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Report 5 of the 24 Apr 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses an action plan and work programme for the CDO committee.

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Action plan for CDO

Report: 5
Date: 24 April 2001
By: Clerk


Members considered a paper proposing the need for this Committee to take a wide overview of its areas of responsibilities with the aim of developing a strategic action plan for Consultation, Diversity and Outreach for the Authority. This process began on 16 March. A number of actions have since taken place to progress the development of a CDO Action Plan. Members are asked to note these and to consider areas for further progression and members' direction.

A. Recommendations

  1. That members note the progress underway in the development of an action plan.
  2. That members note the issues outlined and approve the proposal for this Committee to receive regular reports on the MPA proposals for consultation to inform the Policing Plan, and the MPS Public Attitude Survey as well as local consultation initiatives by the MPS associated with the crime and disorder partnerships.
  3. That members approve the proposal in paragraph 7 for a workshop to consider the MPA's Consultation and Outreach strategy, following initial discussions by officer. This is to be planned by end May 2001.
  4. That members note the Diversity workshop planned for 11 May at which the CRE, MPS and representatives from the Black Police Association, Independent Advisory Groups will be represented.
  5. Those members take action to ensure that the staffing implications for the work area are addressed.
  6. That a further report is considered at the June meeting of this committee.

B. Supporting information

1. Members considered an earlier report which proposed the need for this committee to develop an action plan covering its very wide remit.

2. Members met on 16 March to consider a process for progressing its plan of work and agreed that members would take key lead on key areas of the committee's work. This is outlined in Appendices 1 and 2. Members may wish to revise these in light of their workload and other MPA responsibilities. Members will also note that the original timescale for completing the action plan has been extended.

Activity and interest proforma

3. The Chair R. David Muir proposed that a proforma should be completed by members indicating their key activities and areas if interest. It is proposed that CDO members complete these forms on a monthly basis both to inform other members of their key CDO activities on a regular basis, but also to assist officers in providing regular and accurate policy briefings for members. With the imminent appointment of policy and support staff the secretariat should be in a better position to provide a greater level of policy support and assistance to CDO members.

Action planning activities


4. A great deal has already been achieved in this area through the best value review of consultation. However, there is a pressing need for this committee to take a wider overview of the consultation requirements of the MPA and MPS, with the aim of incorporating the work of the best value review. Although this committee has responsibility for consultation, there are areas of the Authority's work such as consultation on the:

  • Policing Plan, and the
  • MPS Public Attitude Survey
  • Local consultation (crime and disorder partnerships etc)

where there are overlaps with other committees.

5. Members of this committee will need to consider how it wishes to inform and influence the types and levels of consultation on those areas above and how it wishes to be consulted by the MPA and MPS on plans for progressing these. This can be achieved through regular reports, especially as the critical timeframe for much of these consultations are imminent. Clarity over responsibility for consultation would be reinforced if there were to be an identified lead within the MPS for Consultation. The Clerk is pursuing this directly with the MPS.

6. MPA and MPS officers will be initiating internal discussions on a corporate approach to addressing these areas. The outcomes of these discussions will be presented for discussion at the June CDO meeting.

7. It is proposed that a workshop to consider the MPA Consultation and Outreach priorities and action plan take place by end May 2001 to consider the options and proposals developed by officers.

8. GLA and Functional Bodies consultation and outreach: the GLA now have an established consultation team. Regular meetings are held between MPA, GLA and other functional bodies officers with responsibility for consultation. Any consultation and outreach strategy developed by the MPA will need to ensure that these other developments are taken into consideration.


9. The new Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 sets a new precedent for the Authority to develop a strategy in compliance with the Act. Developments are already underway to progress this, however the committee will wish to ensure that wider diversity issues such as disability, gender, sexual orientation, social exclusion etc. are duly integrated in any strategy developed. A Diversity Workshop has been planned for Friday 11 May when members will have a further opportunity to consider options to for progressing its work in these areas. The CRE, MPS and representatives from the Black Police Association and the Independent Advisory Groups have been invited.

10. Further meetings and advice will need to be sought with other groups once a draft action plan is in place. Such groups should include those representing the disabled, gay, lesbian, transgender and transsexual communities, women and other groups traditionally discriminated against.

11. The MPS already has a range of sophisticated processes for interfacing with a range of diverse communities and a comprehensive diversity strategy in place. However, recent meetings with the CRE have highlighted concern with that strategy.

12. The Chair will be meeting with representatives of the CRE who are eager to establish formal partnerships and support to the Authority on its diversity developments.


13. This is an area that requires further exploration and officers will be looking to bring proposals to this committee in the June report.


14. The issue of resourcing has been raised in previous committee reports; however, it is worth highlighting this again. The new policy officer for this work area will be able to provide the committee with clear direction and focus. Due to the wide ranging nature of the work, this Committee will now doubt wish to consider the type and level of resource that will be required to manage this area of work.

Other issues for consideration by this Committee

15. There are, of course, plans to pilot the consultation workers for fieldwork, as proposed by the best value review. The proposed action plan will need to consider how this is to be managed within the staffing and management structure.

16. At the members' consultation meeting on 21 February, members approved a proposal for the establishment of a small consultation team rather than the pursuit of an appointment that will provide support from the centre to the full range of consultation processes. This proposal was in preference to the appointment of the BV proposed community consultation workers.

17. This committee will, in its wider consideration of the requirements of the Authority, need to give thought about how the two proposals above can be harmonised. Officers will be making proposals for members' consideration at the May meeting.

C. Financial implications

There may be financial implications associated with the staffing proposals. These considerations will need to be taken in light of decisions concerning the appointment of community consultation workers and proposals for a small consultation team based at the MPA.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The author of this report is Julia Smith, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

  • Appendix 1 [PDF]
    Terms of reference of the Consultation Diversity and Outreach committee
  • Appendix 2 [PDF]
    Key Milestone chart for progressing the CDO committee action planning and work programme development

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