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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the meeting of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 27 November 2008 at Chamber, City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London, SE1 2AA.



  • Boris Johnson (Chairman items 1-3 and 5)
  • Kit Malthouse (Vice Chairman, in the Chair items 4, 6-11)
  • Jennette Arnold
  • Reshard Auladin
  • Faith Boardman
  • Chris Boothman
  • Victoria Borwick (items 1-3 and 5)
  • Valerie Brasse
  • Cindy Butts
  • James Cleverly
  • Dee Doocey
  • Len Duvall
  • Toby Harris
  • Kirsten Hearn
  • Neil Johnson
  • Jenny Jones
  • Clive Lawton
  • Joanne McCartney
  • Steve O’Connell
  • Caroline Pidgeon
  • Deborah Regal
  • Graham Speed
  • Richard Tracey

MPA officers

  • Catherine Crawford (Chief Executive)
  • Ken Hunt (Treasurer)
  • Jane Harwood (Assistant Chief Executive)
  • Nick Baker (Head of Committee Services)

MPS officers

  • Sir Ian Blair (items 1 only)
  • Sir Paul Stephenson (Deputy Commissioner items 2-7)
  • Anne McMeel (Director of Resources items 1-7)


The Chairman of the Authority welcomed the Commissioner Sir Ian Blair to his last meeting.

In doing so, the Chairman welcomed the opportunity, in Sir Ian’s last week, to pay tribute to a distinguished public servant and to Sir Ian’s 34 years of committed service to ensuring the safety and protection of the public. He added that Sir Ian had inspired falling crime rates in London and under his command the MPS’ response following the 7/7 bombings had been magnificent. He concluded by adding that no-one could doubt that in Sir Ian we had had a Commissioner who took his responsibilities seriously and whose commitment to public service was absolute. The Chair invited both Toby Harris and Len Duvall as former Chair’s of the Authority to comment.

Toby Harris paid tribute to Sir Ian’s drive to modernise the MPS and improve both morale and effectiveness. He also highlighted Sir Ian’s drive to set the high standards for the implementation of PCSOs and safer neighbourhood teams.

Len Duvall praised Sir Ian for his development of the MPS as both Deputy Commissioner and Commissioner. He highlighted Sir Ian’s drive to recruit and retain staff from all of London’s communities in working towards a diverse workforce. He also drew members’ attention to the speech that Sir Ian had given at the Dimbleby lecture. He praised Sir Ian’s leadership, particularly during the terrorist attacks on London in July 2005.

Sir Ian thanked the Authority and added that whoever was appointed the next Commissioner would need members to understand that he or she had their not uncritical, but unequivocal, support. He thanked the Authority for its support in helping the MPS remain an effective and efficient police service.

54. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 1)

No apologies for absence were received.

55. Declarations of interest

(Agenda item 2)

Len Duvall declared a personal interest in agenda item 5, Commissioner’s update, in particular the discussion relating to Baby ‘P’.

56. Minutes

(Agenda item 3)

Members considered the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 6 October 2008.

In relation to minute 45, Dee Doocey sought further clarification around the issues of Recommendation 19 of the MPA Stockwell Scrutiny and in particular the agreement to circulate to members a timetable for the implementation of this recommendation.

The Deputy Commissioner agreed to circulate to members the timetable. He also updated members on the decision by ACPO to change its guidelines about officers conferring on notes. Whilst the MPS remained committed to carrying out the research on this issue, he would, with members’ agreement, bring a report back to a future meeting of the Authority in the New Year on the subject and this would include the issues of when conferring would be acceptable and, if undertaken, how it was proposed to record conferring.

Resolved – That the minutes of the Authority meeting held on 6 October 2008 be agreed and be signed as a correct record.

57. Motions received by the Chief Executive

(Agenda item 4)

This item was taken after agenda item 11)

The Chief Executive confirmed that she had received two motions from members. The first motion was proposed by Joanne McCartney and seconded by Jenny Jones as follows:

'This Authority resolves to review Section 6.1 of the Authority’s Standing Orders (Urgency powers) and its appropriateness. This review will assess whether current urgency powers sufficiently defend the Authority’s democratic processes. It will be conducted by the Corporate Governance Committee, and report to the full Authority, with a view to amending standing orders, if necessary’.

