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Report 15 of the 09 May 02 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and outlines work in progress by the MPS towards preparing the MPS's Race Equality Scheme.

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MPS Race Equality Scheme

Report: 15
Date: 09 May 2002
By: Commissioner


This paper outlines work in progress by the MPS towards preparing the MPS's Race Equality Scheme.

A. Recommendations

Members are asked to note and comment upon the progress towards preparing the MPS's Race Equality Scheme.

B. Supporting information

1. Work continues towards publication of a Race Equality Scheme on 31 May and implementation thereafter. The MPS has prepared its draft scheme. In order to facilitate greater understanding and aid promotion of race equality, case studies and borough-based examples of practice will be included within the body of the scheme.

2. The draft scheme has been subject to both internal and external consultation, the first period concluding on 19 April 2002. Feedback and comments will be considered and included where appropriate within the draft scheme. A further period of consultation will take place between 30 April and 7 May 2002.

3. Externally the MPS has consulted with the CRE and London's Race Equality Councils, at a joint MPS/MPA presentation on 13 March. The Independent Advisory Group and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Advisory Group have been consulted.

4. All Borough Commanders have been consulted and through them local communities. The draft scheme has been placed on the MPS Internet site. In addition, the draft scheme was shared with police services and authorities across England and Wales at the recent Hollyroyd Conference.

5. Internally, the draft scheme has been presented to the Diversity Strategy Board, Forum and the RR(A)A Steering Group, through which all statutory and non-statutory minority staff associations are represented. Members of these fora include the MPA, CRE and individuals such as Lord Ouseley. The draft scheme has been placed on the MPS Intranet site, with the scheme advertised in the fortnightly internal publication 'The Job'

6. There has been specific input into key areas of business by the MPS's team working on the Act. Areas include HR Directorate, Directorate of Professional Standards and staff associations.

7. The MPA has provided constructive feedback and this, together with other comments received, is being included in the draft scheme where appropriate.

8. The MPS as part of its overall approach to seeking the outcomes sought by the Act, is continuing to examine the best means of publishing progress on the scheme. Linking this to the annual policing plan is considered to be a worthy idea, and is in the process of further discussion.

9. The MPS is considering the draft MPA scheme and plan and will be providing feedback. The feedback will be given to the authors and the MPA's working group on the Act; an update will be available for the meeting on 9 May.

C. Financial implications

The costs of the work outlined above are being contained within previously agreed budgets.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Frances Smith, Diversity Directorate, MPS.

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