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Independent review of MPS IS/IT strategy

Report: 7
Date: 5 July 2010
By: Treasurer


The NPIA independent review of the MPS ICT Strategy presented to Resources and Productivity Sub Committee on 10 June 2010, included 10 recommendations. This paper advises the Sub Committee of the action plan to take forward the recommendations.

A. Recommendations

Members note the proposed actions produced in response to the independent review of the MPS ICT strategy.

B. Supporting information

1. Last year the Resources and Productivity Sub Committee commissioned an independent review of the MPS ICT strategy. The review is now complete and a report outlining the findings was discussed at Resources and Productivity Sub Committee on 10 June 2010.

2. The review included 10 recommendations ranging from clearly mapping out capital investments proposals to consideration of streamlining the approvals process for investment, with the key recommendation relating to the need to update the existing IS/IT strategy. An action plan (Appendix 1) has now been produced which outlines how the Authority and Service intend to take forward the various recommendations.

C. Race and equality impact

There are none specific to this report.

D. Financial implications

There are none specific to this report

E. Legal implications

There are none specific to this report.

F. Background papers

  • None

G. Contact details

Report authors: Annabel Adams, Deputy Treasurer, MPA

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