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Report 4 of the 20 Sep 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and summarises discussions held at the CDO Performance sub-group’s first meeting.

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Progress report on CDO Performance Sub-Group

Report: 4
Date: 20 September 2001
By: Clerk


Following agreement from the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach (CDO) Committee on 26 June 2001, the CDO Performance Sub-Group met for the first time on 17 July 2001. This paper updates the committee on the discussions held at the sub-group’s first meeting and future agenda items and work plans.

A. Recommendation

That members note the work of the sub-group and future meeting dates.

B. Supporting information

1. At the Consultation Diversity and Outreach meeting of 26 June 2001, members agreed the formation of a sub-group to consider issues of performance and diversity. The terms of reference for the sub-group were agreed. The main aim of the sub-group is to receive and consider diversity specific performance data, since much of this data is complicated and requires a level of interrogation difficult to achieve satisfactorily within the present format of full CDO meetings.

2. If was also agreed at the last CDO meeting that there would be a standing item on the CDO agenda updating the committee on the work of the sub-group and performance issues arising. This paper forms the first update.

3. The group met for the first time on 17 July 2001. Members attending were R. David Muir and Cindy Butts with officers from the MPA and Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). MPS officers will attend meetings to help explain information. Chief Supt Lovelock is the key officer for the sub-group for discussion were the terms of reference and membership of the meeting, the MPS Fair Practice Working Group, stop and search data and analysis and future agenda items. These discussions are summarised below.

Terms of reference and membership

4. This was discussed in further depth than at the full CDO meeting. It was agreed that the membership could also be extended to all interested CDO members. As the group develops membership should also be considered from the GLA, relevant Independent Advisory Groups, the Challenge Panel, youth representatives and community representatives.

Fair Practice Working Group

5. Members were updated on the work of the MPS Fair Practice Working Group (chaired by Ch Supt Lovelock). This group reports to the diversity directorate and aims to develop a set of corporate management information and performance measures for use by local borough commanders. This information will be aimed at measuring whether boroughs are being fair to all sections of the community in carrying out their duties. The MPA Senior Analyst is a member of this group. The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), Police Federation and the Black Police Association are also members.

6. The group noted that Camden Borough Council already has fairness management information in place and praised the work done in that borough. An audit has been carried out by the MPS of fairness information being used in each borough and the group requested this information to be presented at the next meeting.

7. A definition of disproportionality has been developed by ACPO with input from the Fair Practice Working Group and the CRE. It was agreed that this definition would be circulated to all members by the MPS.

8. The working group is currently progressing a draft fair practice management information document and the progress towards this will be reported at the next CDO sub-group meeting.

Stop and search data and analysis

9. Reports were received from the MPS on stop and search data analysis and from the MPA Senior Analyst regarding stop and search data quality. A general discussion was held around poor stop and search data quality as well as inadequate population data for providing the base lines for the interpretation of data. At the next meeting the group will consider some actual stop and search forms and sample data to increase understanding of the data. A further action was a letter from the Chair to Deputy Commissioner Ian Blair asking how the MPS plan to address data quality problems and improve population data for analysis.

10. Regarding actual performance data for stop and search, arrest rates were at 15.9% for white people and 17.3% for ethnic minority people fro 2001/02. Arrest rates vary across boroughs but these will depend on the use of stop and search and the emphasis given on arrest or intelligence led stops and searches.

11. The vast majority of those stopped and searched over the last year were male, 94.3% and under 25 years of age, 67%. White people account for 55% of stops and searches. Given a current estimate (based on the 1991 census data) of 80% of London residents being white, it can be seen that there is disproportionality in current stop and search rates across ethnic groups. Using current census estimates, ethnic minority persons are three times more likely to be stopped and searched in London than white persons. There are complexities in understanding these figures, such as daytime population available to be search, suspect descriptions and data quality. The sub-group aims to increase understanding of these issues over time.

12. Stop and search data monitoring and the quality of data used will be a standing item for the sub-group.

Future agenda items

13. It was felt that the group should receive further diversity and performance information at the next meeting, and then decide on two or three topics to cover in detail. Agenda items for the next meeting were identified as:

  1. Update on the MPS Fair Practice Working Group
  2. Examples of stop and search forms and data
  3. Reply from the Deputy Commissioner on stop and search data quality
  4. Discussion on how education/ exclusion is linked with crime and how this could be taken forward in partnership with education bodies
  5. Performance against hate crime performance indicators
  6. Progress on CRR training
  7. The 2 or 3 priority areas for the sub-group

14. The next meeting will be on 17 September 2001, 1pm to 3pm in B648. Future meetings are planned for the same time and place on the 5 November and 10 December 2001.

C. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications.

D. Background papers

E. Contact details

The author of this report is Johanna Gillians, Senior Analyst, 020 7944 8957

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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