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Report 6 of the 20 Sep 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses the progress made in undertaking the Best Value Review of Equalities.

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GLA family best value review of equalities

Report: 6
Date: 20 September 2001
By: Clerk


On 19 December 2000, the Finance Planning and Best Value Committee agreed that the MPA should be a participant to the GLA “family” Best Value Review of Equalities and Diversity, in partnership with the other functional bodies. The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) are also contributors to the Review based on their extensive knowledge and experience in the field of equality. The Review commenced on 27 June 2001. This report is presented to inform members of the progress made in undertaking the Best Value Review and highlights some key issues, which this Committee and the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee will have to consider for implementing the outcomes of this review.

A. Recommendations

  1. That Members note the report;
  2. That Members agree that Cecile Lothian be the lead member for this review (paragraphs 7 and 8);
  3. That further progress and updates on this review be remitted to the CDO Committee (and the Best Value Programme Board), which will be responsible for providing guidance and direction to the MPA and MPS on the implementation of outcomes of the review; and
  4. That this committee approve the process proposed in paragraph 9 for informing the Finance, Planning and Best Value committee about progress and outcome of the Review.

B. Supporting information

Purpose and outcomes

1. The Greater London Authority Chief Executives meeting, which is attended by the Clerk to the MPA on 6 October 2000, supported in principle the proposal for two joint best value reviews on equality and consultation in year one of the GLA’s best value review programme. On 19 December the MPA Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee agreed that the MPA should be a participant in the GLA “family” best value review of equalities. The MPA, Transport for London, Greater London Authority, London Development Agency are all participants in the review. The London Fire and Civil Defence Authority is conducting its own best value review of equalities in parallel to the joint review and are contributing to meetings. The Metropolitan Police Service attend and contribute to the meetings and the Commission for Racial Equality provide expert advice. The project is managed by a member of the GLA’s best value team. The purpose and outcomes of the Best Value Review of Equalities are:


  • To co-ordinate more effectively equalities policies and strategies relating to the equalities duties of the MPA and the GLA functional bodies.
  • To improve implementation of policies and procedures to deliver desired outcomes more effectively.
  • To monitor more effectively performance in achieving equalities outcomes.


2. The outcome of the review will be to improve performance that will positively impact on London’s diverse communities through:

  • Direct service delivery: improve Equal Opportunities, combat discrimination, improve access, improve diversity of provision (Section 404 GLA Act 1999)
  • Influence over others- define who, how and what to influence.
  • Credibility and legitimacy- clarify role, purpose and performance of the GLA family in respect of equalities outcomes, principles, policies, strategies, agendas etc.
  • Exemplary employer - clarify what would need to be achieved to attain this status, and how it will be achieved / improved.
  • Inclusive democratic processes - improve representation and/or inclusion of all London’s communities in decision making of the GLA family.
  • Promote good relations- clarify and improve the GLA family role in promoting good relations, clarify strategies and performance targets.
  • Joined-up working - improve co-ordination and collaboration on equalities agendas and work programmes across the GLA family and with other partners.
  • Demonstrate success- ensure that a robust, flexible performance management framework is in place for all equalities work across the GLA family.

3. Although each functional body is at different stages in developing their equalities frameworks and strategies, there is a strong commitment that the Best Value Review of Equalities should set challenging improvement targets that will contribute to and result in a drive for continuous improvement in service delivery as well as organisations’ performance.

Review, resorting and input

4. The work undertaken for the review has required an intensive level of input from each of the functional bodies, within a very tight timescale. The project start up plan is attached at Appendix 1. Appendix 2 provides an indication of the timescale Members are asked to note the level of work that needs to be undertaken in order to achieve the agreed outcome. In addition to the designated Best Value Manager, the MPA has 1.5 officers contributing to the review. The MPS has one Detective Chief Inspector contributing to the review plus administrative support, and an ACPO officer attends the project board. The Clerk represents the MPA on the review project board and Commander Cressida Dick represents the MPS. Such high level of resourcing will need to be taken into consideration when decisions are being made on the progress and implementation of the review outcome.


5. The review is scheduled to be completed by end of January 2002. Each functional body will then be required to discuss the report and agree on its own implementation and monitoring process. It is proposed that the MPA, and other functional bodies, will have about eight weeks to consult on the draft completion report. A launch date of April has been identified for publicising the findings and outcomes of the report. A summary of the timescale can be found at Appendix 2.

Baseline review

6. A central component of the review is the need for each of the functional bodies to undertake a baseline analysis of their equalities performance. A copy of the initial draft responses to this by the MPA and the MPS will be made available to members of the Committee (for information) and the Best Value Programme Board. There may be issues of presentation of this type of information by the two organisations. Officers in consolation with the lead member will work to resolve this and other issues arising from the review. Detailed progress reports will brought to this committee and the Programme Board. There may be staffing and resource implications for such pieces of work, which the Authority may wish to give consideration to for future reviews within the spirit of best value.

Proposed project outcome management process

7. The MPA and the MPS are represented on the Project Review Team and the Project Board. Both bodies are represented at officer level. At both groups, the MPA representatives, supported by the MPS, have pressed for greater Member involvement. A process has been put in place to ensure that, depending on the status of the various bodies, Members are consulted at each stage of the project.

8 Cecile Lothian is proposed as the lead member for this review. The role will be to provide day-to-day member advice and guidance to officers on the progress of the project. It is proposed however, that due to the anticipated impact that the outcomes of the review could have on the performance and service delivery of the MPA and MPS that reports and issues arising from the progress of the Review should be remitted to the CDO Performance Sub Group and the MPA/MPS Best Value Programme Board.

9. There is the potential for differences in views by the various committees on how the outcomes of the review should be implemented. It is also likely that the MPA and MPS may have different approaches to implementation- specially where proposals may have significant resource or cultural implications. In order to anticipate any such difficulties, it is proposed that an early meeting between the chairs of the Finance Planning and Best Value Committee, the CDO committee and the Best Value Programme Board, with officers concerned, be set up to agree a process for handling the management and implementation of the outcome of the project. Such a meeting should be scheduled prior to the development of the draft action plan, which is to be completed by early December 2001.

B. Financial implications

At the time the decision was taken to participate in the Review, no budget allocation was specified. However, it is established that the MPA will contribute a proportion to this review within budget. Any further cost associated with the implementation of the Review will be identified in the final report (expected January 2002).

D. Background papers

  • GLA Equalities for all best value review- notes of management meeting 27 June 2001.

E. Contact details

The author of this report is Julia Smith, 020 7944 8916

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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