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Report 14 of the 09 May 02 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses the draft Race Equality Scheme and Action Plan.

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MPA Race Equality Scheme

Report: 14
Date: 09 May 2002
By: Clerk


This report asks Members to consider and comment upon the draft Race Equality Scheme and Action Plan.

A. Recommendations

  1. To note and comment upon the MPA's Race Equality Scheme and Action Plan.
  2. To agree to refer the draft, incorporating amendments from the proposed consultation, to the meeting of the Full Authority on 23 May 2002.
  3. To note, that subject to approval by the Full Authority, the final Scheme will be published on 31 May 2002.

B. Supporting information

1. The Authority has a duty to publish a Race Equality Scheme by 31 May 2002. A Consultation Draft of the Race Equality Scheme and Action Plan has been produced, is currently being consulted upon. The Committee will be receiving a presentation on this scheme at the meeting.

2. Members will be aware that the MPA and the MPS have been developing their schemes in consultation with each other. Members and officers of the Authority have been able to give the MPS detailed written comments on their draft scheme.

3. The MPS has similarly taken the opportunity to give the Authority written comments on the initial draft scheme. This development is important due to the CRE guidance that will expect the MPA and MPS scheme to identify similar priorities as well as the Authority demonstrating in its scheme the performance measures that it will have in place for monitoring the MPS scheme.

4. A range of internal discussions are underway, including proposals to modify the current MPA Committee structure to create a Diversity Board which will have executive functions and the remit for monitoring performance on Race and Equality both at the MPA and the MPS. This proposal is still to be finalised, and there is a need for detailed discussions to be held with the MPS regarding the new overarching Board.

5. Part A outlines the Authority's arrangements for meeting the general and specific duties of the Act.  Members attention is drawn to the staff responsibilities outlined in the report. These roles are based on the current structure and may need to be revised should the reorganisation of the Authority's Committee structure take place in June 2002 as proposed.

6. The General Duty is that the Authority shall have due regard to:

  1. Promoting Race Equality
  2. Eliminating unlawful Race discrimination
  3. Promoting good community relations.

7. It is the aim of the Authority at the time of writing this report, to meet with the GLA/the Mayor's office, the Black Londoners Forum, The London Civic Forum, Racial Equality Councils, the Black Police Association and young peoples organisations to consult on the draft. The Authority will also seek written comments from Community Police Consultative Groups, and a range of organisations and other community groups on its database database, the MPS and its staff associations and consultees.

8. One Specific Duty is to produce a Race Equality scheme outlining arrangements to meet the general duty. A second is an Employment Duty to monitor employment matters. Members will note that although the large majority of civil staff engaged by the Authority is under the direction and control of the Commissioner. At the time of writing the this report, further more detailed work is required on the employment section of the scheme. The developments will be presented to the next meeting of the HR Committee and will form the section in the scheme. The scheme proposes that the Authority, as a good employer, aims to meet the full requirement of duty.

9. The Authority is required to assess all its policies and functions to monitor for any adverse impact upon race equality. Part B outlines the functions and policies the scheme is proposing are priorities. It contains a 3 year programme of assessment. Members attention is drawn to Part B of the Authorities priorities for assessment and asked to comment upon these. Members will note that the Authority has identified the need to ensure that CPCGs and ICV Panels undertake their voluntary duties within the principles of the RRA. It is acknowledged further more detailed work will be required for this aspect of the Authority's work.

10. The MPA scheme seeks to both identify the Authority's own arrangements for meeting the General Duty and to identify the links with and the MPA's own priorities for the MPS scheme. These linkages are made throughout parts A and B. Some performance measures have been identified and detailed consultation should lead to further refinement.

11. Under the Act, all named bodies are required to publish their schemes by 31 May 2002. The Commission for Racial Equality will accept publication on the Internet as a minimum. In view of the timescale to get agreement to the scheme and amendments made, it is proposed the Authority makes the scheme available on its website in the first place. Printing and the launch of a document will commence in June. A joint launch with the MPS is being planned for June.

C. Financial implications

There are likely to be financial implications.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Jude Sequeira, CDO, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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