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Report 5 of the 19 Dec 00 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and provides an update of the latest position on adoption by the MPA of an equal opportunities statement.

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Equal opportunities statement for the MPA

Report: 5
Date: 19 December 2000
By: Clerk


Both the Human Resources Committee and the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach (CDO) Committee have agreed the Metropolitan Police Authority must adopt an equal opportunities statement. This report provides an update of the latest position, together with a draft equal opportunities statement for consideration.

A. Supporting information

1. The Human Resources Committee (HRC) at its meeting on 19 October considered a draft equal opportunities statement for the MPA. It had been agreed that the statement, together with the initial views of the HRC, would be considered by the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach (CDO) Committee. The CDO Committee resolved to:

  • set up a working group to prepare an equal opportunities statement for the MPA, taking into account the HRC’s views, and, subject to any adjustments agreed with members of the HRC;
  • submit the agreed statement to the full Authority for endorsement.

2. The working group, consisting of R. David Muir, Jennette Arnold, Cindy Butts, Jennifer Jones, Nicholas Long, Angela Slaven, Abdal Ullah, Peter Edwards, Julia Smith and Alan Johnson met on 22 November and 5 December. They considered a number of equal opportunities statements that had been obtained from the public, private and voluntary sector as ‘good practice’ models, together with three draft statements prepared by MPA officers.

3. The working group felt that it should be referred to as the MPA Statement and that it should be divided into Vision, Mission and Values in that order. The sequence in which these sections appeared on the statement was considered important and very careful drafting was essential to eliminate any elitist wording or language.

4. The working group considered that Section 404 of the Greater London Authority Act 1999 provided a good starting point for an MPA Statement. It was hoped that the MPA Statement would become an “umbrella” statement for both the MPS and MPA since, whilst there was no intention of “re-writing” the MPS Equal Opportunities Statement, the latter should be broadly compatible with the principles expressed in the MPA Statement.

5. It was agreed that a smaller working group, chaired and selected by R. David Muir, should be set up to progress the MPA Statement after the CDO Committee had the opportunity to consider the latest version. A copy of the latest version see Appendix 1.

B. Recommendation

That the CDO Committee note the action taken by the working group and consider the latest version of the MPA Statement and that it be submitted to the Human Resources Committee on 18 January 2001.

C. Financial implications


D. Review arrangements


E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Alan Johnson.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Equalities opportunities: Statement of intent (Draft)

This draft incorporates the comments made by members at the meeting of the working group held on 5 December 2000.


The Greater London Act 1999 (Section 404) requires that the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) shall have regard to the need:

  • to promote equality of opportunity for all persons irrespective of their race, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation or religion;
  • to eliminate unlawful discrimination; and,
  • to promote good relations between persons of different racial groups, religious beliefs and sexual orientation.

This statutory requirement sets the context for the MPA’s vision.

The vision is to promote through all our actions and activities the cultural diversity of London. We will recognise and value the cultural, emotional, moral, physical, sexual, social and spiritual needs of the people of London and our staff.


The MPA mission is to:

  • be an equal opportunities organisation and a respected employer;
  • encourage and value our employees;
  • provide an effective and efficient police service to the people of London;
  • ensure that goods and services are provided by a diverse and competitive business community; and,
  • to demonstrate responsibility towards all London’s communities.


Our activities will reflect our values, which are:

  • to be an anti-discriminatory organisation;
  • to treat everyone with dignity and respect, recognising the value of every individual;
  • that MPA members and senior officers will lead by example and treat others with respect;
  • to encourage our staff to uphold our mission and vision and to challenge inappropriate attitudes or behavior;
  • to work with, and on behalf of, the people of London to achieve our aims.

This is intended as a living and dynamic statement which will be reviewed, amended and changed as the need arises.

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