. Report of Stop and Search Scrutiny Panel

(Agenda item 8)

Cecile Wright introduced the final report of the Stop and Search Scrutiny Panel, which she had chaired. In doing so she paid tribute to members of the panel and the staff who supported its work.

Members congratulated Cecile and the other panel members for a searching and timely report. The Authority noted with approval the Commissioner’s invitation to Cecile to become a member of the group set up by him to lead implementation of the recommendations. Some initial comments were made but it was agreed to consider the report in greater detail in September, when an action plan would be reported to the Authority.

Resolved – That

  1. the recommendations of the final report be accepted; and
  2. an action plan be developed for report to the Authority in September.

126. MPA committee structure

(Agenda item 9)

The Authority considered a report by the Clerk seeking members’ views on the current MPA committee structure and whether any changes were considered necessary.

It was agreed to maintain the present structure, subject to the following changes:

  • There needs to be better planning of full Authority agendas so that it addresses the substantive issues
  • Co-ordination & Policing Committee to be held once a month (followed by an informal session as at present)
  • A more inclusive urgency process to be established, but only to be used in genuinely urgent
  • Consultation Committee to be retitled Community Engagement Committee
  • A further attempt to be made to improve the linkages between the Planning, Performance and Review Committee dates and the MPS planning and performance cycle
  • The proposal for a Caseworker Committee was not agreed. Instead, option 2 in the report was agreed – a fixed membership of five for each of the ACPO and Pension Forfeiture Sub-Committees – drawn from membership of the respective parent committee. In the event of one of those members being unable to hear a case, the Clerk to be authorised to appoint another member, initially from the parent committee or failing that from membership of the Authority as a whole.
  • Committees should produce annual work plans
  • The proposal for a Corporate Governance Committee was agreed – thought would be needed on whether any member roles should be excluded from its membership
  • Late committee reports are not acceptable
  • The Members’ Awayday in July should discuss the roles of link and lead members and Authority Deputy Chairs

127. Immigration detainees in MPS custody

(Agenda item 10)

The Authority considered a report by the Clerk on a presentation to the recent Consultation Committee meeting on immigration detainees in MPS custody in the borough of Camden. Mick Farrant, the Chair of the Camden Independent Custody Visiting Panel was thanked for bringing his research to the Authority. It was

Resolved – That a comprehensive report on the position across London be presented to the next meeting of the Authority. The views of the Home Office and the Immigration Service should be sought to include in the report.

128. Action taken under delegated authority

(Agenda item 11)

The Authority noted a report by the Clerk on action taken under delegated authority since its last meeting.

129. Final meeting of the Authority’s first term

As this was the final meeting of the Authority’s first term, the Chair expressed his appreciation of the work of those members who it was known would not be returning – Diana Johnson, David Muir, Sir John Quinton and Cecile Wright. He also thanked the Clerk and Treasurer and their staff for their support. He also thanked the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and MPS officers and staff for working so positively with the Authority. Many issues had been resolved in this way, even if more remained for the Authority’s second term that would require continued partnership. In response, the Commissioner considered that the Authority had proved itself outstanding in working with the Service, giving it support when necessary and criticism when necessary.

The meeting ended at 12.05 p.m.

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