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Report 10 of the 09 May 02 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and provides a summary of work undertaken to progress the work on Community & Police Consultative Groups and Independent Custody Visiting Panels since the last meeting of the Committee.

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Community & Police Consultative Groups, Independent Custody Visiting Panels - progress report

Report: 10
Date: 09 May 2002
By: Clerk


This report provides a summary of work undertaken to progress the work on Community & Police Consultative Groups and Independent Custody Visiting Panels since the last meeting of the Committee.

A. Recommendations

Members are asked to note the content of the report.

B. Supporting information


1. Nicholas Long the lead member with responsibility for matters relating to Community & Police Consultative Groups (CPCGs) and Cecile Wright, Richard Sumray and Elizabeth Howlett lead members for Independent Custody Visiting Panels (ICV Panels) continue to meet with officers, to provide guidance and consider policy. A number of work areas are being progressed.


2. Following the Co-ordination and Urgency Committee meeting on 9 April, Consultative Groups and Independent Custody Visiting Panels were informed of their allocated funding for 2002/03. They were given a breakdown of their allocation and provided with a copy of the revised quarterly monitoring form and financial guidelines.

3. Groups have been given the opportunity to make a formal appeal where there are serious objections to the indicative budget.

Allocated budget 2002-03

Consultative Groups: £879,880

Independent Custody Visiting Panels: £235,000

Community & Police Consultative Groups internal management meetings and emerging issues

4. At the Community & Police Consultative Group (CPCG) Internal Management meeting held on 12 March 2002, members were appraised on the developments of Consultative Groups work and outstanding issues. These included the appointment and role of the CDO Unit's Financial Administrative Officer; the suspension of Greenwich Consultative Group; Lambeth's newly elected Chair (Lee Jasper); Islington's new consultation structure and the Council's undertaking to provide office accommodation free of charge.

5. It also emerged that for the purpose of the MPA Internal Audit, there is a need to identity how many Consultative Groups have premises of their own and whether these are properly vested in Trustees.

Greenwich Consultative Group

6. Following detailed consideration of matters arising locally concerning Greenwich CPCG and a meeting held at the MPA with members of the Group's Executive on 6 February, discussions with the Borough Commander, local authority and other key local leaders and communities; the Greenwich CPCG was suspended, whilst a detailed review is carried out, in order to establish a more effective, efficient and representative local Community Consultative arrangement in Greenwich.

Discussions are underway with the LA, community and voluntary groups and the Borough Commander to undertake a review of the consultation needs of the borough and the structures that will be needed to reinstate a local consultation process.

London Police & Community Consultative Group Forum (LPCCG)

7. Members and officers are continuing to meet formally and informally with members of the LPCCG. Members supported the concept of the meeting and suggested that it should become a twice-yearly event. The next meeting will take place in September 2002.

2002-03 Funding for the Forum –

8. At the Co-ordination and Urgency Committee meeting on 9 April a funding allocation of £8,000 was agreed from agreed budgets to support the work of the Forum, in line with the previous year. The Forum intends to submit a supplementary bid for additional funding to support an increase in hours for the part-time administrator, currently working 10 hours per week.

Informal Meetings with Consultative Groups

9. Officers continue to meet informally with consultative groups, to explore issues they may have and to share ideas/plans that are emerging within the MPA and other work areas/developments generally. The visits have given the Authority a good opportunity to learn about local issues for the groups as well as explore ideas for future developments and working relationships with the MPA.

10. Since the last meeting, CDO officers have met with Camden, Croydon and Hackney Groups. In total 19 groups have been visited. A brief report of the overall learning from the meetings will be presented to Members at the end of the programme of visits.

IT Requirements for Groups

11. The MPA has purchased 10 computers and printers for Consultative Groups/Panels to replace defective and obsolete equipment. A complete service including support and maintenance, in particular for home users, was included in the package provided by the service providers.

12. Legal advice was sought on the development of the agreement document that outlined the terms and conditions Groups/Panels were required to sign prior to the delivery of the equipment. A copy was sent to link members for their information.

London Wide Secretaries Forum

13. The Forum consists of Consultative Groups Administrators/Secretaries. They meet four times a year to consider matters of common interests as well as MPA issues. Recent agendas have covered for example budget allocation, engagement with young people, distraction burglary, pay and conditions of staff of Independent groups, website and training.

14. The meeting is serviced by the London Wide Forum Secretary (Michael Hoey) and hosted by the MPA.

Service Level Agreement

15. The outcomes of the Internal Audit review into Consultative Groups financial management could influence the final document. The intent is that groups will be consulted extensively prior to implementation.

Independent Custody Visiting Panel Internal management meetings and emerging issues

Independent Custody Visitor Report Form

16. After fairly prolonged discussion, a small Working Group of ICV Chairs, visitors and administrators have redesigned a form, which proposed, will be used by all Panels in London.

17. It is proposed that the revised report form will be sent out to Panels in May to pilot its usage prior to it being adopted.


18. MPA Representative for Independent Custody Visitors - Ms Avril Jones was elected by the ICV Panels to represent the interests and the views of London Independent Custody Visitors on the Independent Custody Visiting Association Executive Board.

19. The role will be for the period of 12 months, at which time nominations for a new representative will be sought.


20. Trainers - In response to the meeting of 19 February, fifteen Custody Visitors expressed a wish to become ICV Trainers. A process to recruit, select and train these individuals as trainers is underway so that they can deliver the much needed training to new as well as experienced IC Visitors in London.

24. Helen Schofield, Trainer of the Independent Custody Visiting Association shall facilitate the initial training for the MPA new trainers. Thereafter, the trained trainers will facilitate training.

25. ICV Training - Training date for newly appointed custody visitors have been agreed. The proposal is to hold 2 half day training, at the end of May.

Independent Custody Disciplinary Procedure Document

26. The lead member welcomed the development on the ICVP disciplinary procedures. The document will be incorporated in the ICV Handbook. However, the disciplinary procedures will be sent as a stand-alone document to those Panels who are experiencing some disciplinary issues

Independent Custody Visiting Charter

27. Lead member approved the Charter subject to further consideration to point 4 of the MPS section to "Have an officer accompany Independent Custody Visitors at all times to ensure their safety, whilst affording them appropriate privacy when conducting a visit, as it maybe difficult to put into practice.

The document will be sent to the visitors in June.

Independent Custody Visiting Handbook

28. A draft handbook has been developed.

Panels have had the opportunity to make comments and suggestions and MPA officers are in the process of collating and analysing the information.

Certificate Presentation

29. As a way of recognising the valuable voluntary contribution that IC Visitors have made to the scheme since the Authority assumed responsibility for it in July 2000, a certificate presentation ceremony is being organised for 4 July 2002.

Officers and Members are still agreeing the details of the ceremony and invitations list.

C. Financial implications

All the financial implications for the ICV Panels and Consultative Groups will be contained within the current budget.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Enid Ledgister, CDO, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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