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MPA/MPS Estates Strategy and consultation and communication of the Estates Strategic Plan

Report: 7
Date: 26 October 2006
By: Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing and the Director of Resources on behalf of the Commissioner


To further the rollout of the estates strategy to exit inefficient and antiquated buildings and recycle and reinvest this value back into the estate, MPA Members’ approval is requested for the Estates Strategic Plan and the Consultation and Communication Strategy developed to support the rollout of this plan.

A. Recommendation

Members are asked to:

  1. support the Estate Strategic Plan for the MPA/MPS estate.
  2. approve the Consultation and Communication Strategy developed in support of the strategic plan.
  3. note that the proposed Estate Strategic Plan and the associated Consultation Strategy and Plan will be subject to regular review and updates.

B. Supporting information

1. Following the principles of good asset management practice; maximising the use of accommodation and minimising the operational cost of buildings and property, and incorporating the recommendations and conclusions of the various HMIC reports, the MPA/MPS Estates Strategy ‘Building Towards the Safest City’, was approved in 2003 and publicly launched in 2004.

2. The strategy for exiting inefficient/antiquated buildings and recycling and reinvesting the value back into the estate has already resulted in significant benefits to the MPA/MPS.

3. To further the rollout of the Estates Strategy and provide suitable visibility to the MPA, an MPS Estates Strategic Plan (ESP) detailed in Appendix 1, and the associated Consultation and Communication Strategy and Implementation Plan detailed in Appendix 2, have been developed.

4. Subject to regular review the ESP sets out the framework within which the estate is managed; the MPS Corporate Priorities in regard to estate matters, maps out the way forward with the ongoing implementation of the MPA/MPS Estates Strategy and reports on progress to date.

5. In support of the ESP, Asset Management Plans (AMPs) have been developed for various Operational Command Units/centralised facilities. The ESP details those AMPs that are in place, and those that will be developed over the forthcoming months.

6. The Consultation and Communication Strategy and Implementation Plan sets the framework within which the MPS interact with the MPA/MPS’s stakeholders to provide a greater level of openness and transparency.

7. Particular emphasis has been placed within the ESP on providing suitable property for Territorial Policing’s borough based policing functions as these buildings are the oldest properties within the MPA estate and are inefficient to run, offer limited use and poor accessibility. Coupled with the lead Territorial Policing (TP) take in interacting with communities across London; having responsibility for all borough based functions including Safer Neighbourhoods, Front Counter services, patrolling officers and custody, TP Borough Commanders will lead in the consultation and communication of strategies for the MPA/MPS, with support from relevant departments including the Directorate of Resources (Property Services), Department of Public Affairs and other Operational Directorates.

8. To ensure that the consultation and communication is effective, each Borough Commander will first liase with their respective MPA Link Member to discuss and review BOCU AMPs and ensure agreement to the approach that will be taken in consulting and communicating on each.

9. Territorial Policing’s Link Commanders and Headquarters Teams will oversee the consultation and communication process to ensure that appropriate steps are taken to address stakeholder needs in regard to the rollout of each AMP; that messages are clear and consistent; that feedback from the consultation process is fed into the various strands of the estates strategy, and that concerns are addressed in the appropriate manner.

10. As property solutions are developed as part of the rollout of each AMP, specific consultation and communication will be undertaken. Proposals that are brought to MPS Contracts Board, MPS Investment Board and MPA Finance Committee for approval will make reference to the consultation and communication undertaken and provide feedback on this.

C. Legal implications

1. There are none specific to this particular Paper. The property acquisitions and disposals, which are related to the rollout of the ESP, will be reported in subsequent Papers in accordance with MPS Regulations.

D. Race and equality impact

1. There are none specific to this particular Paper. The acquisition redevelopment or refurbishment of properties will enable the provision of modern facilities providing suitable accessibility and compliant working environments.

E. Financial implications

1. The overarching estate strategy is designed to recycle and reinvest funds released from the disposal of assets back into the operational estate. Specific financial implications including funding requirements for individual property solutions will be included within the individual proposals presented to Contracts Board, Investment Board and MPA Finance Committee.

2. The costs of public consultation and communication will be met through existing budgets or in the case of applications relating to the planning process as part of the costs related to specific property solutions.

F. Background papers

  • MPA/MPS Estates Strategy - Building Towards the Safest City – 2003/2008
  • MPA/MPS Planning Strategy – Planning for Future Police Estate Development
  • Service Improvement Review – Custody Capacity

G. Contact details

Report author: Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing/Director of Resources, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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