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Report 3e-AGM of the 29 May 2008 meeting of the MPA Committee asking members to appoint colleagues to a number of outside bodies and to appoint members as ‘link borough members’.

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MPA representation on outside bodies and borough link members

Report: 3e-AGM
Date: 29 May 2008
By: Chief Executive


Members are asked to appoint colleagues to a number of outside bodies and to appoint members as ‘link borough members’.

A. Recommendation


1. MPA representation on outside bodies be confirmed; and

2. Borough link member appointments be made.

B. Supporting information

MPA representation on outside bodies

1. Appendix 1 outlines MPA representation on outside bodies for 2007/8. Expressions of interest from members for 2008/09 will be tabled at the meeting and members are asked to ratify those expressions of interest. up until 30 September 2008. These appointments will be further considered by members once independent members have been appointed in October 2008.

Borough Link members

2. The Authority has in place arrangements for its members to provide a link with the 32 London Boroughs. The minimum expectations of members acting in this role are:

a. “that they participate in their Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership(s), with MPA officer support as necessary;

b. maintaining regular contact with the borough commander. This should include: oversight of the Safer Neighbourhoods programme at borough level; and being consulted by the borough commander on the allocation of the £50,000 partnership funding supplied by the MPA;

c. that every six months they contribute to a report to the full Authority on the MPA’s work on CDRPs and issues/common themes that have been identified as part of this and borough link membership generally; and

d. that over and above this, the extent to which a member engages with local partners, CPCGs, safer neighbourhood forums, community groups etc should remain at their discretion. As a minimum, a member should be prepared to listen to local concerns (even if not actively seeking them out) and to represent them to the Authority in the most appropriate way.”

3. Members have been asked to express an interest in acting as the MPA link member for one or more boroughs. Expressions of interest from members will be tabled at the meeting.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no specific implications as a result of these recommendations.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Nick Baker, MPA Committee Services

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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