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Report 3a of the 25 June 2009 annual meeting of the MPA Committee is a record of member attendances at the MPA bodies to which they were appointed during the year since the last annual meeting in June 2008.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Members attendance during 2008/09

Report: 3a - annual meeting
Date: 25 June 2009
By: Chief Executive


This report is a record of member attendances at the MPA bodies to which they were appointed during the year since the last annual meeting in June 2008.

In the case independent members the record commences from their appointment in October 2008.

A. Recommendation

That this report be noted.

B. Supporting information

1. Standing Order 5.1.3 requires that ‘a summary of member attendance during the preceding year at meetings of the Authority and those committees etc to which they have been appointed, shall be reported to the annual meeting of the Authority.’

2. This is attached as Appendix 1. The record of members attendance reflects the change in membership i.e. Independent members and the current Chairman of the Authority were not appointed until October 2008. It does not include:

  • formal bodies which do not have a fixed membership (Domestic Violence Board), members briefings or informal member-level groups (e.g. Estate Panel,).

3. It needs to be borne in mind that this record does not represent a full picture of members’ contributions to the work of the MPA. It does not, for instance, cover link member activities or the significant contribution that some members have made to the Authority’s scrutiny investigations. In terms of the effectiveness of the MPA member role, as much can be and is achieved outside of the formal committee structure as by members meeting in committee.

4. The Vice Chairman of the Authority (Kit Malthouse) and the Chairs of the Strategic and Operational Policing, Finance and Resources and Communities, Equalities and People Committees (Reshard Auladin, Steve O’Connell and Cindy Butts respectively) are ‘ex-officio’ members of those committees of which they are not already a member (with the exception of the Corporate Governance Committee). As ex officio members they do not attend these other committees as a matter of course.

C. Race and equality impact


D. Financial implications


E. Background papers

  • Record of members’ attendance 2008/09

F. Contact details

Report author(s): Nick Baker, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

MPA member attendance record 2008/09

 The figures below take into account the when members were appointed to the Authority.

Member Committee Meetings held Meetings attended
Boris Johnson
(joined Authority from October 2008)
Full Authority [1] 6
Total 8 6
Jennette Arnold Full Authority 10 [1] 9
Strategic and Operational Policing/COP 12 7
Standards Committee
- joined Committee in March 2009
0 0
Olympic and Paralympic Sub-committee 4 3
Total 26 19
Reshard Auladin

Full Authority 10 [1] 10
Strategic and Operational Policing/COP (ex officio) 10 9
Finance and Resources (ex officio) 11 [2] 9
Communities, Equalities and People (ex officio) 4 3
Counter Terrorism and Protective Services Sub-committee 4 3
Professional Standards Cases Sub-committee 13 13
HR and Remuneration Sub-committee 4 4
Total 56 51
John Biggs
(joined Authority from April 2008)
Full Authority 2 2
Resources Sub-committee 1 0
Corporate Governance 1 1
Total 4 3
Faith Boardman Full Authority 10 [1] 9
Finance and Resources 10 [2] 7
Resources Sub-committee 5 5
HR and Remuneration Sub-committee 3 3
Total 28 24
Chris Boothman
(joined Authority from October 2008)
Full Authority [1] 8
Strategic and Operational Policing/COP [2] 8
Communities, Equalities and People 5 5
Standards 1 1
Assessment Sub-committee 1 1
Olympic and Paralympic Sub-Committee 4 2
Professional Standards Cases Sub-committee 12 10
Total 40 35
Valerie Brasse
(joined Authority from October 2008)
Full Authority [1] 8
Communities, Equalities and People 5 4
Corporate Governance 3 2
Resources Sub-committee 5 5
Citizen Focus & Community Engagement Sub-committee 2 2
Total 23 21
Victoria Borwick Full Authority 10 [1] 8
Communities, Equalities and People 5 4
Olympic and Paralympic Sub-committee 4 4
Citizen Focus & Community Engagement Sub-committee 2 2
Total 21 18
Cindy Butts Full Authority 10 [1] 8
Strategic and Operational Policing/COP (ex officio) 11 [2] 5
Finance and Resources (ex officio) 10 0
Communities, Equalities and People (ex officio) 4 4
Professional Standards Cases Sub-committee 13 8
Equalities and Diversity Sub-committee 2 0
HR and Remuneration Sub-committee 4 4
Total 54 29
James Cleverly Full Authority 10 [1] 10
Strategic and Operational Policing/COP 11 [2] 7
Professional Standards Cases Sub-committee 13 12
Total 34 29
Dee Doocey Full Authority 10 [1] 8
Finance and Resources 11 [2] 9
Olympic and Paralympic Sub-committee 4 4
Total 25 21
Toby Harris

