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Report 10 of the 04 July 02 meeting of the Consultation Committee and discusses the public attitude survey.

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Public attitude survey

Report: 10
Date: 04 July 2002
By: Commissioner


The Public Attitude Survey (PAS) has been carried out by the MPS for the last 10 years. It is now timely to review its use and focus. This report informs the MPA of the scope of that review and seeks Members views on it.

A. Recommendations

  1. Members are asked to comment and agree upon the scope of the proposed review of the Public Attitude Survey.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPS has carried out the PAS for the last 10 years. It has given an annual snapshot of the public perception of the MPS. The results are widely reported in the media. BOCUs are able to buy additional questions that are pertinent to their needs. To reflect changing needs it has been altered this year to become a quarterly survey with the results broken down to Borough level. This change allows the MPS and BOCUs to get in-year performance data on fear of crime (objective 5). It makes the PAS more dynamic and flexible. It is too early to analyse the impact of these changes. Appendix 1 shows the current PAS questions (see Supporting material).

2. The Best Value Review of Consultation makes two recommendations regarding the PAS:

3. The MPS should continue to have a centrally based survey unit (PIB3) to undertake corporate survey work and advice on local surveys, particularly HQ units;

4. Consideration should be given to combining those aspects of the current Public Attitude Survey required as part of the annual planning cycle with surveys being carried out elsewhere.

In particular the GLA has expressed considerable interest in the joint approach. This may reduce the cost but is unlikely to reduce the time and effort required by staff involved. The main benefit from this approach would be the furtherance of partnership, but it may bring some disadvantages.

5. Both recommendations will be addressed by the review.


6. The MPS now consider that it is timely to review the PAS to ensure that it:

  • meets the needs of the MPA/MPS at BOCU and Service level;
  • covers the optimum range of MPA/MPS activity - e.g. operational policing, diversity, traffic policing, quality of service, fear of crime, planning etc;
  • consults a truly representative group of MPS customers (i.e. has an adequate sample size, and appropriate priority groups are properly represented);
  • gives maximum benefits to both the MPS and MPA whilst representing best value;
  • is co-ordinated with other surveys (e.g. British Crime Survey or GLA surveys) to avoid overlap and maximise scope for collaboration;
  • is disseminated promptly and to the correct audience.

Review methodology

7. The review will be carried out by way of a workshop attended by:

  • Research and Survey Unit of the MPS (PIB 3);
  • Key customers at service and BOCU level;
  • MPA and MPS consultation units,
  • MPS Directorate of Public Affairs

8. The format of the workshop will be to establish what the current value of the PAS is against purpose, determine what we want in the future and then action plan to move to that position.

9. Members may also wish to be involved or alternatively suggest specific areas that the proposed workshop should address.


10. The outcome of the workshop and any recommendations will be presented back to the October Consultation Committee via the Consultation Strategy Management Board.

C. Financial implications

The PAS will cost £186,000 this year that will be met from existing budgets. There may be financial implications arising from the introduction revisions to the PAS, these will be articulated in the report to be presented to Members in October.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Superintendent Chas Bailey, Consultation Unit, MPS

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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