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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Reports from Committees

Report: 8
Date: 25 February 2010
By: Chief Executive


At each meeting of the Authority members will receive a report from committees that have meet in recent weeks.

This is the first report from the authority’s committees to the full authority. It provides members with details of the key items considered at each of the committees and their sub-committees.

This report covers the following meetings:

  • Communities, Equalities and People Committee – 14 January 2010
  • Finance and Resources Committee – 21 January 2010
  • Strategic and Operational Policing - 4 February 2010
  • Finance and Resources Committee – 11 February 2010

Communities, Equalities and People Committee – 14 January 2010

Members Present: Cindy Butts (Chair), Faith Boardman, Victoria Borwick, Valerie Brasse, Kirsten Hearn and Clive Lawton.

MPS Approach to Talent Management and Succession Planning

The committee received a report on the MPS Approach to Talent Management and Succession Planning, which dealt with progress of talent management since the MPA scrutiny in 2007. It outlined the various changes over that period of time, including the joining of the Talent Management Team with the Leadership Academy. The report included Highlights of the last 18 months and also detailed areas of improvement.
Members wished to have a greater understanding of the use of mentoring, particularly as it operates informally, and had proposed that this activity should be formally recognised. MPA management board had received these suggestions warmly and acknowledged that more could be done.

Domestic and Sexual Violence Board Annual Report

Members received the annual report of the domestic and sexual violence board (DVSB). The report outlined the more recent developments of the DVSB that they had seen many changes, including visits to stations and presentations from outside speakers.

The Committee discussed the joint leadership of the Board, which was considered to work particularly well because of the joint chairs’ complementary skills and members suggested that this way of working represented good practice for other MPA boards.

Home Office Borough Command Unit Fund 2009/10 six monthly update

A six-monthly update report was received advising members of the recent work on the Home Office Borough Command Unit Fund, which had gone to plan except for outstanding issues in one borough. Regarding sign off for agreements, all processes were going ahead as they should. The report advised that contrary to earlier advice from the Home Office, the Fund would continue in 2010/11, but with a focus on delivery the confidence target.
Members will receive a further report detailing the spend and work being that has been undertaken to deliver the programme of activity in 2009/10 at the March meeting of the committee.

Update on the Revision of the MPA/MPS Community Engagement Strategy

The report updated Members on the MPA/MPS working group on community engagement. Members were advised that the draft strategy would be submitted to the March meeting of this committee. Members were also advised that the strategy will be a high level document, with the detail featuring in the action plans, which would be managed through the community engagement and citizen focus sub-committee. The Chair requested that the strategy paper be a living document, particularly to allow for any necessary amendments following the outcome of the recent inspection.

Reports from the Sub committees

Members of community engagement and citizen focus sub-committee received a number of reports on partnership working and on the use of stop and search powers.

Finance and Resources Committee – 21 January 2010

The following members were in attendance: Steve O’Connell (Chairman), Reshard Auladin, John Biggs, Faith Boardman, (Vice Chairman), Chris Boothman, Neil Johnson and Graham Speed.

Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2009/10 – period 8

This report provided an update on the revenue and capital budget monitoring position for 2009/10 at period 8 (to the end of November). The revenue budget is forecast to overspend by £11.3m (approximately 0.4% of budget). The capital programme as at period 8 (to the end of November) shows year to date total expenditure of £93.5m. This total represents 43.7% of the revised annual budget of £214m. The forecast for the year of £206.7m is £7.3m below the revised annual budget

MPS European Commission funding

A report was submitted which provided an update regarding completed funding applications made to the European Commission in 2009. It was agreed that a report be submitted to the Strategic and Operational Policing Committee which provided an assessment of the performance of a couple of projects which had been funded in this way

Process for agreeing changes to the public facing estate

The Committee agreed principles to guide decisions about changes to the public facing estate and specifically the transfer of front counter facilities from existing buildings to new, purpose built facilities within Borough Operational Command Units (BOCU) and the disposal of surplus buildings.

