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Report 6 of the 27 Mar 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and outlines the next steps towards codifying the MPA's equal opportunities policy to underpin its equal opportunities statement.

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MPA equal opportunities statement

Report: 6
Date: 27 March 2001
By: Clerk


This paper outlines the next steps towards codifying the MPA's equal opportunities policy to underpin its equal opportunities statement.

A. Recommendation

  1. That Members commission further work to produce a final equal opportunities policy for the Authority.
  2. That a Member of the Committee be nominated to take an oversight of the preparation of the policy.

B. Supporting information

1. At the Authority Meeting on 8 February 2001, Members adopted the equal opportunities statement originally considered by this Committee. The Statement has been promulgated to all staff within the MPA, under a covering letter from the Clerk (Appendix 1).

2. Equal opportunities principles have been incorporated in the Authority's business since its very first days. For instance, all recruitment, including that for ACPO ranks within the MPS, has been conducted according to these principles, and an ethnicity monitoring audit is maintained. Access to all public meetings is ensured for wheelchair users.

3. However there are other areas where Members need to be confident that the requirements of the various relevant pieces of legislation are being fully observed across the range of business. The provisions of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act will place responsibilities on the Authority, and it is, in any case, proper practice to underpin an overarching statement on equalities work with a detailed account of what activities are routinely undertaken to ensure that the aspirations of any such statement are achieved in practice.

4. Members are therefore invited to agree that the Clerk and her colleagues should pull together the strands of an equal opportunities policy, in consultation with Members and partner organisations. If so agreed, a draft will be prepared for consideration by the CDO at its meeting in June. Members might also like to nominate one of their number to have informed oversight of the preparation of the policy.

C. Financial implications

There are no financial implications. However the consequences of failing to have a formal written policy might include successful claims for compensation against the Authority.

D. Background papers

E. Contact details

The author of this report is Catherine Crawford, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Letter from Catherine Crawford, Clerk, MPA

16 March, 2001

To all MPA members of staff

MPA Equal Opportunities Statement

Following a significant period of discussion about an equal opportunities statement for the MPA at meetings of the Human Resources Committee and the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee, the full Authority met on 8 February 2001 and agreed an equal opportunities statement for the MPA.

The statement will be reviewed by the full Authority in January 2002.

The MPA has adopted this statement because it is the right thing to do. The MPA must work towards eliminating unlawful discrimination and it must promote equality of opportunity and good relations both as an employer and in carrying out its functions. The MPA will consider the implications of all its actions in the light of its equal opportunities statement and act appropriately.

We are in the process of arranging for all members of staff to receive community and race relations training as part of the process of ensuring we meet these demands of the statement.

The equal opportunities statement is intended as a living and dynamic statement, which will be reviewed, amended and changed as the need arises.

I enclose a copy of the statement, which I would ask you to read and consider when you are working on behalf of the Authority. I am personally absolutely determined that the principles of fairness and equality must be paramount in everything we do. I expect everyone to share this approach.

Catherine Crawford
Clerk to the Authority

MPA Equal Opportunities Statement


The Metropolitan Police Authority will work towards:

  • promoting equality of opportunity for all persons irrespective of their race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation or religion;
  • eliminating unlawful discrimination; and,
  • promoting good relations between persons of different genders, racial groups, religious beliefs and sexual orientation.

The vision is to promote through all our actions and activities the cultural diversity of London. We will recognise, and value, the cultural, emotional, moral, physical, sexual, social and spiritual needs of the people of London and of our staff.


The Metropolitan Police Authority’s main function is to secure an effective and efficient police service for London. To discharge this duty we will work towards:

  • demonstrating responsibility towards all London’s communities.
  • being an equal opportunities organisation and a respected employer;
  • encouraging and valuing our employees;
  • creating a climate in which a diverse and competitive business community can compete fairly to provide goods and services.


Our activities will reflect our values, which are:

  • to work with, and on behalf of, the people of London to achieve our aims;
  • to be an anti-discriminatory organisation;
  • to treat everyone with dignity and respect, recognising the worth of every individual;
  • to encourage our staff to uphold our mission and vision and to challenge inappropriate attitudes or behaviour;

Members and senior officers will lead by example and treat others with respect.

The Metropolitan Police Authority is an equal opportunities organisation which is required by statute – most directly, S.404 of the Greater London Act 1999 - to promote equality of opportunity and to comply with other relevant equalities legislation.

This is intended as a living and dynamic statement which will be reviewed, amended and changed as the need arises.

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