Full Authority 10 [1] 10
Strategic and Operational Policing/COP 11 [2] 10
Corporate Governance 3 3
Counter Terrorism and Protective Services Sub-committee 4 4
Olympic and Paralympic Sub-Committee 4 2
Standards 2 1
Total 34 30
Kirsten Hearn Full Authority 10 [1] 9
Communities, Equalities and People 4 3
Standards 2 2
Olympic and Paralympic Sub-committee 4 4
Equalities and Diversity Sub-committee 2 2
Total 22 20
Neil Johnson
(joined Authority from October 2008)
Full Authority [1] 5
Strategic and Operational Policing/COP [2] 4
Counter Terrorism and Protective Services Sub-committee 4 2
Olympic and Paralympic Sub-committee 4 2
Total 25 13
Jenny Jones Full Authority 10 [1] 10
Strategic and Operational Policing/COP
- joined committee from October 2008
[2] 8
HR and Remuneration Sub-committee 4 1
Total 22 19
Clive Lawton Full Authority [1] 6
Communities, Equalities and People 4 4
Citizen Focus & Community Engagement Sub-committee 2 2
Equalities and Diversity Sub-committee 2 2
Total 16 14
Kit Malthouse Full Authority 10 [1] 10
Finance and Resources (ex officio) 11 [2] 0
Strategic and Operational Policing/COP (ex officio) 10 1
Communities, Equalities and People (ex officio) 4 0
Total 35 11
Joanne McCartney
(joined Authority from October 2008)
Full Authority [1] 7
Strategic and Operational Policing/COP [2] 8
Corporate Governance 3 3
Citizen Focus & Community Engagement Sub-committee 2 2
Total 22 20
Steve O’Connell
Full Authority 10 [1] 10
Finance and Resources (ex officio) 11 [2] 10
Strategic and Operational Policing/COP (ex officio) 10 3
Communities, Equalities and People (ex officio) 4 0
Total 35 23
Caroline Pidgeon Full Authority 10 [1] 10
Strategic and Operational Policing/COP
- joined Committee in October 2008
[2] 7
Corporate Governance 3 2
Total 21 19
Deborah Regal
(joined Authority from October 2008)
Full Authority [1] 6
Finance and Resources 10 [2] 7
Standards 1 1
Resources Sub-committee 5 3
Productivity and Performance Sub-committee 2 2
Total 26 19
Graham Speed
(joined Authority from October 2008)
Full Authority [1] 7
Finance and Resources 10 [2] 8
Resources Sub-committee 2 2
Productivity and Performance Sub-committee 2 0
Total 22 17
Richard Tracey Full Authority 10 [1] 10
Finance and Resources 10 [2] 8
Standards 1 1
Assessment Sub-committee 1 1
Professional Standards Cases Sub-committee 13 9
Productivity and Performance Sub-committee 2 1
Total 37 30
Anne Dickens Standards 2 2
 Total 2 2
Stephanie Caplan Standards 2 2
Assessment Sub-committee 1 1
Total 3 3

Strategic and Operational Policing Committee formerly known as Co-ordination and Policing Committee (COP)


1. This total includes a extraordinary meeting of the full Authority. [Back]

2. This total includes a joint meeting of the Finance and Resources Committee and Strategic and Operational Policing Committee. [Back]

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