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Report 8a of the 24 February 2005 meeting of the MPA Committee and outlines the conclusions and recommendations of Part 2 of The Virdi Inquiry.

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Virdi Inquiry report part 2

Report: 8a
Date: 24 February 2005
By: Clerk


The report outlines the conclusions and recommendations of Part 2 of The Virdi Inquiry.

A copy of the Inquiry report is on the MPA web site ( or available on request.

A. Recommendation


  1. members welcome Part 2 of the Virdi Inquiry Report; and
  2. progress on implementing recommendations 1-4 of the Report should be monitored by the Professional Standards and Complaints Committee

B. Supporting information

1. The report of the Virdi Inquiry was commissioned by the MPA and was published in December 2001. At that time the Panel was unable to take evidence from Sergeant Virdi in person because he had lodged a second employment tribunal claim against the MPS in June 2000. This claim was in respect of the disciplinary process used by the MPS and remained current during the Inquiry. Legal advice was received to the effect that the presentation of evidence at the Inquiry at stage could prove detrimental. The Inquiry Panel therefore recommended that it should reconvene to hear a submission from Sergeant Virdi, and to publish a supplementary report, following resolution of the second claim.

2. The Panel, under the Chairmanship of R David Muir, has now met and its report is attached as Appendix 1 (members only). Copies are available on the MPA website or from the Secretariat on request.

3. In addition to taking oral evidence from Sergeant Virdi and his wife, the Panel also considered a written submission from Mr David Gilbertson, a former Commander in the MPS. Mr Gilbertson, who was involved in the discipline process raised a number of concerns about the Virdi Inquiry Report Part 1.

4. The recommendations of the report are set out in section I on pages 31/32 Recommendations 1-4, some of which already have been addressed, relate to internal matters within the MPS and the management of personal files. It is suggested that it would be appropriate to ask Professional Standards Committee to monitor compliance with these recommendations and to receive a report on the retention of personal records and sensitive data.

5. Recommendation 5 relates to the one outstanding recommendation from Virdi Report Part 1 which has not yet been actioned. Virdi Part 2 recommends that action is no longer required in respect of this original recommendation, relating to employment tribunals, since the Morris Inquiry terms of reference allow it to take forward the work that was envisaged.

C. Equality and diversity implications

Race and diversity issues have been considered substantively within the body of the report.

D. Financial implications

The cost of reconvening the Panel and of producing the report, which is not being printed but will be placed on the Authority’s website, amounts to £25,000

E. Background papers

F. Contact details

Report author: Keith Dickinson

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