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Report 3 of the 28 June 2007 annual meeting of the MPA Committee and seeks to appoint members in positions in the Authority and in outside bodies.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Appointments to the Authority

Report: 3 (AGM)
Date: 28 June 2007
By: Chief Executive


This report asks members to elect the Chair and Deputy Chairs of the Authority for 2007/08.

It also seeks nominations for chairs and deputy chairs of Authority committees, membership to those committees, portfolio holders, MPA representation of outside bodies and ratification of the nominations of co-opted members to committees.

A. Recommendation


  1. nominations for the position of Chair of the Authority be sought;
  2. nominations for the positions of Deputy Chairs of the Authority be sought;
  3. the current committee structure and terms of reference be confirmed for 2007/08;
  4. nominations be sought for the positions of chairs and deputy chairs of committees be sought (expressions of interest at Appendix 1);
  5. membership of committees for 2007/08 be confirmed (expressions of interest at Appendix 2);
  6. portfolio holders positions for 2007/08, as given at Appendix 3 be confirmed;
  7. MPA representation on outside bodies be confirmed (expressions of interest at Appendix 4); and
  8. ratify those co-opted members to committees, as given at Appendix 5.

B. Supporting information

1. Each year at the annual meeting of the Authority, members are asked to make nominations to a number of positions and to make appointments to its committees etc., for the forthcoming year.

Appointment of Chair and Deputy Chairs of the Authority

2. Nominations are sought for the positions of Chair of the Authority and Deputy Chairs for 2007/08

Committee structure

3. The current committee structure came into operation on 26 January 2006 and members are asked to confirm the current structure and the committee terms of reference for 2007/08.

Appointment of chairs and deputy chairs of committees

4. Appendix 1 provides details of expressions of interest in the positions of chairs and deputy chairs of committees. Members are now asked appoint to these positions.

Committee membership

5. Appendix 2 provides details of expressions of interest in membership of the Authority’s committee and members are asked to confirm these appointments and any that may be expressed at the meeting.

6. In doing so, members are asked to note that the current membership of the Corporate Governance Committee is currently 3 members and consideration should be given to increasing this number.

Portfolio positions

7. Portfolio positions were established by the Authority at its meeting January 2007 to lead on specific major areas of work. Appendix 3 outlines the current portfolio positions and at this stage it is not anticipated to establish any additional positions. Members are asked to confirm existing portfolio positions for 2007/8.

MPA representation of outside bodies

8. Appendix 4 outlines MPA representation on outside bodies for 2006/7 and expression of interests for 2007/8. Members are asked to ratify those expressions of interest from members for 2007/08 and agree that any vacancies not filled at this meeting be further considered by members and once filled referred to the Co-ordination and Policing Committee for ratification.

Co-opted members

9. As required by Standing Order 1.8, the Authority is asked to ratify those co-opted members that attend its committee meeting. These are given at Appendix 5.

10. The Equal Opportunity and Diversity Board wish to consider further the appointment of co-opted members and this will subject of a report to a meeting of the Board later this year. Any appointments made will be submitted to the Authority or Co-ordination and Policing Committee meeting of ratification.

C. Race and equality impact

In considering appointments to the Authority members may wish to ensure that appointments reflect the broad diversity of its membership.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Nick Baker, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Expression of interest in Chair & Deputy Chair positions

Chair of the Authority

  • Len Duvall

Deputy Chairs of the Authority

  • Reshard Auladin
  • Cindy Butts

Chair of Corporate Governance Committee

  • Toby Harris

Deputy Chair of Corporate Governance Committee

  • None

Chair of Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board

  • Kirsten Hearn

Deputy Chair of Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board

  • None

Chair of Finance Committee

  • Graham Tope

Deputy Chair of Finance Committee

  • Richard Sumray

Chair of Planning, Performance and Review Committee

  • Richard Sumray

Deputy Chair of Planning, Performance and Review Committee

  • Karim Murji

Chair of Professional Standards and Complaints Committee

  • Reshard Auladin

Deputy Chair of Professional Standards and Complaints Committee

  • None

Appendix 2

MPA Committees membership – expression of interests

Co-ordination and Policing Committee

(Current membership Chair/Dep. chairs of Authority, chairs of committee - plus 4) Next meeting 5 July 2007

  • Len Duvall (as Chair of Authority)
  • Cindy Butts (as Dep Chair of Authority)
  • Reshard Auladin (as Dep Chair of Authority) and (as Chair of PSC)
  • Richard Sumray (as Chair of PPR)
  • Kirsten Hearn (as Chair of EODB)
  • Graham Tope (as Chair of Finance)
  • Toby Harris (as Chair of Corporate Governance)
Plus Portfolio holders
  • John Roberts
  • Aneeta Prem
  • Rachel Whittaker
Plus other expressions of interest
  • Richard Barnes
  • Elizabeth Howlett
  • Karim Murji
  • Faith Boardman

Corporate Governance Committee

(Current membership no.4) Next meeting 14 September 2007

  • Toby Harris
  • Karim Murji
  • Rachel Whittaker

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board

(Current membership no. 7) Next meeting 12 July 2007

  • Kirsten Hearn
  • Aneeta Prem

Finance Committee

(current membership no. 8) Next meting 19 July 2007

  • Richard Barnes
  • Faith Boardman
  • Dee Doocey
  • Elizabeth Howlett
  • Aneeta Prem
  • Graham Tope
  • Richard Sumray
  • Rachel Whittaker

Planning, Performance and Review

(Current membership no. 7) next meeting TBC

  • Tony Arbour
  • Richard Barnes
  • Faith Boardman
  • Karim Murji
  • Richard Sumary