Members supported the motion and agreed that Section 6.1 of the Standing Orders (urgency powers) be reviewed by the CGC.

The second motion was proposed by Jenny Jones and seconded by Joanne McCartney as follows:

‘This Authority resolves to examine any decision taken on behalf of the Authority, following Sir Ian Blair’s resignation, with regard to the outgoing Commissioner’s salary, pension, or benefits. This Authority will be provided with all background information in support of any such decision, in order that it may have a detailed debate of the matter and examine the decision’.

Members could not support the motion on the basis that it was about an individual and that pension and other benefits were obligatory. However, members did agree that the Remuneration and Human Resources Sub-Committee should review the process on how the Authority considers exit packages for staff.

In support of the proposal, Jenny Jones agreed to withdraw her motion.

Resolved – That

  1.  the motion proposed by Joanne McCartney be agreed and the Corporate Governance Committee review Standing Order 6.1 (Urgency powers); and
  2.  it be noted that the motion from Jenny Jones was withdrawn, following agreement that the Remuneration and Human Resources Sub-Committee undertake a review of how the Authority considers exit packages for staff.

58. Commissioner’s report

(Agenda item 5)

The Deputy Commissioner presented a report that summarised the progress of the MPS against the objectives featured in the 2008-2011 Policing Plan for London. The report covered a period between August and October 2008, with data for individual measures reflecting the 12-month period ending September 2008.

The Deputy Commissioner drew members’ attention to

  • the 25% reduction over 5 years of serious acquisitive crime rate (residential robbery, burglary and motor crime),
  • a 10.2% reduction, compared with the corresponding year in knife crime in the first two quarters of 2008/09, compared with the corresponding period in 2007 there were 736 fewer youth victims of crime, the reduction by 22.9 (703 offences) in gun crime over the last 12 months;
  • and that the BPA boycott of recruitment had had no discernable impact upon recruitment from BME groups

In contrast the Deputy Commissioner also raised a number of challenging areas for the MPS. These included:

  • Youth murders – Whilst figures indicated a reduction in youth murders, the Deputy Commissioner stated that the continuing deaths of young people was both unacceptable and a real challenge for the MPS and partners.
  • Victim satisfaction – The Deputy Commissioner acknowledged the work that the MPS had undertaken around victim satisfaction, but added that there was a need to widen this out beyond vulnerable groups through Safer Neighbourhood Teams and to have a minimum standard.
  • Business crime – the MPS felt that there were areas of concern about business crime and that the MPS were working with partners on this matter. This included further developing the Shopwatch scheme, encouraging more employers to support their staff to become special constables.

Other matters raised by members

British National Party (BNP) Membership

Members asked if the Deputy Commissioner could give any details in relation to any MPS employees who had been named within the recently published BNP membership list. Members also asked what work was being done to ensure that no BNP activists or members were able to become police officers or staff.

The Deputy Commissioner confirmed that four MPS staff had been identified from the published list. He added that three had been suspended and one was on long term sick leave. He confirmed that the MPS would not tolerate membership of the BNP and that this policy was national and supported by ACPO. Checks on all staff were made as part of the vetting procedure and that the policy of officers and staff not being members of the BNP included PCSOs and special constables.

Policing ‘murder music’

Members asked the Deputy Commissioner about the criteria used to decide if a concert featuring artists who used inflammatory lyrics (such as references to murder or attacks on black people, Muslims, gay people, women or disabled people etc.) could go ahead.

The Deputy Commissioner stated that the MPS took race hate crime very seriously. In relation to such concerts, the MPS undertook an assessment of the event in conjunction with partners to ascertain if either disorder or an offence could occur. If it was felt that the event should not go ahead, the MPS would make that recommendation. The Deputy Commissioner added that the MPS also worked closely with the organisers of events to ensure that any additional security required was in place and that the policing of such event was undertaken as part of the Authority’s policing public event policy.

Reporting knife crime

At a recent House of Commons Select Committee, the Head Surgeon had stated that there had been a significant increase in victims of knife crime attending accident and emergency units. Members asked the Deputy Commissioner if he felt that there was under reporting around knife crimes.

