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Report 9 of the 27 Mar 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses the process used for the evaluation and allocation of funding for Police Community Consultative Groups and Lay Visiting Panels.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Proposed allocation of funding for Police Community Consultative Groups and Lay Visiting Panels

Report: 9
Date: 27 March 2001
By: Clerk and Treasurer


This paper explains the process used for the evaluation and allocation of funding for Police Community Consultative Groups and Lay Visiting Panels (Independent Custody Visiting Panels).

A. Recommendations

  1. The Committee considers the proposed allocations in Appendix A and Appendix B.
  2. That the Committee's proposed allocations be reported to the next Finance Planning and Best Value Committee and to the full Authority.
  3. That the Committee considers whether to appoint one of its members to lead on PCCG issues.

B. Supporting information


1. The MPS previously administered the processing and monitoring of funding for Police Community Consultative Groups (PCCGs) and Lay Visiting Panels (now referred to as Independent Custody Visiting Panels (ICVPs). The MPA has taken over this function overseeing the bidding process for 2001/02 in November. This is in line with CDO terms of reference 'to consider and agree the annual bids from Police and Community Consultative Groups and Lay Visiting Panels.'


2. Officers used the criteria that was accepted at the last CDO Meeting on 27 February 2001 as follows:

  • existing commitments;
  • variances between bids and current costs;
  • links between the resources required and plans.

3. At a meeting between MPA members and officers it was proposed that an upper ceiling of £60k be set for all groups. The MPA will not consider bids above this level unless there are exceptional circumstances. Officers, in liaison with lead members then reviewed each individual bid by the group/panel and made the proposed allocations set out in Appendix A (PCCGs) and Appendix B (Independent Custody Visiting Panels.)

Lessons learnt from analysis of PCCG bids

4. An analysis was undertaken of the data provided. An attempt was made to look at approximate benchmarks. The following information is only an approximate guideline and should be viewed as such, as several variable factors impact on individual Groups and the data provided was limited.

5. PCCG internal meeting expenses range from £4.10 to £112.50. The average is £45.98 per meeting. Costs for external meetings was estimated on the basis of per attendee attending the public meetings. The range was from £0.28 to £8.48 per attendee.

6. PCCG staffing expenses range from £10.59 to £22.39 per hour. The average for all PCCGs is £15.97. The average for independent groups is £15.03 per hour, and the average for local authority groups is £16.37 per hour.

7. PCCG accommodation costs range from £2,040 to £7,655 per year, the average is £4,896 per year.

Future monitoring

8. The principle of financial accountability was accepted at the full Authority. In order to move towards a monitoring system that provides timely qualitative information, it is proposed that the proforma at appendix C will be completed by consultative group administrators on a quarterly basis. A similar pro-forma will be developed for Custody Visiting Panels. The financial monitoring system will be maintained by the MPS using the designated budget heads.

9. PCCGs will be required to provide Independently approved accounts for the year ending 31 March 2001and the workplan must be supplied to the Authority by the 30 September 2001. If these are not received by this date the Authority reserves the right to reconsider the funding arrangements for the 3rd and 4th quarters.

10. Any best practice will be disseminated by the MPA Consultation Unit, ensuring that the information is shared across the groups and the MPS lead for consultation.


11. It is proposed that a letter be sent to chairs and administrators informing them of the provisional allocation that will be reported to the full Authority on 19 April 2001. It will also inform the groups of the following appeal process.

Appeal process

12. If a group disagrees with the allocation, they should, in the first instance write to the MPA outlining the specific area of concern, with the reasons and justification for the appeal. It will be considered by members who were not involved in the initial process. Any proposed deviation from the original allocation will then be considered by the CDO Committee and further ratification by the full Authority.

C. Financial implications

If the proposals are accepted there will be £7,584 unallocated for PCCGs and £45,266 for Independent Custody Visiting Panels. It is proposed that the unallocated funds be assigned to the proposed pilots.

D. Background papers

E. Contact details

The authors of this report are Julia Smith, Sultan Taylor, Colin Balkman.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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