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MPA Committee Structure

Report: 8b
Date: 28 May 2009
By: Chief Executive


This report asks the Authority to agree its committee structure for the next year so that appointments can be made at the Annual Meeting in June.

A. Recommendation

That the current committee structure be confirmed, so that appointments to committees can be made at the Annual Meeting in June.

B. Supporting information

1. In October 2008 the Authority agreed a new committee structure aimed at adopting a more strategic approach to its oversight of the MPS and the setting of policy priorities.

2. This structure is attached as appendix 1. The Authority is asked to decide whether it wishes to continue with or amend this structure so that nominations for committee membership can be invited in time for the June Annual Meeting.

3. The views of members and officers have been sought on how the structure has worked since October. This was also discussed at a recent Member away day. The general consensus was that the committee structure is operating reasonably well and no changes are necessary at this time. There are some aspects that will need to be kept under review. For instance, some of the sub-committees have been slow in getting off the ground and more time is needed to assess their effectiveness. Some of the main committees, such as the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee, have a wide remit and consequently heavy agendas, but the aim will be to manage these through effective planning of their work programmes. There must also be continuing efforts to improve both the quality and timeliness of reports.

C. Race and equality impact

This committee structure aims to integrate equalities and diversity responsibilities in the work of the Communities, Equalities and People Committee and it is anticipated that greater focus will be achieved through a dedicated sub-committee. The other committees will also continue to be responsible for equalities and diversity issues within their areas of work.

D. Financial implications


E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): John Crompton, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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