The Deputy Commissioner, acknowledged that there was underreporting from some specific communities and that the MPS were working with these to encourage the reporting of such incidents. It was noted that the General Medical Council were undertaking a consultation exercise on the issue of confidentially and the scope of medical staff to report such crimes.

Problem solving meetings with boroughs

In response to members, the Vice Chairman confirmed that the first of the problem solving meetings with boroughs had taken place in Kensington and Chelsea. He added that a schedule of other borough meetings would be established and that borough link members would be invited to attend meetings.

Audit and Inspections

Members agreed that in relation to HMIC and Audit Commission planned inspection work which would look at how the MPA/MPS manage resources; these should be further considered by the Finance and Resources Committee once published.

British Transport for Police

Members asked the Deputy Commissioner about working arrangements with British Transport Police and highlighted an issue relating to the reporting of a crime on line which had highlighted a lack of joined up working. The Deputy Commissioner stated that he was confident about the current working arrangements and agreed to look at the specific issue raised.

Operation Blunt

Members asked the Deputy Commissioner for further information about Operation Blunt and the 8% of people not charged with carrying knives. The Deputy Commissioner suggested the 8% not charged could include those under the age of criminal responsibility. The Deputy Commissioner agreed to provide members with further details on this matter.

Baby ‘P’

Members asked the Deputy Commissioner for further information relating to the case of Baby P and the failure of agencies to act in this case. The Deputy Commissioner informed members that most of the issues around this case were sub-judice. However, those areas that were not sub-judice would be reported to Strategic and Policing Committee on 4 December 2008.

Disparity in victim satisfaction and Independent Advisory Groups (IAGs)

Members highlighted the disparity in the victim satisfaction between white and BME members of the community and in doing so, raised issues about IAG performances in this area. It was agreed that the MPS consider as part of the current IAG review how to improve IAG performance around victim satisfaction.

MPS Policing Pledge

Members asked for further details about the adoption of the Pledge and it was noted that report would be presented to the Strategic and Policing Committee meeting in December 2008.


The Deputy Commissioner provided members with an update on the MPS pilot on use of Tasers. He gave details relating to the number of times Tasers had been deployed during the pilot and suggested that a real measure of its success had been the number of times a Taser had been drawn but not deployed. The Deputy Commissioner agreed with members that there was a need to understand the concerns of some communities and agreed that a report on the pilot be presented to a future meeting of the Strategic and Policing Committee.

Those issues that the Deputy Commissioner took an undertaking to report back to members have been circulated in the form of an addendum report and are appended to these minutes at Appendix 1.

Resolved – That

  1.  the report be received; and
  2.  MPS consider as part of the current IAG review how to improve IAG performance around victim satisfaction.

59. Policing London Business Plan 2009-12

(Agenda item 6)

A report was considered that set out the proposed draft Policing London Business Plan 2009-2012 and supporting budget information.

The Vice Chairman confirmed that the report had been considered by the Finance and Resources Committee at its meeting on 20 November 2008 and, following consideration by the Authority, it would be submitted to the Mayor in accordance with his budget guidance.

The MPA Treasurer informed members that the 2009/10 budget was balanced and that the Authority and the MPS had made significant progress on mayoral priorities particularly those relating to knife crime, transport policing and tackling youth violence. The submission reflected continuing work in these areas as well as the developing corporate social responsibility programme that covered environmental, diversity and social inclusion.

The MPA Treasurer added that the Authority and MPS had risen to the challenge reflected in the budget guidance of demonstrating the effective and efficient use of resources. Work continued on integrating the business and budget planning process and work programmes were now progressing on developing governance and performance management frameworks.

The submission included growth of £99.62m in 2009/10 for the full year effect of previous growth items, new or committed in year approvals or new growth in 2009/10. The new initiatives included investment in SCD assets which supported policing activity across the Service, expansion of the borough partnership scheme, improvements in CCC/IBO services and front counter facilities as well as the developments to support ‘Every Child Matters’ and improving police information. The Authority and MPS was also having to provide for the increasing cost of dealing with dangerous dogs. It was confirmed that the submission also included the ambition, subject to the identification of resources, to expand special constable capacity to £10,000 by 2012/13 and the continuation of diamond districts, subject to successful pilots.