Professional Standards and Complaints

(Current membership no. 7) Next meeting 12 July 2007

  • Reshard Auladin
  • Tony Arbour
  • Elizabeth Howlett
  • Karim Murji
  • John Roberts
  • Richard Sumray
  • Rachel Whittaker

Standards Committee

(Current membership 4 plus 2 Independent members. Chair & Deputy Chair to be decided by Committee)

(2 independent members) next meeting TBC

  • Aneeta Preem
  • John Roberts

Appendix 3

Portfolio holders 2006-07

Portfolio Holder Expression of interest
HR & Workforce Modernisation Rachel Whittaker Rachel Whittaker
Estate Strategy Aneeta Prem Aneeta Prem and Faith Boardman
Stop and search/ICV/
Custody Command
John Roberts John Roberts
Met Modernisation Len Duvall Len Duvall
Community Engagement Cindy Butts Cindy Butts

Appendix 4

Appointments to outside bodies

(no of places in brackets)

  Appointed annual meeting 29 June 2006 Expression of interests for 2007/08
Association of Police Authorities
APA Plenary (6) 7 members nominated 6 to attend Len Duvall, Jennette Arnold, Richard Barnes, Richard Sumray, Rachel Whittaker, John Roberts, Toby Harris (resigned) Len Duvall, Richard Barnes, Richard Sumray, Rachel Whittaker, John Roberts, Faith Boardman
APA policy groups:
Race & Diversity (3) John Roberts, Kirsten Hearn, Toby Harris  
NeighbourhoodPolicing (1) John Roberts John Roberts
Human Resources (1) Rachel Whittaker Rachel Whittaker
Financial Resources (1) Officer appointment  
Performance Management (1) Reshard Auladin (Richard Sumray receives papers) Richard Sumray
Science and Technology (1) Reshard Auladin  
APA Liaison Networks
Efficiency (1) Karim Murji  
Information Management (1) Karim Murji  
Training Liaison (1) Aneeta Prem(Rachel Whittaker receives papers) Aneeta Prem
Black & Minority Ethnic (1) Open to all to attend  
Health and Safety (1) No appointment, Rachel Whittaker and Jennette Arnold (both receive papers) Rachel Whittaker
Professional Standards (1) Reshard Auladin  
APA Criminal Justice System Task Group (2) Richard Sumray, Reshard Auladin (Aneeta Prem receives papers) Richard Sumray (Aneeta Prem to receive papers) Faith Boardman
Association of London Government
ALG Leader’s Committee (1) Len Duvall Len Duvall
ALG Panels:
Crime and Public Protection Forum (previously the Community safety and policing Panel) (2) John Roberts, Vacancy John Roberts
Local Government Association
General Assembly (4) Len Duvall, Anthony Arbour, Graham Tope, Elizabeth Howlett Len Duvall, Graham Tope
Police Authorities in Corporate Membership Group (3) Len Duvall, Nicky Gavron, Bob Neill Len Duvall
Policy Review Groups:
Social Inclusion (3) Watching brief  
LGA Urban Commission (1) Bob Neill  
London Health Commission (1) Richard Sumray Richard Sumray
Home office groups
  • BME Retention and Progression Group
John Roberts
John Roberts
Home office groups
  • BME Trust and Confidence Group
John Roberts
Airwave Programme Board (1) Catherine Crawford Catherine Crawford
London Crime Reduction Delivery Board (2) Richard Barnes [1], Graham Tope [1], Cindy Butts [1] Graham Tope
Police Advisory Board (1) Jennette Arnold  
Crime stoppers (1) Richard Barnes Richard Barnes
Police Negotiating Board (1) Rachel Whittaker Rachel Whittaker
Safer London Foundation Toby Harris Toby Harris
Race Hate Crime Forum Peter Herbert, Aneeta Prem John Roberts, Aneeta Prem
London Criminal Justice Board Richard Sumray (Reshard Auladin sub) Richard Sumray
London Community Safety Partnership
  • Richard Barnes/Graham Tope – share membership
  • Officer: David Riddle
  • Sub Cindy Butts
  • John Roberts, Graham Tope
  • Officer: David Riddle
London Fraud Forum Toby Harris Toby Harris

Appendix 5

Ratification of Co-opted members

Corporate Governance Committee (considered by Committee on 22 March 2007)

Richard Stephenson

Richard is Group Director of HSE for Transport for London and has responsibility for developing strategy and policy in consultation with the Business HSE teams and senior management. He advises the TfL Commissioner and Board and on the assurance given by MDs regarding delivery of HSE accountabilities and provides support to the TfL Board Safety, Health and Environment Committee. He acts as the Head of HSE profession at TfL, including assisting managing directors in developing and leading initiatives to continuously improve the TfL-wide HSE community. Prior to this, Richard Stephenson managed Shell Chemical’s global HSE strategy with responsibility for corporate HSE planning, global HSE performance and assurance reporting and HSE communications.

Linda Duncan

Linda is Managing Director of Nexia Strategy (Europe). She has over 22 years’ experience in the audit and risk management field and is a former Partner in KPMG’s Risk Management practice in London. Before that, Linda Duncan spent 10 years in the public sector audit and advisory practice of PriceWaterhouseCoopers, providing external audit, internal audit and advisory services to a wide range of clients including local and central government and the health service. She is a member of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy’s Audit Panel, which is responsible for the Code of Practice for internal auditing in local government.

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board

To be decided


1. agreed at FA 30/9/04 [Back]

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