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Report 9 of the 19 December 2006 meeting of the MPA Committee and proposes the MPA calendar of meetings for its formal meetings for July 2007 to July 2008.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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MPA calendar of meetings 2007/08

Report: 9
Date: 19 December 2006
By: Chief Executive and Clerk


This reports proposes the MPA calendar of meetings for its formal meetings for July 2007 to July 2008.

A. Recommendation


  1. the proposed calendar of meetings given at Appendix 1 to the report be agreed; and
  2. the Chief Executive and Clerk of the Authority seek from the Home Office a dispensation to hold the annual meeting in July 2008.

B. Supporting information

1. Each year members are asked to approve the calendar of meetings for the full Authority and its other formal committees and sub-committees.

2. In drafting the calendar, it should be noted that, as previously agreed with the GLA and other functional bodies, Thursday afternoons (last Thursday afternoon morning of each month for full Authority meetings) should continue to be allocated for MPA meetings in order to minimise potential clashes. Members have also previously agreed that where a Thursday was not available, meeting should be programmed into the calendar for Thursday mornings, Mondays or Fridays.

May 2008 – GLA elections

3. The calendar for 2007/08 and in particular for, May 2008 has been drafted to reflect the GLA elections. These elections are scheduled to take place on Thursday 1 May 2008 and the mayoral appointments to the Authority in the past have taken several days to be agreed and submitted to the MPA. With this in mind, meetings scheduled for that month have been incorporated into either April or June 2008.

Independent Members – annual meeting of the Authority 2008

4. A further consideration needs to be reflected in the calendar for 2008 and this involves independent members of the Authority. The term of office for current Independent members is to 2 July 2008 and for magistrate members to 1 July 2008. This means that the Authority could not hold its annual meeting in June 2008. It is therefore proposed that Chief Executive and Clerk to the Authority seek from the Home Office a dispensation to hold its annual meeting in July 2008 as opposed to June 2008. There is a precedent for this as similar arrangements were agreed 2004.

5. As part of an extensive consultation process, officers have discussed the proposed calendar with at the GLA and other functional bodies, the MPS, leading officers within the MPA, as well as chairs of committees and have attempted to incorporate any views into the proposed calendar.

6. Some members have raised concerns that some meetings are scheduled during school half term periods. Consideration of this issue was taken into account, but as different local education authorities across London have half terms at different times it has proved difficult to accommodate this request.

C. Race and equality impact

In drafting the calendar, consideration has been given to possible religious holidays and observances.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications arising from this report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Nick Baker, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

MPA calendar of meetings 2007/08

Date Event
July 2007
06 Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Time: 11.00am

12 Planning Performance and Review

Time: 10.00am

12 Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board

Time: 2.00pm

19 Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

19 Finance Committee

Time: 2.00pm

26 Full Authority

Time: 10.00am

September 2007
07 Chairs Meeting

Time: 9.30am

07 Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Time: 11.00am

13 Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

13 Professional Standards and Complaints-Committee

Time: 2.00pm

14 Corporate Governance Committee

Time: 10.00am

20 Planning Performance and Review/Finance (joint)

Time: 10.00am

20 Finance Committee

Time: 2.00pm

21 Remuneration Sub-Committee

Time: 10.00am

27 Full Authority

Time: 10.00am

October 2007
04 Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board

Time: 2.00pm

05 Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Time: 11.00am

11 Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

11 Planning Performance and Review Committee

Time: 2.00pm

18 Finance Committee

Time: 2.00pm

25 Full Authority

Time: 10.00am

November 2007
01 Chairs meeting

Time: 12.30pm

01 Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Time: 2.00pm

08 Remuneration Sub-Committee

Time: 2.00pm

15 Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

15 Professional Standards and Complaints-Committee

Time: 2.00pm

22 Joint Finance & PPR followed by Finance Committee

Time: 2.00pm

29 Full Authority

Time: 10.00am

December 2007
06 Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board

Time: 2.00pm

07 Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Time: 11.00am

07 Corporate Governance Committee

Time: 2.00pm

11 Finance Committee

Time: 10.00am

13 Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

13 Planning Performance and Review Committee

Time: 2.00pm

20 Full Authority

Time: 10.00am

January 2008
10 Chairs meeting

Time: 12.30pm

10 Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Time: 2.00pm

17 Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

17 Professional Standards and Complaints-Committee

Time: 2.00pm

24 Finance Committee

Time: 2.00pm

31 Full Authority

Time: 10.00am

February 2008
01 Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Time: 11.00am

07 Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board

Time: 2.00pm

14 Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

14 Planning Performance and Review Committee

Time: 2.00pm

21 Remuneration Sub-Committee

Time: 10.00am

21 Finance Committee

Time: 2.00pm

28 Full Authority

Time: 10.00am

March 2008
06 Chairs meeting

Time: 12.30pm

06 Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Time: 2.00pm

13 Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

13 Professional Standards and Complaints-Committee

Time: 2.00pm

14 Corporate Governance Committee

Time: 10.00am

27 Full Authority

Time: 10.00am

April 2008
03 Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board

Time: 2.00pm

04 Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Time: 11.00am

10 Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

10 Planning Performance and Review Committee

Time: 2.00pm

17 Finance Committee

Time: 10.00am

24 Full Authority

Time: 10.00am

28 Professional Standards and Complaints-Committee

Time: 10.00am

May 2008
29 Full Authority

Time: 10.00am

  No other meetings due to GLA elections and appoints by Mayor
June 2008
05 Remuneration Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

05 Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board

Time: 2.00pm

06 Chairs meeting

Time: 9.30am

06 Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Time: 11.00am

12 Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

12 Planning Performance and Review Committee

Time: 2.00pm

19 Finance Committee

Time: 2.00pm

26 Corporate Governance Committee

Time: 2.00pm

July 2008
03 Full Authority (annual meeting)

Time: 10.00am

04 Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Time: 11.00am

10 Professional Standards Cases Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

10 Professional Standards and Complaints-Committee

Time: 2.00pm

17 Remuneration Sub-Committee

Time: 12.00pm

17 Finance Committee

Time: 2.00pm

18 Corporate Governance Committee

Time: 10.00am

24 Full Authority

Time: 10.00am

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