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Report 11 of the 09 May 02 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and highlights the progress made in MPS Diversity Training (CRR), and some emerging issues for Members' consideration.

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MPA evaluation of MPS (CRR) training

Report: 11
Date: 09 May 2002
By: Clerk


Since its initial explorations into matters surrounding the MPS Diversity Training (CRR), the Authority has made significant progress towards setting arrangements in place for carrying out the independent evaluation. This report highlights the progress made and some emerging issues for Members' consideration.

A. Recommendations

  1. Members are asked to note and comment on the progress made.
  2. Agree the process outlined in paragraph 11 for signing off the tender proposal.

B. Supporting information

1. Cindy Butts, Deputy Chair of the CDO Committee and lead member for diversity training matters for this Committee chairs the Working Group that is steering the work to progress the independent evaluation of the MPS Diversity (CRR) Training.

Other MPA Members represented on the Working Group include Rachel Whittaker, Chair of the HR Committee, R David Muir, Chair of CDO Committee and Richard Sumray, Chair of the Professional Standards & Monitoring Committee. The membership of the Working Group includes the MPS, Greater London Authority, Association of Police Authorities (APA), Home Office as well as Community representatives. A list of all organisations represented at Appendix 1.


2. A draft methodology for undertaking the work has been developed. This methodology is designed with a view to:

  1. ensuring that the evaluation would be able to add value to the learning for the Authority and the service on the impact of diversity training on service delivery and policing performance.
  2. creating the scope to allow for challenge, to gain the trust and confidence of the public, MPA stakeholders, partners as well as MPS senior managers and MPA Members.
  3. learning from the MPS's internal evaluation of diversity training. The results are still emerging and the Authority's programme is continually these into account. Already there are a number of emerging issues which the Authority will want to see embedded into the monitoring and review of its own evaluation.

4. The CRR programme, which began some 10 months ago, has changed somewhat since its inception. At the borough level for which training has been completed to date the quantity of staff trained is between 74% and 90%. A system is place to train 100% of police officers and frontline civil staff by December 2002.

5. The MPA evaluation will therefore be able to review the process at a time when it is coming to an end. The learning coming out of the evaluation should greatly benefit the service as well as the Authority, especially in advising the MPS as it embarks on phase II of its diversity training.

6. The diversity training (CRR) will have cost close to £3M. by the time it is completed. This is a huge cost expenditure. The MPA methodology will be able to make some assessments on the cost effectiveness of the training and its impact on assisting police officers to police diverse communities in ways that are defined and experienced by diverse communities as appropriately sensitive. The Working Group is considering research carried out by the Scarman Centre, which appears to indicate that the medium to long-term impact of CRR training has little bearing on policing at the service level.

7. A meeting was held with HMIC to seek their views on the potential impact and outcome of the work to be carried out. There was strong support for undertaking the review and for ensuring that it was sufficiently rigorous.

8. The MPA methodology for carrying out the evaluation has been developed by Dr Mike Rowe of the Scarman Centre. Dr Rowe is providing expert advice on the early phase of the work and will not be tendering for the subsequent contract. A copy of the draft methodology will be made available to CDO members once this has been finalised.

Next steps

9. MPA Members and officers are meeting to draft a tender proposal for the project. The Authority has benefited from guidance received from the Home Office in their awarding of the contract to the National CRR Training and Evaluation programme. The contract will be let according to the principles of the MPA/MPS procurement strategy.

10. The proposed timescale for awarding the contract is end of May to early June 2002. In order to achieve this, the procurement document, funding level and timescale needs to be signed off by this Committee. However, there is not another scheduled CDO Committee meeting until 18 July 2002.

11. Members are invited to agree that the decision on the letting the contract be delegated to the Clerk, advised by the Chairs of the CDO Committee and HR Committees and the Deputy Chairs of the CDO Committee at an ad hoc meeting.

C. Financial implications

A budget has been agreed for the project to be reassigned from the MPS overall diversity budget, MPA and MPS officers will be working to confirm the exact amount that will be available to undertake the project.

D. Background papers

  • A framework for the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA) Independent Evaluation of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Diversity CRR Training.
  • Police Diversity Training Programme 25/04.02

E. Contact details

Report author: Julia Smith, CDO, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Organisation Name
Activate Plus Ms Margaret Blankson
Association of Police
Ms Fionnuala Gill
Policy Officer
Association of Police
Ms Claire Cooper
Black Police Association Mr Keith Smith
Commission for Racial
Mr Martin Meredith
Commission for Racial
Ms Georgina English
Commission for Racial
Mr Greville Percival
Greater London Authority Mr Lee Jasper
Senior Policy Adviser - Equalities
Greater London Authority Ms Rosemary Emodi
Home Office Mr Paul Pugh
Race Equality & Diversity Department
Home Office Mr Simon Hayes
Race Equality & Diversity Department
Home Office Ms Judith Jones
Race Equality & Diversity Department
House of Lords Baroness Uddin
Independent Advisory Group Ms Linda Bellos, LGBT
Independent Advisory Group Ms Beverley Thompson
Independent Advisory Group Mr John Azah
MPA Ms Rachel Whittaker, MPA Member
Chair HR Committee
MPA Ms Cindy Butts, MPA Member
Deputy Chair CDO Committee
MPA Mr Alan Johnson
Head of HR & Professional Standards
MPA Mr Richard Barnes
MPA Member
MPA Mr Peter Herbert
MPA Member
MPA Mr Richard Sumray
Chair Professional Standards & Performance Monitoring
MPA Member
MPA Mr R David Muir
Chair CDO Committee
MPA Cecile Wright
MPA Member
MPA Ms Johanna Gillians
Senior Analyst
MPA Catherine Crawford
Clerk to the Authority
MPS Commander Cressida Dick
Diversity Directorate (DCC4)
MPS Mr Steve Lovelock
Diversity Directorate (DCC4)
MPS Mr Shaun Kennedy
Diversity Training Strategy Unit
MPS Mr Richard Varley
Diversity Directorate (DCC4)
University of Leicester Dr Mike Rowe
Lecturer in Policing
Waltham Forest
Police Station
Ms Helen Dean
Community Tasking Unit
West Norwood
Community Development
Mr Ronald Holder

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