Transfer of front counter facilities –Bromley borough

Approval was given for the transfer of the front counter service from Penge police station to new accommodation within the Safer Neighbourhood base for Penge and Cator and Crystal Palace wards, known as Copperfield House. The proposal had the support of key stakeholders including the MPA link member.

Olympic and Paralympic Games – business cases (exempt)

A business case was approved in connection with Olympic Control Infrastructure (Special Operations Rooms)

Strategic and Operational Policing - 4 February 2010

At the February meeting of Strategic and Operational Committee (SOP), the committee considered a series of papers including a thematic performance report from the Directorate of Public Affairs. Members welcomed the report and felt that DPA was necessary to ensuring the MPS passed on key messages to a wide audience. Members expressed surprise at some of the key performance indictors used. The discussion covered a wide variety of topics including the relationship between DPA and the OCUs in the MPS, social media, illegal minicabs and the lessons learnt from the CO19 story in 2009 (armed patrols on housing estates).

In November 2009, full authority asked SOP to commission a paper that analysed the use of caution rather than prosecution for carrying offensive weapons. The report was presented to SOP in February. Members welcomed the report but were concerned that the depth of information on types of weapons was not available and asked for further information on the gender breakdowns provided in the report.

The GLA has recently conducted a feasibility study into establishing a blue light museum in London. The MPA were involved in the working group that oversaw the production of that study. The consultant’s report was discussed by members of SOP. It was agreed that whilst the idea was a good one, the financial information provided was incomplete, and it was unlikely that the MPA could afford to be involved in such a venture given the currently economic climate.

Other reports considered included an update on human rights compliance by the MPS and an update on a mediation project that the committee endorsed last year.

Finance and Resources Committee – 11 February 2010

The following members were in attendance: Steve O’Connell (Chairman), Reshard Auladin, John Biggs, Faith Boardman, (Vice Chairman), Dee Doocey and Graham Speed.

Revenue and capital budget monitoring 2009/10 – period 9

This report covered the period at period 9 (to the end of December and showed that the revenue budget is forecast to overspend by £10.3m (approximately 0.4% of budget). The capital programme as at the end of December shows year to date total expenditure of £104.3m. This total represents 48.7% of the revised annual budget of £214m. The forecast for the year of £206.2m is £7.8m below the revised annual budget.

Transfer of MetRadio equipment

As part of the disposal programme for the MetRadio system the Committee agreed to transfer some of the redundant analogue radio communication equipment to the Ghana Police Service and the Air Training Corps. The transfer of equipment to the Ghana Police Service will support an important international collaborative crime-fighting relationship for operational policing. It also offers financial benefit by avoiding decommissioning costs. The transfers are subject to formal agreements being entered into. The balance of the equipment was offered for sale on a competitive basis, in accordance with MPA policy. It has been sold on a revenue share basis to a UK purchaser.

Estate Engagement Strategy

Approval was given to the MPA Estate Engagement Strategy which the Estate Panel had developed. The Strategy provides an engagement framework for the MPA and MPS to use when informing Londoners about estate changes that will occur in their ward or borough.

Transfer of front counter facilities –Harrow borough

Approval was given to the transfer of the front counter services on Harrow Borough Operational Command Unit from Harrow police station to the Safer Neighbourhoods base for Greenhill ward and Harrow on the Hill ward (Kirkland House); and from Wealdstone police station to Harrow Civic Centre. The proposal has the support of key stakeholders including the MPA link member.

Award of contracts (exempt)

Approval was given to the award of contracts in respect of:

  •  The provision of special events services;
  •  Improving Policing Information Programme Systems Integrator;
  • Furniture and ancillary services contract;
  • The Supply and maintenance of the ICCS, CCTV and SRCS elements of the Lambeth and Hendon Special Operations Rooms; and
  • Forensic Science

Olympic and Paralympic Games – business cases (exempt)

Business cases were approved in respect to:

  •  National Olympic Coordination Centre;
  •  Olympic Intelligence Centre;
  •  VIP Protection; and
  •  National Resource Requirement

Contact details

Report author(s): Nick Baker, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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