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Scheme of members’ expenses

Report: Annual Meeting Report 2
Date: 30 June 2005
By: the Chief Executive & Clerk


The Authority is asked to confirm its Scheme of Members’ Expenses, subject to some minor amendments.

A. Recommendation

That the Authority confirms its Scheme of Members’ Expenses, subject to the proposed amendments set out in paragraph 2 of this report.

B. Supporting information

1. The Authority should consider on an annual basis its formal schemes for the payment of members’ allowances and expenses. This was done in respect of the Members’ Allowances Scheme at the May Authority meeting, when changes were made to the Scheme.

2. The current Scheme of Expenses is attached as Appendix 1. This sets out the business expenses which members are entitled to claim. The Authority is asked to confirm it subject to some proposed changes:

  • At present members may claim up to £30 per month for the cost of their MPA business calls unless they have been issued with an MPA mobile phone in which case they can claim up to £50. It is proposed that those members not issued with an MPA mobile phone should also be able to claim either up to £50 per month for business use of their personal mobile phones or £30 towards the cost of their landline phone
  • There is a business advantage to the MPA if its members have good internet access and availability. It is proposed, therefore, that for Independent and Magistrate Members the MPA should meet the actual broadband costs at a member’s home up to a maximum of £20 per month
  • The Authority is currently investigating the feasibility of supplying Independent and Magistrate Members with BlackBerry handheld devices. It is proposed therefore to add these to the details in the Scheme of the facilities offered to Independent and Magistrate Members.

3. Members have been asked if there were changes they felt should be made to the Scheme, in case they were incurring valid expenses not covered by the current scheme. In addition to the above, the only other suggestion was that parking charges within the Congestion Charge Zone be met when unavoidable (currently the scheme says that only parking charges outside the zone may be claimed).

C. Race and equality impact


D. Financial implications

Costs will be contained within the budget for members’ allowances and expenses.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Scheme of expenses to be paid to members

In addition to the Basic and Special Responsibility Allowances Scheme, all MPA members can claim actual expenses incurred whilst on Authority business. These are listed below.

It is important that all members submit claims on a regular basis. As agreed by the Authority in January 2004, no claims older than three months will be accepted. At the end of the financial year claims relating to that year must be submitted by 30 April. The Clerk may waive this requirement in exceptional and individual circumstances

All expense claims must be supported by receipts and sufficient details of the expense incurred and the reason for it, otherwise it will not be possible to pay the claim. If claiming travel expenses, please state where the journey started and finished.

Travel Expenses

Public transport and taxis

Members should use public transport wherever possible and are expected to keep the use of taxis to a minimum. On some occasions taxi use is acceptable:

  • when it is unreasonable or impractical to use public transport
  • when members share a taxi, making it as economic as public transport
  • late at night (after 9 p.m.) if personal safety is of concern
  • when carrying heavy equipment or files or sensitive information

Where possible, members should anticipate the need for a taxi and contact the MPA Members Services team on 7202 0184 so that it can be booked through the MPA account. Receipts must be provided for taxi use unless booked on the MPA account.

As it is the most expensive form of transport, the use of taxis will be monitored and reported to the Co-ordination & Policing Committee (the committee responsible for monitoring the Secretariat’s budget) as appropriate.

Rail travel

If travelling by rail, members are entitled to travel first class if the journey exceeds 70 miles. For shorter journeys members should travel standard class.

Air travel

If travelling by air, economy class should be used, unless other issues are involved such as health. A decision on any variation to the use of economy class must be made by the Clerk. All flights will be arranged by Members Services.

Motor vehicle

The rates are, for all car sizes:

  • up to 10,000 miles – 40 pence a mile
  • over 10,000 miles - 25 pence a mile

Bicycle rates – 7 pence a mile

The Authority will not meet the cost of the congestion charge or parking charges within the congestion charging zone. Parking charges outside the zone may be claimed.

Hotel accommodation

If overnight hotel accommodation is necessary, the booking will be made by Members Services to ensure best value for money. Extras such as laundry, room service, alcoholic drinks, videos, newspapers etc cannot be claimed.

Subsistence rates (unless meal costs are included in the hotel accommodation costs)

  • Day (up to 12 hours): £10
  • Day (over 12 hours/less than 24 hours): £20
  • Overnight (24 hours): £30

Meals on trains

Actual receipted expenditure. The Authority will not meet the cost of alcoholic drinks.

Business Telephone Calls

Members may claim expenses of up to £30 per month for business calls. Alternatively, where an MPA mobile phone has been issued the Authority will pay the bill direct but the member is not expected to exceed £50 per month on business calls. Where the bill exceeds £50 the member will be asked to identify all personal calls made so that s/he can be invoiced for these.

This is not an allowance and members should only claim for business calls made in the course of their Authority business.


Members with MPA laptops can claim business internet use but their claim must be accompanied by an itemised phone bill.

Business Entertaining

As a general rule, given that the Authority has very limited resources available for this, you should not take people out to lunch or dinner and expect to be reimbursed by the Authority. Facilities at Dean Farrar Street should be used wherever possible.

Business entertaining may be appropriate when:

  • your role requires it
  • you are hosting a visit from overseas
  • there is a good reason for using a restaurant or other facilities

You must be able to demonstrate:

  • that the purpose of the meeting is MPA business and not social; and
  • that you have chosen a reasonably priced location

The prior approval of the Clerk or Treasurer must be obtained. For any claims you will be asked to supply:

  • the name and organisation of the recipient(s)
  • the purpose of the business entertaining

Carers’ allowances

Any member who is required to pay a carer in order to attend MPA meetings etc may claim a carer’s allowance, subject to the following conditions:

  • the maximum allowance payable is £6 per hour
  • payment can be claimed in respect of children aged 16 or under and in respect of other dependants where there is medical or social work evidence that care is required
  • allowances will only be paid for actual expenditure as evidenced by receipts
  • an allowance will not be paid to a member of the claimant’s household
  • there is no ceiling on the total amount that could be claimed by a member in a year, but this position will be reviewed in the light of experience

Facilities offered to Magistrate and Independent Members

Magistrate and Independent Members may be provided with the following facilities to enable them to carry out their MPA duties:

  • an MPA-provided mobile phone
  • up to £125 for the purchase of a fax machine, with payment based on proof of purchase
  • an MPA-provided laptop computer and printer
  • up to £150 for the purchase of office equipment, such as a filing cabinet for MPA documents, with payment based on proof of purchase
  • reimbursement for consumables, where not provided by the MPA

Any equipment so provided or purchased will remain the property of the MPA and should only be used for MPA business purposes.

Last updated 2 June 2004

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