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MPA/MPS estates strategic plan

Report: 7b
Date: 19 December 2006
By: Treasurer


The MPA/MPS Estates Strategy “Building towards the Safest City” was approved in 2003. Following presentation of an update paper in February 2006 Members raised concerns with regard to the level of detail contained within the strategy and the extent to which stakeholders were being consulted. An Estates Strategic Plan and associated Consultation and Communication Strategy and Plans have now been produced.

A. Recommendation


  1. Members comment on the attached Estates Strategic Plan, and the Consultation and Communication Strategy and Plan, proposing amendments where appropriate; and
  2. Subject to proposed amendments being made, Members agree the attached Estates Strategic Plan, and the Consultation and Communication Strategy and Plan.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPA/MPS Estates Strategy “Building Towards the Safest City” was approved in 2003 and publicly launched in 2004. Following presentation of an update report in February 2006 Members raised concerns about the level of detail in the Estates Strategy and the extent to which stakeholders were being consulted.

2. In recognition of the concerns raised, the MPS spent a significant amount of time in developing an Estates Strategic Plan (ESP) and a Consultation and Communication Strategy and Implementation Plan. The purpose of the ESP is to provide the additional detail needed and set out the framework within which the estate is managed. The Consultation and Communication Strategy and Implementation Plan sets out the framework within which the MPS interact with stakeholders, to provide a greater level of openness and transparency.

3. The ESP and Consultation and Communication Strategy and implementation Plan were due to be considered by Full Authority in October but the reports were deferred to give Members the opportunity to discuss the ESP and the Consultation and Communication Strategy in detail.

4. An informal meeting was subsequently held to discuss the reports at which Members acknowledged that both the ESP and Consultation and Communication Strategy were an improvement on earlier versions. However, it was felt that in a number of areas the strategic plan remained lacking in detail or clarity. With regard to the Consultation & Communications Strategy, Members were in agreement that whilst this was going in the right direction as a communication strategy, improvements were needed with in respect of consultation. In particular members were keen to separate out consultation from communication, to demonstrate in the Consultation strategy a willingness to listen and change proposals in the light of consultation.

5. In light of members’ concerns both the ESP and Consultation and Communication Strategies have now been revised. In particular the ESP now includes the proposed governance framework through which the Estates Strategy, ESP and Communication and Consultation Strategy will be monitored both within the MPS and MPA and new sections on the Environmental strategy, the disposal and retention of older and listed buildings, neighbourhood team based property and front counters.

6. Members had also suggested that the Consultation and Communication Strategy be separated into two separate documents. The MPS have spent a significant amount of time trying to produce two separate documents, however they have come to the conclusion the documents cannot be split without a significant level of duplication between them, which could lead to confusion during their implementation. Therefore a revised Consultation and Communication Strategy with increased emphasis on consultation has now been produced, which is supported by a Consultation and Communication Plan.

7. Both the ESP and Consultation and Communication Strategy and Plan are seen as “living documents”, to be updated on a regular basis.

C. Legal implications

1. There are none specific to this particular paper. Legal implications related to the roll out of the ESP will be reported in subsequent papers.

D. Race and equality impact

1. An Equality Impact Assessment will need to be undertaken for the ESP and Consultation and Communication strategies in their entirety and then for specific projects/programmes as they are rolled out.

E. Financial implications

1. There are none specific to this particular paper. The revenue and capital implications related to the roll out of the ESP will be reported in subsequent papers.

F. Background papers

  • MPA/MPS Estates Strategy – Building Towards the Safest City

G. Contact details

Report author: Annabel Adams, MPA.

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