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Report 9 of the 04 July 02 meeting of the Consultation Committee and updates the MPA on the format and progress of the consultation process for the 2003/4 Policing Plan.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Consultation plan for policing priorities

Report: 9
Date: 04 July 2002
By: Clerk


The consultation process for the 2003/4 Policing Plan has commenced with the impending launch of the online consultation facility and the start of the Public Attitude Survey. This report updates the MPA on the format and progress of the consultation process.

A. Recommendations

  1. Members are invited to agree the consultation plan as detailed in this report.

B. Supporting information

1. The Consultation Strategy Management Board (CSMB) met on 11 June and proposed a consultation plan for the 2003/4 Policing Priorities to be considered by Members.


2. The aim of the external consultation process is to identify what Londoners think are the most important operational policing activities for 2003/4.


3. The process intends to be as wide ranging as possible using a number of different, but complimentary approaches.

4. At Borough Level, Borough Operational Command Units (BOCUs) have recently undergone a detailed consultation exercise as part of their 3 year Crime and Disorder Strategy. The results of this consultation will be analysed to feed the 2003/4 Policing Plan. This second use of consultation results also serves to further integrate these two planning cycles. Community Police Consultative Groups (CPCGs) will be consulted by the MPA using the questionnaire at Appendix 1.

5. Through the internet, individual Londoners and groups will be able to register their views online, via the MPS website, between early July and 31 August. There is also a link from the MPA website. The format of the website is very similar to the hard copy questionnaire that is attached at Appendix 1. As an incentive for people to use the online consultation opportunity, respondents will be entered into a draw to win a chance to discuss policing issues with Lord Harris and the Commissioner. The system automatically thanks respondents and feedback will be sent by e-mail.

6. To encompass London Wide views, a focus group of pan London organisations will be held to consult on the emerging issues after the other consultation is analysed. The Public Attitude Survey (PAS) has commenced and its first quarter results will be available in August using the already established format (The results will also be broken down into a Borough basis) The process to review the PAS as outlined in other papers to this meeting will inform future consultation.

7. Certain Priority Groups will be specifically targeted. The MPA and MPS are keen to ensure that the following priority groups have be included in the consultation process:

  • Young people;
  • Older People;
  • Disabled people;
  • Minority Ethnic Communities;
  • People without permanent homes;
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities;
  • Faith Groups;
  • Refugees and asylum seekers;

The list is based on the GLA Best Value Review Of Equalities. BOCU Commanders and CPCGs will ensure that any of these that were not contacted during the Crime and Disorder consultation are now consulted.

MPA/MPS responsibilities

8. The MPA will be responsible for consulting: CPCGs, pan London organisations and will organise the pan London focus group. The MPS will be responsible for the online consultation, PAS and collation of the consultation from crime and disorder strategies. The MPS will audit the consultation of priority groups.

Timescale and Analysis

9. The consultation period ends on 31 August 2002 . The MPA and MPS will conduct initial analysis of their consultation areas. The results will be analysed in the first week of September ready for use by various MPA and MPS committees from 9 September 2002 onwards.

10. A joint meeting of the CSMB and Planning sub group will identify emerging priorities to present to the planning and performance committee on 19 September. In order to meet external timescales, the priorities for 2003/4 will need to be presented to the Full Authority meeting on 31 October. As the next meeting of the Consultation committee is currently scheduled to follow this full authority meeting, it may not be possible for Members to express any views in public beforehand.

C. Financial implications

There are no additional financial implications arising from the contents of this report. The cost of the online consultation can be met from existing budgets.

D. Background papers

Audit Commission/IDeA: 'Measuring Community Involvement' June 2002 (see External links)

E. Contact details

Report author: Superintendent Chas Bailey, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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