Some members felt that there was scope for further detailed discussion to take place on the Policing London Business Plan prior to its submission to theMayor. In particular, some members had felt that they had not had an opportunity to discuss specific elements of the plan. Some members also felt that whilst the Plan was comprehensive, it would have been useful to have received a summary, which included a comparison between the proposed budget and last year’s budget.

Following debate, it was agreed that the Authority endorse the draft Policing London Business Plan 2009-2012, so that it could be submitted to the Mayor in accordance with his budget timetable. In addition it was agreed that members should be given the opportunity to discuss the content of the draft plan in more detail. It was suggested that members could use the December members briefing as a forum for these further discussions. The Treasurer agreed to provide a summary report for the briefing meeting outlining the key features of the budget and how these compared with the 2008/09 budget.

Resolved – That

  1. members receive the draft Policing London Business Plan 2009-12 and supporting budget information and agreed that the December members briefing be used as an opportunity to discuss the plan in more detail;
  2. members noted the statement (Appendix 3) by the MPA Treasurer (the Chief Finance Officer under the Local Government Act 2003) on the robustness of the estimates made for the purposes of the calculations and the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves;
  3. that it be noted that once approved by the Authority, the draft Policing London Business Plan 2009-12 and supporting budget information would be submitted to the Mayor in accordance with his budget guidance and
  4. the annual statement regarding the 2009/10 minimum revenue provision and the key prudential indicators calculated from the draft borrowing and capital spending plan 2009/10 to 2015/16 (appendix 2 Annex 5 refers) be agreed.

60. Race and Faith Inquiry – draft terms of reference

(Agenda item 7)

This report was circulated after the agenda had been dispatched but within the statutory timescales for circulation of reports.

Following the establishment of a MPA inquiry into race and faith issues in the MPS, the Authority received a report outlining the draft terms of reference of the inquiry.

Cindy Butts as the Chair of the inquiry, added that the terms of reference were still being consulted upon and that a broad agreement to them was being sought. Final sign off of the terms of reference would be sought once all feedback had been considered after 1 December. She added that the panel membership would include Anthony Julius and Bob Perkiss, who had sound legal, faith, race equality and police equality expertise, and that the panel would be tested, challenged and informed by a reference group and focus groups.

A number of members had submitted feedback on the draft terms of reference and while they agreed that the terms of reference should remain focused they felt that the lessons learnt in Northern Ireland and on the whistle blowing process should also be included.

Resolved- That members endorse the draft Terms of Reference for the inquiry, subject to any further feedback following the consultation period.

61. Selection process for Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis

(Agenda item 8)

Members considered a report that sought to determine the size and composition of a selection panel for the appointment of the next Commissioner.

Members welcomed the proposals for the appointment panel as outlined in the report and added that where possible the panel should be demographically representative.

In response to members, the Chief Executive agreed to circulate to members a briefing paper on what the MPA were seeking in a new commissioner.

Resolved – That members note the process to be adopted and agree the process for finalising the composition of the selection panel for the appointment of the Commissioner of the Metropolis.

62. Standing  orders

(Agenda item 9)

A report was considered that sought approval to changes to procedural Standing Orders and the Scheme of Delegation, to reflect the MPA’s new committee structure and other ways in which the Authority conducts its business.

Members agreed that procedural Standing Orders, subject to the review of the urgency provisions by the Corporate Governance Committee.

Resolved – That the Authority approve the Standing Orders, subject to the review of the urgency provisions, and Scheme of Delegation as outlined in appendices 1 and 2 to the report.

63. Report from committees

(Agenda item 10)

The Authority received the first report outlining key issues that had been debated at recent Authority Committee meetings. The report covered the following meetings:

  • Finance and Resources Committee – 23 October 2008
  • Special Finance and Resources Committee – 5 November 2008
  • Communities, Equalities and People Committee – 6 November 2008
  • Strategic and Operational Policing Committee – 13 November 2008

The Authority noted and agreed the change to the terms of reference of the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee as outlined in the report.

Resolved – That

  1. the report be received; and
  2. the amendment to the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee terms of reference, as outlined in the report, be agreed.

64. Action taken under delegated authority

(Agenda item 11)

Members received a report that provided them with details of action taken by the Chief Executive under delegated authority.

Members asked that future reports outline the reason for urgency.

Resolved – That the report be received.

The meeting closed at 12:40 pm

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