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Report 9 of the 09 May 02 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses the outcomes of the Education and youth street crime seminar held on 26 February 2002.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Education and youth street crime

Report: 9
Date: 09 May 2002
By: Clerk


On 26 February the Authority hosted a seminar, which was attended by over 125 delegates from central government departments, police service, schools and youth offending teams and facilitated by the Chairs of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach and Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committees. 

A number of key actions arising from the seminar and requiring progress have been identified by the Chairs and are outlined in this paper for the respective committees to pursue. 

Members and officers have met to evaluate the outcomes of the seminar and this report outlines the initial proposals for progressing key initiatives to compliment the initiatives already underway by the MPA and other lead agencies.

A. Recommendation

  1. Members note the actions identified as priorities for the CDO and PSPM Committees
  2. Members note the proposal for an MPA Youth and Street Crimes Reference Group to be chaired by Cecile Wright, lead MPA member on youth crimes issues.

B. Supporting information

1. There is a wide range of agencies involved in youth crime issues. But one key area that is not well addressed is the need for police to engage with the education sector on matters relating to youth crime. There is a growing recognition of the importance of the links between education and crime, for example school exclusion and youth crime and the outcomes of the MPA 's seminar have highlighted this as a priority.

2. Five work groups were held at the seminar focusing on different aspects of youth crime.

  • Tackling the persistent offender across London
  • Bullying and hate crimes in schools
  • Police officers in schools
  • Exclusion from school and community and the impact of exclusions on schools and community
  • Sharing best practice

Each work group proposed actions that could be progressed by the MPA. Having analysed these, the Chairs of the CDO and PSPM Committees and officers met to agree the actions that required progression.

These are outlined below with the proposed committee lead. Detailed discussion and a development plan will be required for each area, and it is intended that this will be progressed by the respective Committees, co-ordinated by the MPA Education & Youth Street Crime Reference Group.

Lead Action
CDO Tackling the persistent offender across London
CDO Race Hate Crime working group Bullying and hate crimes in schools
PSPM Police officers in schools
CDO Exclusion from school and community and the impact of exclusions on schools and community
CDO Out of school hours
CDO & PSPM Sharing best practice

3. It was agreed at that meeting that an internal MPA Education & Youth Street Crime Reference Group should be established. The membership would comprise of Chairs of the CDO and PSPM Committees and MPA Policy leads, with appropriate administrative support. Links would be made with the MPS so that any work can be informed by the vast activity already in place by the MPS. Meetings between the MPA and MPS are progressing

4. It was proposed that a summary paper should be developed outlining an action for the MPA to progress in partnership and consultation with the However as Cecile Wright has been confirmed as the MPA lead member for the Authority on youth and street crime issues she will wish to be fully appraised of the work in progress by the CDO and PSPM Committees, and may wish further work to be identified following the meeting scheduled for first meeting on the MPA Education & Youth Street Crime Reference Group proposed for 12th May 2002.

C. Financial implications

There are no financial implications arising from the paper.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Julia Smith, CDO, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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