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Report 8 of the 29 June 2006 annual meeting of the MPA Committee and presents a record of member attendances at the MPA bodies to which they were appointed during the year.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Members attendances during 2005/06

Report: 8 (AGM)
Date: 29 June 2006
By: Chief Executive and Clerk


This report is a record of member attendances at the MPA bodies to which they were appointed during the year since the last annual meeting in June 2005.

A. Recommendation

That this report be noted.

B. Supporting information

1. Standing Order 5.1.3 requires that ‘a summary of member attendance during the preceding year at meetings of the Authority and those committees etc to which they have been appointed, shall be reported to the annual meeting of the Authority.’

2. This is attached as Appendix 1. It does not include:

  • formal bodies which do not have a fixed membership: ACPO Conduct Sub-Committee and the Pension Forfeiture Sub-Committee.
  • informal member-level groups.

3. It needs to be borne in mind that this record does not represent a full picture of members’ contributions to the work of the MPA. It does not, for instance, cover lead member or link member activities or the significant contribution that some members have made to the Authority’s scrutiny investigations. In terms of the effectiveness of the MPA member role, as much can be and is achieved outside of the formal committee structure as by members meeting in committee.

C. Race and equality impact


D. Financial implications


E. Background papers

  • Minutes of Authority and committee meetings 2005/06

F. Contact details

Report author: Kathleen Denham-King, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

MPA member attendance record 2005/06

June 2006

The figures below take into account the Committee Structure which changed in March 2006.

Committee Committee meetings held Committee meetings attended
Anthony Arbour
Full Authority 10 9
HR 4 3
Remuneration 2 2
PPR [1] 7 1

(joined committee in Apr 06)

PSC 5 4
Total 28 19
Jennette Arnold
Full Authority 10 8
COP 8 4
Corp. Governance 5 2
HR 4 3
Remuneration 2 1
Total 29 18
Reshard Auladin
Full Authority 10 9
COP 8 6
Finance [1] 10 8
Remuneration 2 2
PPR [1] 7 5
PSC 5 5
Total 42 35
Richard Barnes
Full Authority 10 10
COP 8 3
Finance [1] 10 6
PPR [1] 7 3
Total 35 22
Cindy Butts
Full Authority 10 10
COP 8 8
EODB 5 4
PPR [1] 7 4
Total 30 26
Dee Doocey
Full Authority 10 9
PPR [1] 7 5
Total 17 14
Len Duvall
Full Authority 10 10
COP 8 7
Remuneration 2 2
Total 20 19
Nicky Gavron
Full Authority 10 6
Community Engagement 1 1
Total 11 7
Toby Harris
Full Authority 10 9
COP 8 7
Corp. Governance 5 4
Total 23 20
Kirsten Hearn
Full Authority 10 8
COP 8 4
Community Engagement 1 1
EODB 5 5
HR 4 3
Total 28 21
Peter Herbert
Full Authority 10 8
Community Engagement 1 0
EODB 5 2
HR 4 0
Total 20 10
Damian Hockney
Full Authority 10 7
Community Engagement 1 0
EODB 5 2
HR 4 2
PSC 5 2
Standards 1 1
Total 26 14
Elizabeth Howlett
Full Authority 10 10
COP 8 5
Corp. Governance 5 3
Finance [1] 10 9
PSC 5 4
Total 38 31
Jenny Jones
Full Authority 10 9
Community Engagement 1 0
PSC 5 5
Total 16 14
Karim Murji
Full Authority 10 8
COP 8 8
PPR [1] 7 6
PSC 5 5
Total 30 27
Bob Neill
Full Authority 10 7
Finance [1] 10 4
Standards 1 1
Total 21 12
Aneeta Prem
Full Authority 10 10
Community Engagement 1 1
EODB 5 5
HR 4 3
PSC 5 1

(joined committee in Apr 06)

Standards 1 1
Total 26 21
Murad Qureshi
Full Authority 10 9
Finance [1] 10 3
Standards 1 0
Total 21 12
John Roberts
Full Authority 10 10
EODB 5 5
HR 4 4
Community Engagement 1 1
Total 20 20
Richard Sumray
Full Authority 10 10
COP 8 8
Finance [1] 10 10
PSC 5 2
PPR [1] 7 7
Total 40 37
Graham Tope
Full Authority 10 9
COP 8 1
Finance [1] 10 9
Total 28 19
Abdal Ullah
Full Authority 10 7
COP 8 2
Community Engagement 1 1
Total 19 10
Rachel Whittaker
Full Authority 10 9
COP 8 5
Finance [1] 10 6
Corporate Governance 5 5
HR 4 3
Remuneration 2 2
PSC 5 1

(joined committee in Apr 06)

PPR [1] 7 3

(left committee in March 06)

Total 51 34
Ian Whitburn
Standards 1 1
Total 1 1
Stephanie Caplan
Standards 1 1
Total 1 1

Based on: Full Authority meetings; Human Resources Committee (HR); Planning, Community Engagement Performance and Review Committee (PPR [1]); Professional Standards and Complaints Committee (PSC); Co-ordination and Policing Committee (CoP); Finance [1] Committee; Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board (EODB); Standards Committee; and Remuneration Sub- Committee


1. This total includes a joint meeting of the Finance Committee and PPR [Back]

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